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Ukupno: 2347

Montenegrin police beat murder defendant

PODGORICA -- Thursday The only suspect for the murder of Podgorica daily Dan editor Dusko Jovanovic was beaten this morning by special troops of the Montenegrin Police who illegally burst into the Spuz prison near Podgorica at 4.00 a.m.  The suspect, Damir Mandic was due to appear in court today.
The information was released by Judge Radovan Mandic, who adjourned today's hearing to September 9, saying that he was unable to conduct a trial in such circumstances.

Judge Mandic said that the elite police troops had attacked eight people, including six prisoners among whom was the defendant Mandic, but gave no reason for the attack. The prisonadministration has confirmed the incident.

Three police from the Podgorica Security Centre were due to give evidence for the defence in the trial today.  One of the police officerswas expected to confirm the defendants alibi while the other two were to provide crucial evidence on the source of a drink can on which police claimed the defendants fingerprints had been found.

Setting the adjournment date, Judge Mandic said that he would not continue with the trial until it was ascertained who ordered the special troops to go to the prison.

The defendant, Damir Mandic, was brought to the court today under heavy police security.

**The information contained in this autolist item is the sole responsibility
of GHM**

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     Hrvatska bi uskoro iz Haaškog suda trebala primiti sub poenu, i to zbog Nove TV. Predstavnici Haaškog suda su prije nekoliko dana od Nove TV zatražili snimku emisije ' 24 sata', emitirane 30. kolovoza, u kojoj je odvjetnik Anto Nobilo potvrdio moguænost obnavljanja sudskog procesa protiv generala Tihomira Blaškiæa .To je od direktorice Informativnog prgrama Nove TV Ive Gaèiæ najprije usmeno zatražila Klara Dokmanoviæ iz zagrebaèkog ureda Haaškog suda,  a zatim je na zahtjev televizije stigla i pisana molba. I.Gaèiæ odbila je ispuniti zahtjev suda bez službenog sudskog naloga u kojem bi bilo navedeno u koju se svrhu ta snimka traži. S istim upitom obratio joj se i voditelj ureda haaškog tužiteljstva Thomas Osorio. Odgovor I.Gaèiæ bio je isti - ne.      Stoga su u Haagu, doznajemo, odluèili Hrvaskoj upututi sub poenu ili obvezujuæi nalog prema kojemu se mora postupiti.

         ' Postoji procedura prema kojoj snimka izlazi iz naše kuæe. Ustupit æu je tek kada mi hrvatski sud ili bilo koja druga institucija pošalje službeni zahjev sa sudskim nalogom, u kojem æe biti toèno navedeno u koju æe se svrhu snimka upotrijebiti ' - objasnila je I.Gaèiæ.

HND : Snimka uz porceduru

' Koliko ja znam, sub poena ipak neæe stiæi jer se cijela ta stvar na neki naèin riješila ' - izjavila je kasno sinoæ ministrica pravosuða Vesna Škare-Ožbolt. Upitana na koji se to naèin sve razriješilo, kazala je da ne zna sve detalje jer je taj sluèaj riješavao njezin pomoænik Jakša Muljaèiæ. No, do Muljaèiæa sinoæ nismo mogli doæi.

' Svi objavljeni prilozi kao i njihove snimke javno su dobro. Ako sud, hrvatski ili haaški, zatraži neku od tih snimaka, mora to uèiniti na pravno posve prihvatljiv naèin, poštujuæi službenu proceduru' - kazao je predsjednik Hrvatskog novinarskog društva Dragutin Luèiæ.

