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Media release             10 April 2006


EFJ Backs Protests over Political Interference in Management of Romanian Public Broadcaster


The European Federation of Journalists today supported its Romanian affiliate MediaSind Trade Union, in protests over a vote of the Parliament in Bucharest last week concerning the political appointment of two Administration Boards of the public radio and television.


“Most journalists expect political interference in public broadcasting to be a thing of the past”, said Aidan White, the General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists. “But here we see the Parliament of a European Union candidate country carving up control of public radio and television among their political friends.”


The angry response of journalists’ groups follows the decision on April 5 by the Chamber of Deputies to adopt nomination procedures for the Management Boards of radio and television that will place ten seats in the hands of political parties against only three places for civil society and representatives of the workforce.


Mediasind is organizing a protest in Bucharest in front of the Parliament on Wednesday this week and another one in front of the Government building on Thursday. Romanian journalists also plan to organise a public protest in Brussels next week.


According to the press release of MediaSind, “the criteria of the future members in the Administration Boards are insufficient to guarantee editorial independence”, and “moreover (…) the document does not guarantee financial independence so necessary in order to create a true editorial freedom”.


The EFJ says that this law is serious threat against the independence of the public radio and television in Romania.


“Last year a controversial law on public broadcasting provoked a referendum in Slovenia”, said Aidan White, “and we expect the Romanian authorities to take this topic seriously as well and to launch a proper debate on this issue”.


Messages of support to MediaSind can be sent to:


For further information contact the EFJ at +32 2 235 2200
The EFJ represents over 260,000 journalists in more than 30 countries


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Media Release                                                                         10April 2006


European Journalists Target European Union Over Media Policy


Journalists leaders from across Europe have targeted a crisis over media quality, communications problems with the European Union, rights of freelance journalists and the future of journalism as campaign issues for the coming year.


The European Federation of Journalists annual meeting in Bled, Slovenia, brought together almost 100 representatives of some 30 countries. Delegates agreed to a number of urgent actions to confront the media crisis in Europe including to


·        Vigorously oppose a new communications strategy from the European Union which they fear is an attempt to undermine traditional reporting of the EU and to seek more transparency in financial relations with media;


·        Challenge private and political forces threatening to undermine the long-established European model of public broadcasting and to ensure further support through the revision of the Television Without Frontiers Directive;


·        Campaign at national level for exemption clauses that will protect journalists from the impact of the newly-adopted EU directive on data protection;


·        Launch a new ethical journalism initiative aiming to reinforce editorial independence for journalists as part of a wider campaign to improve quality in journalism; and


·        Support strongly the defence of freelance rights which were highlighted in a special freelance charter unanimously adopted at the meeting.


The meeting, hosted by the Slovenian Journalists Union and the Slovenian Association of Journalists, also focused on problems for journalists in many of the former socialist countries and special resolutions expressing solidarity were adopted concerning Slovenia, Belarus, and Bulgaria.


Two other important initiatives at the meeting were agreed:


·        The launch of a toolkit on media portrayal of women in politics, concluding a European union-sponsored project that aims to confront problems of gender discrimination in news media coverage of women in political life; and


·        The adoption of a plan to organise a network of journalists’ unions from new member countries of the EU and other countries from the former socialist and Soviet states to confront continuing problems over media freedom and ownership rights.


“The challenges we in journalism face are clear,” said Arne Konig, Chair of the EFJ after the meeting. “But our problems are made worse when politicians fail to grasp the importance of media to democracy and our proprietors fail to understand the importance of quality. We have to change these attitudes.”


For further information contact the EFJ at +32 2 235 22 00
The EFJ represents over 260,000 journalists in more than 30 countries


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SEEMO Protest Bulgaria
H.E. Sergei Stanishev

Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria
Fax: +359 2 980 20 56

H.E. Rumen Yordanov Petkov
Minister of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria
Fax: +359 2 987 79 67

Vienna, 10 April 2006

Your Excellencies,

The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists from South East Europe and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), is alarmed about a recent assassination attempt on a Bulgarian journalist.

According to information before SEEMO, on 6 April 2006, a bomb exploded in front of the house of Vassil Ivanov, an investigative reporter for Nova TV channel. The explosion destroyed his apartment, and smashed the windows of the building and the cars parked nearby, but luckily nobody was injured.
Ivanov suspected the assault might have been connected to his reporting on crime and his investigative stories.

SEEMO strongly condemns this bomb attack, which was a clear attempt to kill the journalist and his family. Journalists should be able to work freely, without their life being threatened due to their reporting.

We urge Your Excellencies to do everything in your power to stop these practices and to prevent such cases from happening in the future, as well as to secure safe working conditions for journalists. SEEMO would also like to remind Your Excellencies that an open media environment allowing for the free flow of information is a fundamental principle of any democratic society.

We thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,

Oliver Vujovic
SEEMO Secretary General

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Media Release                                                                         7 April 2006


Justice Denied and Media Killings That Haunt the Democratic World


The International Federation of Journalists today called on the United Nations and theUnited States government in particular to lead a new campaign against impunity in the killing of journalists and media staff. IFJ unions around the world have joined co-ordinated protests to mark April 8th, the international day of protest over impunity and hundreds of cases of murder and assassination of media staff that have gone unpunished.


In particular, IFJ unions are protesting over the continued speculation that there have been targeted killings of journalists in Iraq , where there have been more around 20 media deaths at the hands of US soldiers which have still not been properly explained.


“Three years after the war in Iraq began more than 100 journalists and media staff have lost their lives,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “And in many of these cases we still do not have concrete answers to hard questions about who is responsible and what happened.”


The IFJ and its affiliates have sent letters of protest to national governments and to the United States governments calling on the US to carry out exhaustive investigation into all cases where journalists have been killed at the hands of US troops.


April 8th marks the third anniversary of the United States attack on Baghdad’s Palestine Hotel, which at the time contained scores of reporters and media people reporting on the US invasion. Two journalists were killed and others wounded. On the same morning, a journalist was killed when the Baghdad offices of the Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera was attacked by US fighter planes. The IFJ accuses the US of carrying out “whitewash” reports of media killings and says in some cases there have been no reports at all.


This year the IFJ has also drawn attention to the crisis of impunity elsewhere including the case of Georgy Gongadze in the Ukraine, an investigative reporter who was beheaded by killers who are thought to be linked to the government of former President Leonid Kuchma, in Latin America where, says the IFJ, only a handful of some 300 murders of media staff in recent years have ever been properly investigated, and in the Philippines which, after Iraq, has been the most dangerous country in the world for journalists.


“In all of these cases the ordeal of family, friends and colleagues of media victims continues as they wait for justice from the authorities about how and why their loved ones died,” said White.


The IFJ says that the April 8th has come to symbolise for many the crisis of impunity which sees scores of journalists killed in targeted assassinations each year, but few are the subject of serious investigation and only a handful ever lead to prosecution of those responsible. Last year the IFJ recorded 150 media deaths – 89 of them killed in the exercise of their professional work.


“The IFJ recognises that most targeted journalists are the victims of cruel extremists with whom it is impossible to make a moral compact and we condemn unreservedly those attacks and the people behind the current wave of hostage taking in Iraq which saw the kidnapping of our colleague Jill Carroll of the Christian Science Monitor, and the two Iraqi journalists Rim Zeid and Marwan Khazaal of Sumariya TV. We are pleased that Jill has been freed. Now we will campaign vigorously for the release of colleagues still held and for the isolation, arrest and trial of all those responsible for murder and kidnapping of journalists,” said White.


But at the same time, the IFJ says the international community must defend traditions of liberty and justice by addressing the concerns of journalists around the world.