                                                                          Božena Matijeviæ

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ZAGREB - Buduæi da najviša državna tijela do sada nisu regirala na haaške optužnice protiv hrvatskih novinara, od Hrvatskog sabora zahtijevamo da na prvom jesenskom zasjedanju na dnevni red stavi ovu temu i donese odgovarajuæe zakljuèke", navodi se u otvorenom pismu koje je hrvatskom parlamentu u ponedjeljak uputilo Hrvatsko kulturno vijeæe.
U njemu se poziva na "flagrantno kršenje prava na slobodu tiska" i "udar na temelje demokracije", kojemu se, kako se navodi, veæ usprotivila i meðunarodna novinarska udruga Reporteri bez granica. "Hrvatskim novinarima uskraæena su njihova ljudska i profesionalna prava, egzistencija, pa i život. Stoga bi odgaðanje ovakve rasprave dugoroèno štetilo ugledu i interesima Republike Hrvatske, i pokazalo da najviše predstavnièko tijelo tolerira posredno uvoðenje totalitarnih postupaka u javni život RH", navodi se u pismu Hrvatskog kulturnog vijeæa, uz kojeg je navedena lista od dvjestotinjak imena, meðu njima i Ivana Aralice, Ante Belje, msgr. Mile Bogoviæa, Hrvoja Hitreca, Paje Kanižaja, Kuzme Kovaèiæa, Nedjeljka Mihanoviæa, Marije Peakiæ-Mikuljan, Zlatka Viteza, Igora Vidiæa, Zorana Vukmana, Ružice Èavar, Ljilje Vokiæ i Ljube Æesiæa.

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 Eastern Europe Journalism Award Contest 2006

 The twelfth Annual Eastern Europe Journalism Award is going to be awarded on 5th March 2006 by the campaign “Hoffnung für Osteuropa” (Hope for Eastern Europe) in cooperation with the Protestant Church in Germany, the Institute of Journalism of the University Dortmund and the „Gustav-Adolf-Werk“. This year’s contest deals with the topic

„Border experiences“.

Since the collapse of the socialistic system the borders towards and within Eastern Europe have changed. The Iron Curtain between East and West has fallen, other borders like those of the European Union have shifted, but above all new borders were added in the area of the former Soviet Union and through the Balkans. For the people in Eastern Europe the formation of new borders is linked with a lot of different experiences. The participants in the Eastern Europe Journalism Award are asked to write about these varied experiences.

 “Border experiences”, the topic of this year’s contest does not only refer to the borders between two countries, but also to borders in the broader sense, thus experiences and circumstances of people who have reached their limits in terms of physical and psychological borders. The contributions may as well deal with borders that are drawn in one’s mind due to prejudices and stereotypes as of how to overcome these borders.

No geographical borders are set to the experiences portrayed by the participating Eastern European Journalists. The described experiences may have been gained all over the world, for instance in Western Europe.

 Entry Requirements

 The contributions are to be submitted in the original edition and in a German translation. Your composition must have been published in a European country up to the closing date of the contest.

 The document should not be longer than five DIN-A4 (21cm x 29,7 cm) pages (typescript or computer print-out) and written for printed media (newspaper or magazine) or Internet. Radio manuscripts will not be accepted.

All journalists who were born and live in former Eastern Bloc countries and who were not older than 45 years in the year 2005 may participate.

 Journalist who are citizens of Germany, Austria and Switzerland shall not participate in the contest.

 Necessary condition for the participation are good German language skills. If these should not be existent, the prize can not be awarded.


The winner of the Journalism Award will be invited to the awards show in Germany and receives a scholarship (including travel expenses, board and lodging) for a month-long stay (hospitation/work experience) presumably at the “Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung” as well as a cash prize of 1.000 €.

Two additional support prizes with a value 500 € each are will be awarded to the second and third best contribution.

With the prize-awarding of the contributions the publication rights will be assigned to the “Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland” (Social Service Agency of the Protestant Church in Germany).


By 15th November 2005 the contributions must have been received. In December 2005 the jury will meet to decide upon the laureate of the Journalism Award. There is no legal recourse. For technical reasons no acknowledgements of receipt are given. The winners of the Eastern Europe Journalism Award will be informed as soon as the jury has come to a decision.