“We need a prompt and convincing response to the questions raised over every case of impunity in the killing of media staff, “said White. “The United Nations must do more to end targeting of journalists and media and make sure that all governments meet their obligations to protect media staff when they are carrying out legitimate professional activity.”

For further information contact the IFJ at +32 2 235 22 00
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries

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NEW YORK - "New York Post", jedan je od najèitanijih dnevnih listova, ovih se dana našao usred nezapamæenog skandala kada je jedan od njegovih novinara postao predmetom federalne istrage. Naime, izvori bliski istrazi tvrde da je skrivenom videokamerom snimljen Jared Paul Stern, 35-godišnji novinar traè-rubrike tog lista, kako od kalifornijskog milijardera Ronalda W. Burklea traži 100 tisuæa amerièkih dolara odmah i još 10 tisuæa svakog mjeseca u zamjenu za Burkleovo spominjanje u "negativnom kontekstu". Prièa je poèela nakon što su se u "New York Postu" poèeli pojavljivati èlanci koji iznose mnoge neugodne èinjenice o Burkleovu životu. Sterna je list odmah suspendirao.

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DUBLIN - Predsjednik Hrvatskog zbora sportskih novinara (HZSN) Jura Ozmec Izabran je juèer na kongresu u Dublinu za dopredsjednika Europskog udruženja sportskih novinara (UEPS). Ozmec je u glasovanju za dopredsjednika izabran s najviše glasova u konkurenciji šest protukandidata. U prvom krugu su Bugarin Efremov, Islanðanin Erlingsson, Rumunj Fantane i Rus Rosošik odustali, a potom je u odluènom glasovanju Ozmec pobijedio Francuza Jean-Paula Savarta. Ozmecovo imenovanje svojevrsno je priznanje HZSN-u koji sada u UEPS-u, organizaciji koja veæ 28 godina okuplja sportske novinare iz 38 europskih zemalja, prvi put ima dopredsjednika. UEPS je juèer u Dublinu dobio i novog predsjednika - Poljaka Jerzyja Jakobzea, koji æe na toj dužnosti zamijeniti Leifa Nilssona. U Dublinu je uz Ozmeca bio i èlan Izvršnog odbora HZSN-a Goran Èop.

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Odvjetnik Vladimir Gredelj odbacuje kao neutemeljene optužbe da je njegov klijent Nenad Šepiæ naglo nestao. Potvrðuje njegov sastanak, kako kaže, s djelatnicima odreðenih službi. Objašnjava razloge kaznene prijave protiv Mladena Bajiæa te najavljuje tužbu protiv Globusa.

VL: Kamo je nestao vaš klijent proteklih nekoliko dana? Nedostupan je javnosti i novinarima.
Gredelj: Moj klijent nije nikamo nestao. Uredno obnaša dužnost suca Visokoga trgovaèkoga suda. Ne skriva se i nema razloga za to. Zato nisu toène insinuacije da mu se gubi svaki trag. On samo više javno ne nastupa, a to nije ni èudno jer nakon iskustava s medijima i napisima, odluèio je komunicirati s javnošæu preko odvjetnika. Mediji bi se sada mogli pozabaviti onim što je rekao.

VL: Je li vaš klijent odustao od javnih nastupa nakon što je razgovarao s ljudima iz POA-e i Državnoga odvjetništva? Je li na njega izvršen pritisak?
Gredelj: Najodluènije odbacujem takve insinuacije. Kako ga se u medijima oslikava kao manipulatora i sitnoga doušnika POA-e, moram kazati da je istina da su prije nekoliko dana, nakon izbijanja afere, s mojim klijentom kontaktirali djelatnici odreðenih službi. Tada je zamoljen da o sadržaju i dokumentaciji koju je predao ne govori. Stoga je prisiljen odbiti odgovoriti s kim je i o èemu razgovarao. Na taj sastanak otišao je na zamolbu druge strane.

VL: Dobro, koliko je tih sastanaka bilo? Vaš klijent jednom kaže da su se sastali u restoranu, a drugi put u uredu Visokoga trgovaèkoga suda?
Gredelj: Razumijem vaš interes za tu temu, ali nemam ovlaštenja davati šire odgovore.

VL: Ali POA je prvi put u svojoj povijesti demantirala neki novinski tekst koji je sugerirao da obraðuje suprugu Mladena Bajiæa nakon prijave suca Šepiæa?
Gredelj: Ponavljam, moj klijent je zamoljen da o sadržaju razgovora i o dokumentaciji koju je predao u interesu utvrðivanja istine javno ne govori.

VL: Tko je dao dokumete koji su objavljeni u zadnjem broju Globusa i koji vašeg klijenta povezuju s kriminalnim miljeom?
Gredelj: Glavno pitanje je to o kakvoj bi se dokumentaciji uopæe radilo. Moram vam kazati da se oglasila i Udruga hrvatskih sudaca, koja oštro osuðuje ovakav naèin praæenja rada sudaca i sudova. Krajnje je vrijeme da netko u Hrvatskoj kaže kako kaznena prijava nije nikakav dokaz. Moj klijent najodluènije odbacuje postojanje bilo kakvih dokaza o njegovoj krivnji.

VL: Zašto se deset godina nakon dogaðaja i pet godina od kaznene prijave otvara sluèaj Šepiæ?
Gredelj: Dojmljiva je koincidencija da se sluèaj Šepiæ otvara kad se on kandidira za predsjednika suda. Moje je mišljenje da onima koji imaju stvarnu moæ ne odgovara izbor Šepiæa na èelo tog suda. Oni jednostavno èine sve kako bi se na to mjesto dovelo nekoga tko je spreman slušati. Pitanje je hoæe li se to sada dogoditi. Umjesto da se mediji pozabave onim što je sudac Šepiæ kazao, a neki su ga nazvali i žviždaèem, njemu se sada prijeti.

VL: Ali svi su demantirali vašega klijenta?
Gredelj: Kad je Nenad Šepiæ progovorio, Šariniæ je kazao da nije na ti s njim. Otac i sin Crniæ kazali su da je to gesta jednoga oèajnika. Bajiæ je rekao: otkada je on na èelu Državnoga odvjetništva, nema doniranih stvari. E buduæi da se toj gospodi apsolutno vjeruje, moram biti ironièan, a moj klijent mora dokazivati svoju nevinost, onda su stvari unaprijed postavljene. Dakle, svi natežu i potežu moga klijenta, a spomenutu gospodu nitko ništa ne pita. Moj se klijent pita je li trebao išta javno govoriti.

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Sredinom prošle godine Protuobavještajna agencija ispitala je prodaju "Veèernjeg lista" austrijskoj tvrtki Styria te utvrdila da nezakonitosti u tom postupku nije bilo.

Kratku informaciju o provoðenju te obavještajne obrade juèer je dobio i saborski Odbor za unutarnju politiku i nacionalnu sigurnost, pred kojim su se našla izvješæa o radu tajnih službi u prošloj godini.

Sanader se ogradio
Informacija je, kako doznajemo, štura, svedena na samo nekoliko redaka u izvješæu i bez dodatnih objašnjenja koja bi otkrila što je zapravo motiviralo POA-u da se pozabavi odavno zakljuèenom prièom o privatizaciji Veèernjeg lista. U izvješæu stoji tek da je istraga napravljena na temelju novinskih napisa koji su prodaju Veèernjeg lista Styriji ponovno stavili pod sumnju. Ponovno otvaranje sluèaja prodaje Veèernjaka poklapa se, inaèe, s serijom nepoæudnih napisa o vlasti.

Vrh državne vlasti, naime, tada je zaprijetio moguænošæu nove revizije. Od tih se optužbi ogradila i redakcija i uprava Styrije. Premijer Sanader još je tada izjavio da se Vlada nije i neæe baviti takvim stvarima. Predsjednik Mesiæ, i nakon toga još je u nekoliko navrata komentirao ureðivaèku politiku Veèernjeg lista, ali i ostalih medija.

"Neposlušni" medij
Èlanovi Odbora za unutarnju politiku i nacionalnu sigurnost obvezni su èuvati podatke zaštiæene oznakom tajnosti, pa se tako ni u sluèaju Veèernji list nisu htjeli upuštati u nagaðanja motiva.

Doznali smo tek da rasprave zapravo nije ni bilo jer su se više bavili cjelovitim radom službi i odnosima u samom Odboru.

Moguænost da je u sluèaju Veèernjaka vlast iskoristila POA-u za discipliniranje "neposlušnog" medija èlanovi Odbora nisu željeli komentirati. Tek je Damir Kajin iz IDS-a naèelno kazao da nije dobro da postoji sumnja da se službama manipulira u interesu vladajuæe garniture.

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Sredinom prošle godine Protuobavještajna agencija ispitala je prodaju "Veèernjeg lista" austrijskoj tvrtki Styria te utvrdila da nezakonitosti u tom postupku nije bilo.

Kratku informaciju o provoðenju te obavještajne obrade juèer je dobio i saborski Odbor za unutarnju politiku i nacionalnu sigurnost, pred kojim su se našla izvješæa o radu tajnih službi u prošloj godini.

Sanader se ogradio
Informacija je, kako doznajemo, štura, svedena na samo nekoliko redaka u izvješæu i bez dodatnih objašnjenja koja bi otkrila što je zapravo motiviralo POA-u da se pozabavi odavno zakljuèenom prièom o privatizaciji Veèernjeg lista. U izvješæu stoji tek da je istraga napravljena na temelju novinskih napisa koji su prodaju Veèernjeg lista Styriji ponovno stavili pod sumnju. Ponovno otvaranje sluèaja prodaje Veèernjaka poklapa se, inaèe, s serijom nepoæudnih napisa o vlasti.

Vrh državne vlasti, naime, tada je zaprijetio moguænošæu nove revizije. Od tih se optužbi ogradila i redakcija i uprava Styrije. Premijer Sanader još je tada izjavio da se Vlada nije i neæe baviti takvim stvarima. Predsjednik Mesiæ, i nakon toga još je u nekoliko navrata komentirao ureðivaèku politiku Veèernjeg lista, ali i ostalih medija.

"Neposlušni" medij
Èlanovi Odbora za unutarnju politiku i nacionalnu sigurnost obvezni su èuvati podatke zaštiæene oznakom tajnosti, pa se tako ni u sluèaju Veèernji list nisu htjeli upuštati u nagaðanja motiva.

Doznali smo tek da rasprave zapravo nije ni bilo jer su se više bavili cjelovitim radom službi i odnosima u samom Odboru.

Moguænost da je u sluèaju Veèernjaka vlast iskoristila POA-u za discipliniranje "neposlušnog" medija èlanovi Odbora nisu željeli komentirati. Tek je Damir Kajin iz IDS-a naèelno kazao da nije dobro da postoji sumnja da se službama manipulira u interesu vladajuæe garniture.

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Sredinom prošle godine Protuobavještajna agencija ispitala je prodaju "Veèernjeg lista" austrijskoj tvrtki Styria te utvrdila da nezakonitosti u tom postupku nije bilo.

Kratku informaciju o provoðenju te obavještajne obrade juèer je dobio i saborski Odbor za unutarnju politiku i nacionalnu sigurnost, pred kojim su se našla izvješæa o radu tajnih službi u prošloj godini.

Sanader se ogradio
Informacija je, kako doznajemo, štura, svedena na samo nekoliko redaka u izvješæu i bez dodatnih objašnjenja koja bi otkrila što je zapravo motiviralo POA-u da se pozabavi odavno zakljuèenom prièom o privatizaciji Veèernjeg lista. U izvješæu stoji tek da je istraga napravljena na temelju novinskih napisa koji su prodaju Veèernjeg lista Styriji ponovno stavili pod sumnju. Ponovno otvaranje sluèaja prodaje Veèernjaka poklapa se, inaèe, s serijom nepoæudnih napisa o vlasti.

Vrh državne vlasti, naime, tada je zaprijetio moguænošæu nove revizije. Od tih se optužbi ogradila i redakcija i uprava Styrije. Premijer Sanader još je tada izjavio da se Vlada nije i neæe baviti takvim stvarima. Predsjednik Mesiæ, i nakon toga još je u nekoliko navrata komentirao ureðivaèku politiku Veèernjeg lista, ali i ostalih medija.

"Neposlušni" medij
Èlanovi Odbora za unutarnju politiku i nacionalnu sigurnost obvezni su èuvati podatke zaštiæene oznakom tajnosti, pa se tako ni u sluèaju Veèernji list nisu htjeli upuštati u nagaðanja motiva.

Doznali smo tek da rasprave zapravo nije ni bilo jer su se više bavili cjelovitim radom službi i odnosima u samom Odboru.

Moguænost da je u sluèaju Veèernjaka vlast iskoristila POA-u za discipliniranje "neposlušnog" medija èlanovi Odbora nisu željeli komentirati. Tek je Damir Kajin iz IDS-a naèelno kazao da nije dobro da postoji sumnja da se službama manipulira u interesu vladajuæe garniture.

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Media Release                                                                                     7 April 2006


IFJ Report Accuses Belarus over Climate of Repression during Election Campaign


The International Federation of Journalists today accused the Belarus authorities over a “climate of repression” which has faced journalists before, during and since the presidential election held 19 March. The IFJ said the government had responsibility for the intimidating atmosphere surrounding the work of journalists in a report delivered to the annual meeting of the European Federation of Journalists today.


“Since Lukashenko became president ten years ago his government has set out on a deliberate and relentless path to return Belarus media to the pre-Glasnost days of the Soviet-style control”, said Oliver Money-Kyrle, IFJ Project Director. “They have created a climate of repression that has come close to stifling the voice of independent journalism.”


The report documents measures taken by the authorities to target and intimidate Belarus media over the years and reveals the conditions under which Belarus journalists are forced to work daily and how the pressure on journalists has been amplified in the run up to the Presidential election.


The report cites in particular:

 ·        The arrest of over 30 Belarusian journalists and eight foreign journalists, during and immediately after the Presidential election;

 ·        Complete censorship of state media, which has been used as propaganda and  consistently portrayed Lukashenko as the defender of peace and stability while  opposition figures have been cast as harbingers of chaos, poverty and lawlessness;

 ·        Numerous attempts to intercept distribution of private newspapers during the election campaign;

 ·        The exclusion of the majority of remaining private media from access to the state printing and distribution systems since January, forcing newspapers to print in Russia and transport across border.


The IFJ says that the independent Belarus Association of Journalist played a crucial role in monitoring and recording all incidents and alerting the world to the constant oppression facing Belarus journalists


“The only thing preventing the total return of Soviet style media to Belarus is the courage and determination of the members of the Belarus Association of Journalists,” added Arne König, Chair of the European Federation of Journalists. “All journalists across Europe will support their struggle for free journalism in Belarus .”



For further information contact the IFJ at +32 2 235 22 00
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries

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7 April 2006


Bomb explodes at home of investigative journalist


SOURCE: Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), New York


(CPJ/IFEX) - The following is a 6 April 2006 CPJ press release:


In Bulgaria, bomb explodes at home of investigative journalist


New York, April 6, 2006 - An early morning explosion today rocked the Sofia apartment of Vasil Ivanov, a Nova Television investigative reporter who recently uncovered abuse of inmates in Sofia Central Prison, local and international press reports said. No injuries were reported, but the bomb caused extensive damage.