Please send your documents for the Eastern European Journalism Award 2006

your contribution for the contest, a current passport photo and a short biography

per Email by 15th November 2005 the latest (incoming) to the following address:

 Please send the newspaper cutting/press clipping as proof for participating in the contest per letter post to the following address:

Diakonisches Werk der EKD, „Eastern Europe Journalism Award“, attn. Mr. Helmut Pestner, Postfach 10 11 42, 70010 Stuttgart, Germany


Yours sincerely

 Helmut Pestner                         Professor Dr. Horst Pöttker 

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Please find below an invitation for the essay competition on "Women in education and employment 2010" organised by the European Training Foundation (ETF). The competition is open to young writers between 18 and 29 years, coming from one of the ETF partner countries. The text below is available in English, French, Russian and Arabic.

I would be grateful if you could let your contacts and relevant
institutions know about this competition, using your website and
publications. The deadline for submission of articles is 31 October 2005.

Thanks in advance for your help on this matter.

Kind regards

Bent Sorensen
Head of External Communication, ETF

Essay competition: "Women in education and employment 2010"
The European Training Foundation (ETF) in Turin, Italy, invites young people (between the age of 18 to 29 years) in the ETF Partner Countries* to participate in a competition by writing an article on their vision for "Women in education and employment in 2010".
The authors of the four best articles selected by a jury appointed by the ETF will be invited to the awards ceremony as part of the event "Women in Education and employment" organised by the ETF in Turin, Italy, to mark the International Women's Day in March 2006. Among the four winners one will be selected as beneficiary of a four month traineeship at the ETF headquarters.

The final date for submission of articles is 31 October 2005. The rules of the competition and the selection criteria can be downloaded from the ETF website:

* The ETF partner countries and territories are: Albania, Algeria,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo), Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and West Bank and Gaza

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Èeški predsjednik Vaclav Klaus otvorit æe izložbu novinske fotografije grupe èeških autora.

Za likovni osvrt na izložbu koja krstari svijetom veæ punih deset godina, a bila je predstavljena i u zgradi UN u New Yorku, zadužen je voditelj Umjetnièkog paviljona "J. Šporer" u Opatiji Berislav Valušek. Izložba ostaje otvorena do 24. rujna. (D. De.) 

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U povodu Vašeg dopisa Ministarstvu unutarnjih poslova RH i ovoj Policijskoj upravi u kojem izražavate nezadovoljstvo postupkom policijskog službenika Interventne jedinice policije prema gospodinu Davoru Pongraèiæu, fotoreporteru “Jutarnjeg lista” tijekom onemoguæavanja pokušaja fotografiranja privoðenja osumnjièenog Gorana Katiæa u mjestu Gornja Greda, priopæavamo Vam da Policijska uprava zagrebaèka netaktièan i neprofesionalan postupak policijskog službenika ne odobrava, pa Vam se iz tog razloga isprièavamo, kao što je to odmah po saznanju na mjestu dogaðaja uèinio i zamjenik naèelnika Policijske uprave gospodin Dubravko Novak.

Slijedom toga, u nadležnosti Policijske uprave poduzet æe se odgovarajuæe disciplinske mjere protiv policijskog službenika, ali  uvažavajuæi i njegovu tvrdnju da je u konkretnom postupanju bio zateèen nasrtanjem njemu nepoznate osobe prema osobi koja se privodi, uz istodobno upoznavanje  ostalih policijskih službenika sa konkretnim dogaðajem.

Ujedno Vas zamoljavamo za razumijevanje složenosti mjera i radnji koje policijski službenici poduzimaju u ovakvim i sliènim situacijama, kako bi se ubuduæe sprijeèili ovakvi nesporazumi.

S poštovanjem 

Zagreb, 01.09.2005.