The 2-pound (1 kilogram) bomb was detonated around 3 a.m. outside the door to Ivanov's apartment, shattering the walls and destroying furniture. Ivanov was not at home and his mother and sister, who were sleeping inside, were not injured. The blast also damaged the building's elevators, windows, and common areas, the news Web side Mediapool reported.


Ivanov, 33, edits and reports for the program "Temata na Nova" (Nova's Theme), where he has covered sensitive subjects such as high-level corruption and abuse of office, Krasimira Krasteva, director of Nova Television's news department, told CPJ today.


"The entire Bulgarian press corps is shaken by this brutal attack on our colleague," Krasteva told CPJ.


Ivanov's latest report was a two-part series on inmate abuse in the Bulgarian capital's main prison. The series, which aired on "Temata na Nova" over the past three weeks, prompted the Ministry of Justice to begin an internal probe and fire the prison's director. The report described prisoners sexually abusing and humiliating other inmates, allegedly with prison officials' knowledge. Ivanov filmed the abuse using a phone camera, local press reports said.


Ivanov received anonymous threats several months ago, Krasteva said, following an investigation into illegal car sales. The Ministry of Interior assigned police protection to Ivanov in response to the threats. Authorities also launched a criminal probe into the car sales and made one arrest. "It is not just that he [Ivanov] uncovers corruption," Krasteva said. "It's also the fact that his reports produce results and lead to consequences for the corrupt."


Ivanov told colleagues today that he is determined to continue working. He also met with Bulgarian Minister of Interior Rumen Petkov, who assured him that the attack will be investigated thoroughly, Krasteva said.


The bombing comes at a sensitive political time. To gain acceptance into the European Union, Bulgaria must demonstrate that it can crack down on corruption and organized crime. The EU will decide on May 16 whether to grant Bulgaria entry in 2007 or delay it by another year.


"We call on Bulgarian authorities to aggressively investigate the motives behind this attack on our colleague Vasil Ivanov and bring the perpetrators to justice," CPJ Executive Director Ann Cooper said.


CPJ is a New York-based, independent, nonprofit organization that works to safeguard press freedom worldwide. For more information, visit


For further information, contact Alex Lupis (x101) or Nina Ognianova (x106) at CPJ, 330 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10001, U.S.A., tel: +1 212 465 1004, fax: +1 212 465 9568, e-mail:, Internet:


The information contained in this alert is the sole responsibility of CPJ. In citing this material for broadcast or publication, please credit CPJ.




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Tema HTV-ove emisiji Otvoreno, emitirane u utorak, trebala je biti sudbina izdavaèke kuæe Vjesnik. Rasprava se veæ u poèetku razvodnila. U trenutku kada se postavlja pitanje kuda i kamo ide hrvatsko novinarstvo i koliko je ono ozbiljno, slijedi vrhunac. Tema je Vjesnik, u studiju Dragutin Luèiæ (HND), Denis Kuljiš (EPH), Boris Rašeta (24 sata) i bivši glavni urednici Vjesnika Igor Mandiæ i Andrea Latinoviæ, svi izdavaèi nacionalnih dnevnih novina osim Veèernjeg lista.

Zgrožen nad Gospom
Voditelj izvlaèi Veèernji list i kao primjer neozbiljnog novinarstva pokazuje dvije naslovnice Veèernjeg lista od protekla dva dana. Mladi kolega izražava èuðenje pred gledateljima HTV-a nad dvjema temama vjerskog karaktera koje su dominirale naslovnicama. Zgrozio se nad naslovima "Meðugorje na godišnjicu smrti Ivana Pavla II Ukazanje" i "Mirjana, dan nakon ukazanja Gospa je sve tužnija i plaèe". Gosti zbunjeno gledaju, šute i meškolje se u foteljama, voditelj èeka. gosti i dalje šute i šuškaju nešto izmeðu sebe... Idemo dalje...

To što je mladi kolega Štefaniæ odradio još jednu konfuznu emisiju, što nije bilo zakljuèka, što se rasprava razvodnila, što su naši kolege iz Vjesnika u istim nedoumicama u kakvima su bili i prije emisije, to je stvar njegovih urednika i HTV-a, ali mi u Veèernjem listu želimo znati zašto u emisiju nije pozvan nitko iz najveæih, najèitanijih i najprodavanijih hrvatskih novina, èije su naslovnice korištene kao ilustracija i podloga za željeni razgovor.

Zašto se voditelj izrugivao s ukazanjem poznate meðugorske vidjelice Mirjane Soldo toèno na godišnjicu smrti Hrvatima omiljenog pape Ivana Pavla II? Fenomen koji izaziva pozornost i štovanje milijuna ljudi širom svijeta, za mladog kolegu Štefaniæa predmet je izrugivanja i potvrda neozbiljnog novinarstva Veèernjeg lista.

To što Štefaniæ nema elementarnog poštovanja prema kolegama iz naše redakcije i novinama koje proizvodimo može biti njegovo privatno mišljenje, ali njegovo zgražanje nad novinarskom obradom fenomena Gospe u Meðugorju vrijeðanje je vjerskih osjeæaja gledatelja televizije na kojoj radi, ali i osjeæaja èitatelja Veèernjeg lista.

Bez analize
Kolega Štefaniæ tijekom emisije nije iznio ni jedan podatak o novinama koje je spominjao, bilo da se radi o podacima vezanim uz prodaju, èitanost ili analizu sadržaja. Ozbiljna emisija poput Otvorenog mogla se poslužiti i nekim relevantnim istraživanjem, pozvati osobe koje se bave privatizacijom Vjesnika kako bi se doznalo što æe biti s kolegama novinarima. Ili je bilo važno samo "odraditi posao".

Na kraju i ne èudi da se u emisiju javio znakovito mali broj gledatelja koji su odgovorili na više nego retorièko i nemušto "daltonistièki" postavljeno pitanje o žutom novinarstvu u Hrvatskoj.

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EFJ Supports Strike as Spanish Broadcast Staff Fight “Savage” Job Cuts 


The European group of the International Federation of Journalists, the European Federation of Journalists, today supported strikers at Spanish public broadcaster RTVE, who are protesting against dramatic restructuring plans that threaten more than 3000 jobs.


“This is a savage strategy of cutbacks that threatens not only livelihoods but the quality of public broadcasting in Spain,” said EFJ Chair Arne König. “Coming on top of the shocking redundancies affecting hundreds at the BBC last year, the RTVE plans show that public broadcasting is experiencing a deep crisis in Europe. No-one is against well-managed reform, but there is no excuse for draconian planning that threatens up to 40% of the workforce. That is no way to defend independence, professionalism and quality in the public service”.


On 10 March RTVE management presented a restructuring plan that involves lay-offs for 3,133 employees and eliminates a further 1,300 temporary contracts. The cuts will hit 39% of the workforce. The management plan aims to contract out most production work in a move that unions say will bring in private interests, more commercialism and will weaken the quality of public service programming.


The EFJ says that after decades of political interference in broadcasting, the country should enjoy a fully independent public service system “The public yearns for a genuinely independent and quality-oriented broadcasting service”, said König. “But quality is not achieved by drastic cuts in the workforce and by putting programme creation in private sector hands. This is a terrible setback for democratic values in media.”


The Spanish Parliament is to debate a report drafted by a special group of experts on the proposals. Meanwhile, Spanish journalists and media staff affiliated to the EFJ are organising protests and campaigning for public support to fight the cuts.


The EFJ is calling on the authorities and the management to respect the concerns of trades unionists and newsroom staff and to respond to today’s protest strike with a commitment to negotiate. “The only way to achieve an agreed and sensible framework for restructuring is through negotiation, not by imposing unacceptable and impossible conditions” said König.