N A È E L N I K  

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Kako je priopæilo vodstvo MTV Adrije, Pal je u èetvrtak popodne slovenskim kabelskim operaterima, koji s MTV Adrijom imaju ugovor, poslao obavijest da MTV Adria nema pravne osnove za emitiranje programa i da nije upisana u domaæi registar medija, što su neki operateri uvažili i nisu se odluèili za poèetak emitiranja.

"MTV Adria isprièava se gledateljima i potrudit æe se da svi kabelski operateri omoguæe praæenje programa MTV Adria", navodi se u priopæenju.

Èini se da je do zapleta došlo zbog zakonske obveze o obveznoj upotrebi slovenskog jezika ili simultanom prevoðenju. MTV Adria navodi u svojem priopæenju da je rijeè o programu namijenjenom mladima i njihovu životnom stilu, a radi se za sve države bivše Jugoslavije. Program je višejezièan, a vode ga voditelji iz svih republika bivše Jugoslavije.

Slovenski inspektor za medije rijetko se odluèuje na intervencije u medijski prostor, a do sada su najpoznatije bile njegove odluke od prije nekoliko godina, kada je kabelskim televizijskim postajama zabranio emitiranje pornografskih sadržaja prije ponoæi, te odredba o blokadi Internet stranice, na kojemu su objavljena imena navodnih suradnika bivše jugoslavenske tajne službe.


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Ajme, koliko uglednika na jednom mistu! - oteo se uzdah Radi Županovicu, kolegi novinaru s Radio Dalmacije, po ulasku u Vilu Dalmaciju, u kojoj se preksinoc održao svecani domjenak.Doista, teško je nabrojiti sve koji su pohodili dugo najavljivani welcoming party povodom preuzimanja Slobodne Dalmacije od novog vlasnika Europapress holdinga, jednu od najglamuroznijih zabava održanih u gradu pod Marjanom tijekom posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci.Medu prvima u zdanje nekadašnje Titove vile hostese, odjevene poput gorskih vila, docekale su Zvonimira Puljica, splitskog gradonacelnika, pristigla u pratnji supruge. Našlo se tu i predstavnika državne politicke klike, poput ministara i znanstvenika, ali i uglednika iz sportskog, poduzetnickog, umjetnickog, estradnog i drugih miljea, sve u svemu nekoliko stotina osoba. Neopterecen dugim govorancijama i predstavljanjima, dobrodošlicu prisutnima tek je kratko poželio Ninoslav Pavic, suvlasnik EPH i predsjednik Uprave Slobodne Dalmacije, nakon cega je podij zaposjela mocna gomilica glazbenika. Pod voditeljskom palicom divasice Maje Vucic (prije nego što je i sama zapjevala) izmjenjivali su se izvodaci: Matija Dedic, Hrvoje Rupcic, Renato Švorinic, Jadran Ducic Cico i drugi, dok je glazbu iz studija probrao novinar Zlatko Gall. Medu damama ponajviše su pozornost plijenile ruska nevjesta Olesja Železnjak, supruga biznismena Dmitrija, kao i Viktorija Ðonlic-Rada.
Premda je nepisani dress code bio "smart&casual", videne su vrhunske toalete i nekoliko smokinga, no glamurozni štih nimalo nije omanuo u gastro segmentu, za koji se pobrinuo Željan Radman. Nakon lipih bokuna sa švedskoga stola (tocnije, više njih), mnogi su uzvanici rado kušali nešto nalik carskom drobljencu, smrvljenim palacinkama garniranim kompotom od šumskog voca, te se osvježili koktelima spravljenim pod paskom poznatog barmena Jure Vojkovica u ljetnom vrtu Vile.
Mnogi od pridošlih iskoristili su priliku za razgledavanje zdanja koje još uvijek odiše nekakvom retro raskoši, uredenim za maksimalnu udobnost nekadašnjeg predsjednika svih naroda i narodnosti Josipa Broza Tita, po onovremenom poimanju luksuza, naravno. Šetnja gornjim katom zdanja, s osvijetljenim stepeništem prema moru (nekolicina uzvanika naprosto nije odoljela nocnom kupanju; ma koliko party svecan bio, ipak je ljeto, op.a.) evocirala je uspomene na presice s Titom Mladena Krnica, novinara Slobodne, koji se prisjetio cak i ugriza jedne od dvije pudlice, Titove miljenice. Ložnicu najpoznatijeg bracnog para nekadašnje države, medutim, nije se moglo razgledati, ali se sportski direktor Hajduka Igor Štimac, pristigao u pratnji kolega Branka Grgica i Fredija Fiorentinija, nije propustio pohvaliti kako je u njoj više puta nocio. Domjenak EPH, Slobodne i prijatelja potrajao je do sitnih sati...              Lenka GOSPODNETIÆ, Damir PETRANOVIÆ