For further information contact the EFJ at +32 2 235 2202

The EFJ represents over 260,000 journalists in more than 30 countries



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1. Australia: New Spying Law Poses Severe Threat to Press Freedom
2. Thailand: Media Outlets Attacked by Pro-Government Protesters
3. Philippines: Journalist Shot Dead
4. Mexico: Newspapers Unite to Fight Impunity in Murders of Journalists
5. Chile: IPYS, ARTICLE 19 File Brief to Defend Access to Information

6. Access to Information Vital to Improving Reproductive and Sexual Health: ARTICLE 19

7. Internews Seeks Manager for Indonesian Community Radio Project

8. Anna Lindh Foundation Journalist Award for Cultural Diversity
9. PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Awards Honour Algerian Journalist, Turkmen Writer

10. Foundations of Freedom of Expression
11. International Libel and Privacy Handbook



The Australian Senate has approved a bill that would give authorities powers to intercept phone calls, e-mails and text messages of citizens, a move seen by the Media, Arts and Entertainment Alliance (MEAA) and Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontières, RSF) as a serious threat to press freedom. 

Spies, police and other security agencies will be able to use warrants to tap phones belonging to a suspect's family, friends, colleagues and lawyer, says MEAA. Other agencies, such as the Australian Tax Office, Customs, and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), will have the power to access stored communications such as e-mail and SMS text messaging.

MEAA argues that the legislation targets anyone who interacts with suspects of serious crimes, even though they are not themselves suspected of anything. It also says the law poses a threat to journalists. "Journalists who contact terror suspects for a story may have their phones tapped, giving authorities access not only to conversations with the suspect but also those of other, innocent sources," says MEAA. This would jeopardise the ability of journalists to maintain source confidentiality.

RSF notes that existing laws already place undue pressures on journalists. Australia's Anti-Terrorism Act, adopted in December 2005, provides for sentences of up to five years in prison for contacting a terrorism suspect. Journalists investigating terrorist activities could be arrested by the police, especially if they publish the names of suspects. Reporters do not have the right to refuse to reveal their sources in terrorism cases, and security forces can raid news organisations in order to search for evidence in such cases.

Visit these links:
- RSF:
- New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties:
- Australia's Anti-Terrorism Laws:



In Thailand, a series of attacks on critical media outlets in the days leading up to the 2 April 2006 elections prompted calls of concern from the Thai Journalists Association (TJA), the Southeast Asia Press Alliance (SEAPA), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

On 30 March, some 3,000 demonstrators besieged the offices of "Kom Chad Leuk", a newspaper owned by the independent Nation Group after it published remarks by Sondhi Limthongkul, a prominent media tycoon, that were perceived as insulting to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and to Thailand's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, reported TJA and SEAPA. Another 2,000 demonstrators surrounded the Nation Group's head offices and threatened to use violence against the company's staff.

"Kom Chad Leuk" had published an article on 24 March quoting Sondhi as saying that Thaksin's lengthy stay in power obliged the King to take action. The newspaper's chief editors apologised for the story and fired the reporter and editor responsible for the article.

On the same day, supporters of Thaksin attacked Prachuab Wangjai, an editor at the Nation Channel television network, at Chiang Mai University while he was covering a political rally held by the opposition Democrats Party. Prachuab was punched in the head as he and his team were getting ready to leave the rally.

"Kom Chad Luek" has been harassed by the Thai government in the past. More than 20 criminal defamation suits have been filed by government agencies, officials, and their related business interests since Thaksin came to power in 2001, CPJ notes. In 2002, after the paper published many critical news stories, the government ordered a probe into the financial accounts of several senior Nation Group editors, including chief editor and company founder Suthichai Yoon and senior editor Thepchai Yong. A court later ruled that the government probe was unlawful.

In response to the attacks, the TJA has called on the country's media associations and outlets to join forces to counteract attacks on the press. 

Visit these links:
- TJA:
- CPJ:
- IFJ:
- Thaksin to Step Down:


The Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) is investigating whether a journalist shot dead on 2 April 2006 in Tarlac City, the Philippines, was killed because of his work. Orlando Mendoza, a columnist who wrote for several local newspapers, was ambushed by unidentified gunmen while on his way home, and sustained fatal wounds to his head and body.

Mendoza, 58, wrote for the "Tarlac Profile" and acted as the editor-in-chief of another newspaper, "Tarlac Patrol". Mendoza was also the vice president of the Camp Marabulos Press Club and a director of the Tarlac chapter of the Central Luzon Media Association (CMLA).

He worked at the local municipal office as a "documentation consultant" on land disputes, according to CLMA. Mendoza used to work in the local office of the Department of Agrarian Reform, a government agency tasked with implementing and managing land reform in the country.

As a journalist, Mendoza wrote columns which did not attack specific individuals or organisations, according to local journalists. However, Mendoza was charged with libel last month by a local faction of the Philippine Guardian Brotherhood, a military fraternity, for vilifying them in his columns. The charge was dismissed by a local court in late March.

The Philippines is widely considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. In 2005, nine were killed, according to the International Press Institute (IPI).

Visit these links:
- CMFR Analysis of Journalist's Killings:
- National Union of Journalists of the Philippines:
- Southeast Asian Press Alliance:
- IPI:
- International Federation of Journalists:
- Committee to Protect Journalists:
- Reporters Without Borders:



More than 100 newspapers in Mexico have published the first of a series of investigative articles aimed at breaking through the mystery surrounding the unsolved murders of journalists in the country, reports the Inter American Press Association (IAPA).

On 3 April 2006, newspapers simultaneously published a report on the disappearance of Alfredo Jiménez Mota, 26, who covered drug trafficking for "El Imparcial", a daily newspaper in Hermosillo, Sonora, which is near the U.S. border. Jiménez Mota has not been seen since 2 April 2005. At the time of his disappearance, he was investigating drug traffickers and organised crime, who are responsible for the majority of journalists murdered in recent years.

The report named and described familes in Sonora state who have ties to drug trafficking, and pointed to evidence that Jimenez's likely abductor was Raul Enriquez Parra, an alleged smuggler whose tortured body was found in November 2005 after being thrown from a plane.

Dubbed the Phoenix Project, the collaboration between Mexican newspapers comes in response to worsening violence against the press and lack of government will in solving the murders of journalists. Since March 2004, 11 journalists have been killed in the country, according to IAPA. 

With support from the Knight Foundation, IAPA has been supporting efforts to fight impunity in Mexico. Last August, IAPA organised a meeting of publishers and editors from northern Mexico, where a declaration was signed by 40 news executives who pledged to work together to fight impunity.

The Phoenix Project is made up of a team of eight reporters from various newspapers who are tasked with investigating crimes against journalists. IAPA says it hopes other journalists, including those from radio and television, will participate in the project to widen coverage of the investigations.

Visit these links:
- Report on Jiménez Mota:
- IAPA Report on Mexico:
- RSF:
- CBS News:
- IPI Report on Mexico:
- "Not One More" Campaign:


Five civil society organisations, including the Institute for Press and Society (Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, IPYS) and ARTICLE 19, have filed an amicus curiae brief with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, urging it to rule that the American Convention on Human Rights guarantees the right to access information held by public bodies.

This week, the Court is holding a hearing in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the case "Marcel Claude Reyes and Others v. Chile". Claude Reyes and two colleagues are challenging Chilean court rulings that have denied them the right to obtain information from the government about a controversial logging project known as the Condor River project. The environmental activist had requested information about the environmental record of Trillium Ltd, the U.S. company backing the project.

IPYS and ARTICLE 19, along with the Open Society Institute Justice Initiative, Libertad de Información Mexico, Asociación Civil (LIMAC) and Access Info Europe, argue in their brief that the Convention - to which Chile is a signatory - guarantees citizens the right to access information held by public authorities.

In its 27-year history, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has never ruled on whether the Convention provides for the right to access government-held information. If it rules in favour of Claude Reyes, Chile will have to change its laws to reflect that right. Other countries in the region that have signed the Convention will also need to re-assess their laws. A decision on the case is expected in three to four months.