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BELGRADE, August 22, 2005 (Glas Javnosti) - Serbian Culture Minister Dragan
Kojadinovic confirmed to daily Glas Javnosti that has let go advisor and
rock singer for comments made against B92 to the media.

"Unfortunately, this is unavoidable, because Bora, regardless of having the
right to a personal opinion, cannot speak like that while holding such a
position. He can comment on the work of the media, but that is another
topic. I respect him as a person and musician, but what he did as an advisor
is unacceptable. We haven't had the chance to talk about it during the
weekend, but we will talk today. I wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions,
but I think the government will soon declare its position. However, after
such comments made by Bora Djordjevic, I do not think that he belongs in the
government any longer", Kojadinovic said.

Bora Djordjevic, who had applauded Ilic's behavior with "Good on you,
Velja!" and called B92 journalists "treacherous beasts", told the Belgrade
daily that he was already aware that his dismissal was being discussed.

"I don't really care. I stand behind every word I said and I think that
Velimir was too mild with his words. If I was in his position I probably
would have said something even sharper", Djordjevic said.


BELGRADE, August 23, 2005 (Danas) - "Radio Television Serbia is facing
bankruptcy. Without the transitional funds for the period of three to six
months, RTS cannot turn upside down and become public service broadcaster",
said yesterday RTS director Aleksandar Tijanic

Speaking to the members of the Serbian Parliament's Culture and Information
Committee, Tijanic presented the current state of the national television
station which will soon be financed from the TV subscription.

Draft amendments to the Broadcast Act, disputed so much in the public by the
representatives of the media, will be discussed today in the Serbian
Parliament. The amendments were generally adopted yesterday by the
Parliament's Information Committee.

The amendments, among other things, envisage revoking of power of veto for
the member of the Broadcast Council from Vojvodina. They also define
introduction of subscription of RTS, which will have six months to be
transformed into a public service broadcaster, and postpone the deadline for
privatisation of the local and regional government media to the end of 2008.

The Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (IJAS) and the
Independent Association of Electronic Media (ANEM) have opposed the new
amendments, while the Broadcast Council and Culture Minister Dragan
Kojadinovic noted that this was the only way to start implementing the Act,
brought three years ago.

Aleksandar Tijanic called on all members of the Parliament to decide whether
they wanted respectful and powerful public service. Tijanic accused all
three private television stations of doing everything to destroy RTS and
share among themselves the "catch" of around 15 million euros, which the
national television earns yearly from advertising.

RTS director suggested another amendment to introduce the transition fund
for the period of three to six months, which was, according to MP Rajko
Baralic, supported by the Socialist Party of Serbia.

President of IJAS Nebojsa Bugarinovic supported the idea of introducing the
transition funds in general. He noted that the public would generally
disapprove of the haste introduction of the TV subscription, which could
lead to collapse of RTS.

While the G 17 Plus welcomes the introduction of subscription, Deputy Chief
of the MPs of the Serbian Radical Party Aleksandar Vucic said that the state
ought to finance this television station from the budget until the situation
is regulated.