The brief is available at:

- Inter-American Court of Human Rights:
- American Convention on Human Rights:


Access to information is a vital component of any serious strategy to promote and protect
the right to reproductive and sexual health, argues ARTICLE 19 in a new report published in collaboration with the Institute for Press and Society (Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, IPYS) and the Flora Tristán Centre for Peruvian Women.

"Time for Change: Promoting and Protecting Access to Information and Reproductive and Sexual Health Rights in Peru" examines how Peru's access to information law, enacted in 2002, has benefited women, particularly those living in poor areas. The report reveals that one of the most vulnerable groups in Peruvian society is women.

"Reproductive and sexual health choices are impacted by the large gap between women and the health system caused by differences in socio-economic conditions, culture, language, education and religion. With decisions about family planning policies being taken by politicians and heavily influenced by religious hierarchies and pharmaceutical companies, the views of women's groups are often overlooked," the report finds.

The report is available in:


Internews Europe is seeking to hire a Project Director to manage a community radio initiative in Indonesia for a 12-month term. Reporting to the Internews Country Director in Indonesia, the Project Director will be responsible for managing a local staff of seven and guiding the development of a new organisation called Pro Media Indonesia.

He or she will also lead and participate in the development of a community radio training curriculum at three universities; supervise the development of Community Radio Support Centres at several local universities; manage a basic technical and journalism skills training programme for 30 community stations; and develop management and intermediate journalism training programmes for these stations.

The closing date for applications is 30 April 2006.

For full details, visit:


The Anna Lindh Foundation and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) are accepting entries for a new award aimed at promoting better understanding of the diversity of cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The Anna Lindh Foundation Journalist Award for Cultural Diversity is open to journalists between the ages of 25 and 35 who work for print or online media in the following countries: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Morocco, Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom. 

Applicants must submit one article or a series of articles that have been published between 1 June 2005 and 1 June 2006 in any print or online media in the above countries.  The articles should depict cultural diversity and inspire exchange and intercultural dialogue among citizens of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Award winners will be invited on a guided tour of four countries to explore and report on important issues of cultural dialogue and diversity. The tour will include meetings with high-level government officials and representatives of non-governmental organisations. They will also have their prize-winning articles published in a booklet.

The awards will be presented to the winners at a ceremony on 10 September 2006 - the day the late Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh was assassinated.

The deadline for submitting entries is 1 June 2006.

For more information, visit:


An Algerian newspaper publisher serving a two-and-a-half year prison sentence for criticising senior government officials and a Turkmen novelist whose books have been banned for offending the president have been named winners of the 2006 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Awards.

Mohammed Benchicou has been imprisoned since 14 June 2004 on charges of libel and illegally bringing money into the country. His newspaper, "Le Matin", was closed in August after it was ordered to pay a fine of 20m dinars (US$280,000). There are also 50 pending cases against Benchicou for charges dating back to 2002.

According to PEN American Center (PEN), the charges are aimed at silencing Benchicou and "Le Matin" after the newspaper accused a government minister of being involved in the torture of prisoners in the 1970s. Benchicou also published a book in 2004 that called Algerian President Bouteflika a "fraud."

PEN says Benchicou's prison conditions are harsh, with 50 prisoners to a cell. Benchicou's health has reportedly deteriorated since his imprisonment and he is now seriously ill.

Rakhim Esenov, 78, is a novelist and historian in Turkmenistan who also works as a correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. He faces a four-year jail sentence on charges of "inciting social, national and religious hatred using the mass media." Esenov says the charges are related to his novel "The Crowned Wanderer", which was banned in 1997 by President Saparmurad Niyazov. He also faces charges for speaking to a former government minister who is now a key opposition figure and critic of the President.

The PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Awards recognise international literary figures who have been persecuted or imprisoned for exercising or defending the right to free expression. In the 20 years since the award was launched, 28 of the 30 award winners who were imprisoned at the time they were honoured have been released.

For more information, visit:


PEN Canada has produced an online tool for high school teachers to introduce freedom of expression concepts into the classroom. The reference guide explains what is meant by the term "freedom of expression", highlights international standards set out by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and lists case studies of censorship in Canada. 



"International Libel and Privacy Handbook" offers a country-by-country, user-friendly guide to navigating laws and customs worldwide for researchers, reporters and editors.. The handbook is written by Charles J. Glasser Jr., media counsel for Bloomberg News.


27 MARCH 2006
Venezuela - Regional newspaper team assaulted while covering demonstration by municipal employees (IPYS) - alert
Colombia - IAPA asks attorney general to step up investigation into murder of journalist Orlando Sierra (IAPA) - alert update
Yemen - Journalist abducted and warned to stop writing column; CPJ concerned about worsening press climate (CPJ) - alert update
Ukraine - CPJ welcomes improvements in press freedom climate, but concerned about slow pace of media reforms, recurrence of press harassment (CPJ) - alert
Syria - Human rights activist arrested for remarks made at ceremony (Human Rights Watch) - alert
Tanzania - Four Kenyan journalists arrested, detained by immigration officers while covering court proceedings (AFMF) - alert
Peru - Radio journalist assaulted and her equipment stolen (IPYS) - alert
Iraq - A fourth journalist kidnapped since the start of the year (RSF) - alert
Iraq - Kurdish-born Austrian cyber-dissident jailed for 18 months for online "defamation" (RSF) - alert update
Cambodia - Campaign to decriminalise defamation set back by Supreme Court, justice minister joint statement (IFJ) - alert update
Iraq/United States - U.S. military pledges to expedite cases of journalists detained in Iraq (CPJ) - alert update 
Egypt - National campaign for ending imprisonment for publication offenses commences (EOHR) - alert
Peru - Demonstrators assault teams of journalists (IPYS) - alert update
Tanzania - Owner of new newspaper and journalists being sued for libel over stories on real estate deals (MISA) - alert

28 MARCH 2006
Comoros - Editor-in-chief spends week-end in prison under police pressure to reveal sources (RSF) - alert
Russia - Website editor assaulted and injured (CJES) - alert
Nigeria - Journalist receives death threats over census story (MRA) - alert
Belarus - Journalist detained and beaten by police, several others sentenced to prison or expelled (CPJ) - alert update
Nepal - Police superintendent threatens journalists with death for reporting on his misdeed (CEHURDES) - alert
Thailand - Prime minister files defamation cases against four papers (CPJ) - alert
Cuba - Condition of two imprisoned journalists on hunger strike deteriorates (RSF) - alert update
United States (Puerto Rico) - Concerns raised as FBI agents use pepper spray on reporters (CPJ) - alert
Vietnam - Several journalists beaten after covering corruption case (RSF) - alert
Nepal - International mission to Nepal finds press freedom situation "significantly deteriorated" (IFJ) - capsule report
The Gambia - Newspaper shut down, journalist arrested (CJFE) - alert
Maldives - CPJ urges fair, transparent trial for journalist (CPJ) - alert update
Georgia - Three filmmakers released from prison in breakaway region (CPJ) - alert update

29 MARCH 2006
Belarus - CJFE denounces arrest and sentencing of Canadian journalist, releases names of others arrested (CJFE) - alert update
Belarus - More names, sentences of journalists detained in 24 March mass arrest (CPJ) - alert update
The Gambia - Closed newspaper's general manager detained (CPJ) - alert update
Guinea - Journalists prevented from covering events featuring the president (MFWA) - alert
Sierra Leone - Charges dismissed against editor and newspapers (MFWA) - alert update
Cuba - Independent journalist Lamasiel Gutiérrez Romero completes prison sentence, is released on probation (RSF) - alert update
Cameroon - A second journalist sentenced in case of "homosexual lists" (JED) - alert update
Peru - Chimbote journalist receives new death threat (IPYS) - alert
India - Ban on radio station in Bihar state illustrates unfairness of broadcast law (RSF) - alert
Russia - Authorities harass independent news sites, citing need to combat extremism (RSF) - alert