Vucic added that the largest political party in the parliament would not
support nor oppose the amendment.

The demand of IJAS, ANEM and Vojvodina Parliament's Culture Information
Committee not to revoke the power of veto for the Vojvodina representative
to the Council met no support of the MPs.

One of the proposed amendments, to be debated in the Parliament, will
prolong the privatisation to the end of 2007.

Aleksandar Lazarevic from G17 Plus said that way, the local stations would
not get enough time to prepare for the process of privatisation. However, by
that time, it would be known whether those stations passed at the
competition of frequency allocation.

The question, brought by IJAS and Aleksandar Vucic, on who could guarantee
that the new deadlines would be met, also remained unanswered.


BELGRADE, August 24, 2005 (B92) - The Association of Independent Electronic
Media (ANEM) warned of the dramatic situation that arose after the attacks
of the capital investment minister Ilic and his media advisor Lazovic.

ANEM protested strongly at the re-emergence of unacceptable and
irresponsible rhetoric in the public arena in Serbia. Political opponents
are now being attacked with the most vulgar language and described as
traitors and foreign mercenaries. This rhetoric has barely stopped short of
calls for lynching.

Culture and Information Minister Dragan Kojadinovic has responded with a
warning after the recent attack by Capital Investments Minister Velimir Ilic
on journalists from RTV B92. Witnesses report that this attack included
death threats aimed at the company's director and editor-in-chief, Veran
Matic, from Ilic's media advisor, Petar Lazovic.

"It seems to me that the next step is for someone to pull out a gun and
shoot at a journalist, which happened in the Milosevic era," Minister
Kojadinovic told weekly Svedok.

ANEM applauded the decision of the culture and information minister to
dismiss his advisor, Bora Djordjevic, because of his unprecedented statement
about B92 journalists.

ANEM urges the democratic public and professional journalism and media
associations to express solidarity with journalists and media who are
subject to attacks and threats. The Association also calls on the
appropriate state bodies to urgently take appropriate measures to prevent
the real danger of which Minister Kojadinovic warns, and to halt the return
to the period of harshest media repression as practiced under the Milosevic


BELGRADE, August 25, 2005 (B92) - The Serbian Radical Party used the
parliamentary stand to attack B92 again.

Deputy Chief of the MPs of the Serbian Radical Party in the Serbian
Parliament Aleksandar Vucic accused B92 of lying at the parliamentary stand

"Announcing the coverage of the court trial to Slobodan Milosevic, the B92
journalist said the viewers would see how Milosevic's witness Vojislav
Seselj had accused Kostunica of having paramilitary formations, which is
preposterous", said Vucic, adding that journalists of B92 lie.

B92 has denied all accusations saying that the special reporter of this
television station from the Hague Milos Milic presented, like he did every
morning, process oversights from the previous day. "Believe it or not, this
morning the discussion will be about the paramilitary formations of Vojislav
Kostunica", announced Milic.

Reporter and editor of the Process TV on B92 had never, not at any point in
his coverage, said that Seselj told the court that Kostunica had
paramilitary formation. Indeed, the witness Seselj had never said that,
which the viewers of the court trial could clearly see and hear in direct
coverage that followed.


BELGRADE, August 25, 2005 (B92) - Gavin O'Reilly, president of the World
Association of Newspapers, wrote to Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav
Kostunica regarding the recent attacks made on B92.

O'Reilly writes that his organization is aware that the Serbian government
has discussed the behavior of Minster Velimir Ilic, but is also aware that
the government has refused to apologize for the insults and threats made by
Ilic's advisor Petar Lazovic which were directed at B92 journalists.

"We are very concerned that one member of the government can make violent
threats to journalists and not be sanctioned because of it. We are calling
on you to make sure that Mr. Ilic is seriously sanctioned and to state
publicly that such behavior by government ministers cannot be tolerated."
O'Reilly writes.

WAN represents over 18,000 publications in 100 countries internationally.