30 MARCH 2006
Iraq - CPJ welcomes release of freelance reporter Jill Carroll (CPJ) - alert update
Syria - Human rights groups condemn detention of writer and his family (CIHRS) - joint action
Thailand - Protesters supportive of prime minister harass newspaper (SEAPA) - alert
International - IPI releases its 2005 World Press Freedom Review (IPI) - capsule report
Burma - Two journalists receive three-year sentences for photographing new capital (RSF) - alert
Australia - Prime minister's office has spoof website closed down (RSF) - alert
Colombia - Journalist briefly kidnapped, her life threatened (IPYS) - alert
Mexico - 30 MAR 2006
Judge holds journalist responsible for moral damage to first lady's son (IPYS) - alert update
Turkmenistan/Algeria - Jailed Algerian newspaper publisher, banned Turkmen novelist to receive 2006 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Awards (PEN) - alert

31 MARCH 2006
Venezuela - Journalists assaulted by supporters of the National Electoral Council president (IPYS) - alert
Kenya - Editorial cartoonist threatened with legal actions for depictions of minister (CRN) - alert
Venezuela - Policeman takes journalist to court for defamation (IPYS) - alert
Australia - Surveillance laws passed by senate pose severe threat to press freedom, says MEAA (MEAA) - alert update
Paraguay - CPJ places journalist on its "missing" list, urges authorities to conduct investigation (CPJ) - alert update
Peru - Radio journalist assaulted by judge's relatives (IPYS) - alert
Democratic Republic of Congo - JED urges the government to explain the attack on "Tropicana TV" by the local police (JED) - alert
Vietnam - Authorities deny arrest of fourth user of Internet discussion forum "Paltalk" (RSF) - alert update
The Gambia - Journalists say reason for their on-going detention is unclear (CPJ) - alert update
Vanuatu - PINA condemns police assaults on journalist, publisher (PINA) - alert
Belarus - Writer Andrej Dynko released after ten days in jail, publishes prison diary (WiPC) - alert update
Nepal - Home ministry pressures independent radio stations to broadcast anti-strike announcement (FNJ) - alert
The "IFEX Communiqué" is published weekly by the International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX). IFEX is managed by Canadian Journalists for Free Expression ( on behalf of the network's 72 member organisations.

The views expressed in the "IFEX Communiqué" are the responsibility of the sources to which they are attributed.

The "IFEX Communiqué" grants permission for its material to be reproduced or republished only if it is credited as the source.

Contact: "IFEX Communiqué" Editor: Geoffrey Chan:

Mailing Address: 555 Richmond Street West, #1101, PO Box 407, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B1 Canada, Tel: +1 416 515 9622; Fax: +1 416 515 7879; Website:

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ZAGREB - Toèno godinu dana nakon što je Sindikat Narodnih novina prijetio štrajkom protiveæi se spajanju s kroniènim gubitašem, dnevnim listom Vjesnik, u to spajanje po svemu sudeæi ipak æe se krenuti. Premijer Ivo Sanader izjavio je da se razmišlja o pripajanju Vjesnika nekoj drugoj javnoj instituciji, dok bi se tiskara privatizirala. Jedina javna institucija koja bi mogla podnijeti to spajanje u prvom redu su Narodne novine. Njihova dobit iznosila je prošle godine oko 40 milijuna kuna, dok je gubitak Vjesnika, zajedno s inaèe profitabilnom Hrvatskom tiskarom, iznosio 11 milijuna kuna. Vlada je prošle godine Vjesniku isplatila 33 milijuna kuna subvencije koje, meðutim, nisu previše pomogle izvlaèenju lista iz kroniènih gubitaka. Narodne novine, osmi toga, imaju vlastitu tiskaru koja bi se mogla iskoristiti za tiskanje Vjesnika, buduæi æe se Hrvatska tiskara uskoro privatizirati. Sindikat grafièara, kao i Sindikat Narodnih novina, prije godinu dana žestoko se protivio tom spajanju, upozorivši kako æe se time od jednog gubitaša i jedne uspješne firme, stvoriti jedan gubitaš. Ovih dana u Vjesniku se najavljuje otpuštanje 50-ak zaposlenih, uz otpremnine i prijevremeni odlazaak u mirovinu, s ciljem da se konaèni broj zaposlenih svede na 120. Od 2000. godine do današnjeg razdruživanja na Vjesnik Nakladu i Tiskaru d.d., u Vjesnik je uloženo 350 milijuna kuna novca poreznih obveznika, od èega je 150 milijuna kuna Vladinih subvencija i 200 milijuna kredita. Bez ikakvog rezultata. Svejedno, premijer Sanader tumaèi kako je "vjesnik list koji nije žut, ne plasira senzacije i logièno je da ima gubitke".

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Tek nakon što je nogom stupila na amerièko tlo, osloboðena amerièka novinarka Jill Carrol rekla je kako se »tek sad osjeæa živom«. Tako je na naslovnoj strani Christian Science Monitora (CSM), 28-godišnja Jill opisala svoj dolazak u rodni Boston, gdje su je doèekali roditelji, sestra bliznakinja, i mnogobrojni prijatelji.
»Osjeæati sunce na svom licu, biti u moguænosti da ideš kamo želiš, vidjeti cijelo nebo. Osjeæam se tako dobro, bez prestanka je govorila Jill Carrol odmah po slijetanju u zraènu luku Logan, redovnom linijom Lufthanse gdje ju je doèekala velika skupina amerièkih novinara. Slike presretne Jill bile su u ponedjeljak na gotovo svim kanalima amerièke televizije.
Bila je to ponovo drukèija Jill. Na sebi je imala originalnu kamuflažnu jaknu amerièke vojske u Iraku. Time je oèito željela poslati poruku razlièitu od one koju je bila prisiljena snimiti na video dok je bila zatoèena negdje u Iraku. Tada je Jill govorila o neopravdanosti amerièke vojne okupacije Iraka i o pogrešnim koracima Busheve politike u toj zemlji; bila je kritièna prema Amerikancima, a blagonaklona prema iraèkim pobunjenicima.
»Tijekom moje posljednje noæi u zatoèeništvu, otmièari su me natjerali da sudjelujem u snimanju propagandnog videa. Rekli su mi da æe me pustiti ako budem suraðivala. Živjela sam u zastrašujuæim uvjetima, pod njihovom kontrolom, i željela sam iæi kuæi. Pristala sam.«
Kad Jill bude potpuno spremna, ona æe, kako je to najavio glasnogovornik novina za koje je izvještavala iz Iraka, (CSM) isprièati svoju prièu.
A ta prièa, posebno naèin, na koji je osloboðena, tko je najviše tome pridonio, te vidljivu transformaciju kroz koju je prolazila u protekla tri mjeseca, najviše zanima Amerikance. U meðuvremenu, predstavnici obitelji Carrol zamolili su novinare da izvjesno vrijeme poštuju njihovu privatnost.
Iz Christian Science Monitora se isto tako doznaje kako su Jill Carrol veæ u petak u Bagdadu ispitali èlanovi specijalne organizacije koja se bavi resocijalizacijom bivših talaca. Odatle je zrakoplovom Amerièkog ratnog zrakoplovstva prevezena u amerièku vojnu bazu Ramstein u Njemaèkoj.

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Jorge Fuentes Villalonga iskusni je španjolski diplomat kojemu je prije godinu dana povjerena zadaæa voðenja Misije OESS-a u Hrvatskoj. Nakon prve godine razgovarali smo s veleposlanikom o onome što je napravljeno, te o pitanjima zbog kojih Bruxelles i dalje želi da misija OESS-a još neko vrijeme bude u Hrvatskoj.
• Kako biste opisali prvih godinu dana u Hrvatskoj?
- Hrvatska je ove godine napravila dva golema koraka naprijed - uhiæenje generala Gotovine i otvaranje pregovora s EU-om. Pregovori s EU-om su poèeli i napreduju dobro. To je, rekao bih, u pozadini promjena. U prvom planu došlo je do nekoliko važnih promjena. Kada sam došao u Hrvatsku, odnosi OESS-a i Vlade su bili korektni, ali ne izvanredni. Glavni tajnik naše organizacije povjerio mi je zadaæu da obnovim dobar dijalog s Vladom i da s njom radim na partnerski naèin.
Rijeè je o misiji u prijateljskoj zemlji koja je punopravna èlanica OESS-a i moramo tako djelovati. Odmah po mojem dolasku posjetio sam premijera Sanadera, pozvao ga da posjeti misiju, što je i uèinio, i uspostavili smo vrlo dobar radni odnos. Uspostavili smo fantastièan dijalog s ministrima u vladi, u resoru pravosuða, vanjskih poslova, unutarnjih poslova i, naravno, s ministrom Kalmetom. Održavamo redovite kontakte i mislim da smo postigli mnogo. Nadam se da æemo tako i nastaviti.
• Što biste izdvojili kao najvažnija pitanja koja treba riješiti?
- Najvažniji problem trenutaèno je problem izbjeglica - povratak i reintegracija. Više od 300.000 ljudi je napustilo Hrvatsku za vrijeme rata, a 300.000 Hrvata je raseljeno. Na sreæu, veæina raseljenih Hrvata se vraæa, no to nije sluèaj s izbjeglicama - još ih je više od 200.000 izvan zemlje. Od njih, 80.000 nije integrirano nigdje, nalaze se u limbu. Moramo im pomoæi, i to ne da ih natjeramo da se vrate, nego da donesu odluku na slobodan naèin.
• Još nije riješeno pitanje stanarskoga prava, jer Hrvatska ne priznaje takvu vrstu prava. Kako æete to riješiti?
- Hrvatska je za to našla alternativno rješenje u obliku stambenog zbrinjavanja. To nije stran model i drugim europskim zemljama - znaèi da ljudi žive u kuæama pod zaštitom države. Suoèeni smo s tim problemom u dvije dimenzije. Ministar Kalmeta se na tu temu sastao sa svojim kolegama iz regije u Sarajevu. Ovdje smo sastavili radnu skupinu zajedno s hrvatskim ministarstvima.
Mogu vam otvoreno reæi da Hrvatska uistinu èini velike napore u tom smjeru. Za to je veæ namijenjeno 2,5 milijarde kune godišnje. Premijer Sanader je svojim ministrima dao jasne instrukcije da to treba riješiti. Ostala pitanja su takoðer važna, ali smatram da je Hrvatska bitno uznapredovala, ukljuèujuæi i demokratizaciju, pitanje slobode medija i demokratizaciju policije.
Iskreno reèeno, mediji u Hrvatskoj su slobodniji nego u mnogim èlanicama EU-a. No, to ne tvrdim samo ja, nego i meðunarodna zajednica.
• Na koji æe naèin OESS pomoæi u reformi pravosuða?
- Dva su aspekta. Prvi je promatranje sluèajeva koji su prebaèeni iz Haaga u Hrvatsku. Moramo pratiti kako bismo ustanovili da se odvijaju u skladu s meðunarodnim standardima. Èinjenica da je Haag prihvatio prebacivanje sluèajeva u Hrvatsku je sama po sebi jako pozitivan znak. Drugi aspekt je reforma pravosuða i milijun i pol zaostalih sluèajeva. Nadam se da æe to biti riješeno, jer se ove godine namjerava likvidirati skoro sve sluèajeve u zastoju. To je važno jer æe to riješiti dobrim dijelom i problem korupcije, s obzirom na to da ljudi žele da im se sluèajevi završe i onda pristupaju sucima.
• Ako se bude tako naporno radilo, Misija OESS-a u Hrvatskoj æe biti ubrzo pred zatvaranjem?
- Moram priznati da baš nemam sreæe s tom temom, posebice kada to spomenem u Beèu, jer oni ne žele razgovarati o zatvaranju. Mislim da moramo razgovarati o ispunjenju mandata. Kada se mandat ispuni, misija æe nestati. To se može postiæi kroz posao - mehanizmom koji æe omoguæiti hrvatskoj vlasti da vidi što je još potrebno i naèin na koji æemo pristupiti kraju misije. Ostat æemo ovdje dok nas Hrvatska bude trebala. Vjerujem da smo uspostavili tako dobre odnose s Vladom jer je ona shvatila kako smo mi ovdje da pomognemo. No, to što smo u dobrim odnosima s hrvatskom vlasti ne znaèi da smo zaboravili na svoj mandat. Istinu si mogu reæi samo prijatelji. Neprijatelji to ne mogu. To naèelo pokušavam provesti u Hrvatskoj.

Bruno Lopandiæ

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Media Release

IFJ Supports French Media Unions in Battle Over Threat to Jobs


The International Federation of Journalists is calling on national journalists’ unions across Europe and around the world to give their full support to French journalists’ unions who are vigorously campaigning against a new law in France that will make it easier for employers to sack workers.


The IFJ’s regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), which is to hold its annual meeting in Slovenia later this week, says that claims by the government that the new law will help reduce France’s high levels of unemployment are unconvincing.


“The idea that by allowing employers to dismiss anyone without any reason at all is going to bring down currently high levels of unemployment is just absurd,” said Arne König, the Chairman of the EFJ. “French trade unionists who are fighting for more not less employment protection deserve our full support.”


The controversy over the proposed new law, which has divided French politics and brought thousands of trades unionists and students on to the street in mass protests Paris has not seen for many years, is causing concern to many in media who see it as a move to further weaken rights at work.


“This law will be another step towards dismantling the model of social and employment rights which has served France well for decades,” said König. “It is inevitable that if the government succeeds in forcing through changes, new pressure will come to weaken the fabric of social protection across the continent.”


New demonstrations by trade unionists and students are expected across the country tomorrow and the EFJ is calling on its European affiliates to send messages of support and solidarity to its French unions who are engaged in the actions. Among them is SNJ-CGT, the journalists section of CGT, one of the major industrial unions and the SNJ, the autonomous journalists group, which is also campaigning against the new law.

For further information contact the IFJ at +32 2 235 2215
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries


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ZADAR - Novinarki Slobodne Dalmacije u Zadru Ani Vuèetiæ u èetvrtak je telefonom upuæena anonimna prijetnja smræu. Kolegici Vuèetiæ je nepoznati muškarac zaprijetio da æe joj - ako ne prestane pisati u Slobodnoj Dalmaciji - postaviti bombu pod auto.

- Prijetnja mi je upuæena u roditeljski dom na Viru. Nepoznati glas mi je poruèio da prestanem pistai, najvjerovatnije o virskom sluèaju bespravne gradnje, o èemu sam izvještavala u posljednje vrijeme, pa i u èetvrtak kada je prijetnja upuæena. Ne znam tko mi je mogao uputiti prijetnju, ali sam je shvatila vrlo ozbiljno - kaže kolegica Vuèetiæ.

Nakon prijetnji našoj novinarki, zadarska redakcija Slobodne Dalmacije obavijestila je policiju koja je odmah poèela istragu. Protiv nepoznatog poèinitelja podignuta je i kaznena prijava za prijetnju. Slobodna Dalmacija zatražila je policijsku zaštitu svoje novinarke i njezina doma.

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