BELGRADE, August 25, 2005 (B92) - The Serbian Parliament has begun the
general discussion on the draft amendments to the Broadcast Act, which has
not yet been implemented 3 years after its passing.
The amendments envisage the postponement of the deadline for RTS
transformation into a public service broadcaster, introduction of TV
subscription and postponement of the deadline for privatisation of local

The Broadcast Act was brought three years ago, but has not yet been
implemented or respected. RTS has not yet been transformed into a public
service broadcaster, which is, under the current valid Act, the prerequisite
for introduction of TV subscription. The amendments to the Act defer the
deadline for transformation of RTS, which expired two years ago, to April
next year. At the same time, the amendments give the right to RTS to start
collecting the subscription immediately.

Culture and Media Minister Dragan Kojadinovic explained that the opposition
before October 5, as opposed to the opposition today, called on the public
to boycott the subscription, since RTS was the instrument of a political
option that ruled in Serbia at the time.

"It is true that we, the opposition then, were fighting against that. But
one should be aware of the fact that RTS was not a public service working
for the citizens of Serbia at the time. The technical problem of charging
the subscription through the electricity expenditure scale was not the issue
but the character of the program which was the instrument in the hands of
Milosevic's regime. By introducing this way of charging the subscription,
the any possibility of any political influence on the program of the public
service broadcaster will be eliminated, which is the most important thing."

Chief of MPs of the Serbian Radical Party in the Serbian Parliament Tomislav
Nikolic however asked what where the difference between the times before
October 5 and now was, considering that Tijanic was there then as he is here
now, the Socialist Party of Serbia was in power then as it is in power now:

"The authorized proposers are now in a situation when they must deny
everything they were saying about the TV subscription while they were in the
opposition. They valued the state television according to who was in power.
They say the television wasn't good then and that the subscription should
not be charged. Now, when they are in power, now it is all right to charge
it", Nikolic said.

Despite the claims of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) that the
subscription will not be charged together with the electricity bills, the
president of the Serbian Parliament's Culture and Information Committee
Aleksandar Lazarevic said that would be regulated by the law.

"The amendment in this legislation, which should regulate this field, will
define the EPS as a company entitled to charge the subscription, while the
records of subscribers would be provided by RTS as envisaged by the Act. The
station is obliged to provide records before it is transformed into a public
service, and to notify the citizens of the subscription charge. Accordingly,
I expect that the real list of those possessing a TV receiver will be made."

The amendments envisage the extension of the deadline for privatisation of
local and regional electronic media, which expired in July, to the end of
December 31, 2008.

The amendments also envisage that the six-year terms for the members of the
Broadcast Council, nominated by the Parliament's Committee, while the
members nominated by the Vojvodina Parliament, universities and churches
would have five-year, and representatives of non-governmental organisations
and professional associations - four-year mandate.

MPs from the Democratic Party announced that they would vote against the
amendments. The Serbian Radical Party said they would not take part in the
voting, while the rest of the parties in the parliament said they would
support the legislation.

Many professional organisations, together with the Association of
Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) and the Association of Independent
Serbian Journalists (IJAS) opposed these amendments.


BELGRADE, August 30, 2005 (B92) - As of October 1, citizens of Serbia will
pay a subscription for Radio Television of Serbia together with their
electricity bills. According to the amendments to the Broadcast Act,
citizens will have to pay subscription for RTS. The final amount of TV
subscription has not been set, but is estimated at about 300 dinars a month.
Minister of Culture Dragan Kojadinovic does not expect TV subscription will
cause any damages to the Electric Power Industry of Serbia because RTS will
have a separate bank transfer account. Minister Kojadinovic said that
payment through electricity bills, although not without its shortcomings, is
the most efficient method for financing a public service:

"Both EPS and RTS are public companies and I believe that there will be no
problems with subscription payment. There are no difficulties and accounts
and revenues of EPS will not be jeopardized -- there will be a separate
transfer account for subscription. It is a fact that everyone in this
country has electricity, but not everyone pays for communal services or a
phone line. This is the only way to collect the subscription and I think
that there will be no difficulties in technical implementation", said

MPs from the Democratic Party in the Serbian Parliament have criticized the
amendments to the Broadcast Act discontinuing the right of veto for the
Vojvodina's representative in the Broadcasting Council. Chief of the
Democratic Party's parliamentary group Dusan Petrovic said that Vojvodina's
autonomy has been violated, while the government in Serbia and the media
which is supposed to be a public service is being increasingly centralized.
"There is not a single reason to disallow Vojvodina's representative, chosen
by this parliament, to decide on the Broadcast Act issues related to the
Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Without decentralization there can be no
stability in the country. If the government keeps insisting, as is the case
here, on centralistic solutions, there will be no stability", said Petrovic.

Serbian Parliament has also discussed today the withdrawal of criminal
charges against Marko Milosevic. Although the Minister of Justice Zoran
Stojkovic said that the Government of Serbia considers this case over,
Serbian Renewal Movement -- according to the Minister Kojadinovic -- will
insist on full investigation. He said that the investigation should be
continued to find out whether Zoran Milovanovic, who has requested
withdrawal of charges, has been persuaded, forced or threatened.

Representatives will vote tomorrow on the amendments to the Broadcast Act
and High Education Act. It is expected that both draft laws will be adopted.
Today's session started late because President of the Parliament demanded a
session of the Kosovo and Metohija Board dedicated to the murder of two
Serbian boys in Kosovo.


BELGRADE, August 30, 2005 (B92) - In yesterday's news on our television at
19:15 we have published the information that the formal session of the
Serbian Parliament has been closed for the media.

Head of the Serbian Government's Department for Media Relations, Srdjan
Djuric, has called us live just before the end of the news programme, saying
that this was not true. He said that it was impossible to let all media
crews into a session hall due to a lack of available space: "All journalists
who reported on this event, and all of them came by bus together with
government ministers - they all came by bus - were informed that Serbian
Government's cameras will record the whole session because it was impossible
to put more than 20 cameras and more than 20 reporters into the hall. It was
a small room and there was only enough space for the ministers. After the
session all reporters were offered unedited material to be broadcast in
their reports on the session", said Srdjan Djuric.

RTV B92's position is unchanged and we still support our journalist Petar
Gajic who claims that no one from the Serbian Government's Department for
Media Relations have mentioned that the session will be recorded and the
video material available, although Gajic has talked to Department's staff
members on several occasions.

B92's crew used its own transportation and was forced to walk several
kilometers because the police did not allow its car to continue. TV B92 has
been accredited in a timely manner for yesterday's event.


BELGRADE, August 30, 2005 (Danas) - Imagine a situation when a supermarket
shop assistant forces you to pay for half a kilogram of biscuits you haven't
bought, or tries to pressure you into buying the very same biscuits although
you never eat them because there are many other biscuits which fit your
needs perfectly. And imagine that the whole surreal stealing of money is
done by having your money taken when you're paying for your electricity
bills. In the end, the shop assistant explains to you that the government
has come to a conclusion that you have no idea which biscuits are good for
you and that it has to prescribe you what you will buy and how much you will
pay for it.

The government tells you that you are not legally sane and that it has to
appoint persons who will educate you and your children because you are not
capable of doing it yourself. In short, this is a modern fable about the
national television subscription project which is a good example of the
paternalistic government which takes the money from its citizens considering
them unable to make simplest everyday decisions. The decision that all
households in Serbia must pay the service they did not ask for is a robbery
of a sort, especially when tens of TV and radio stations are available
providing free and similar service.

It directly favours state property over the private property, and imposes
the position of the minority to the rest of the citizens. This position is
more or less clear to the government (it has a track record of hostility
towards the free market), so it's trying to put a smokescreen using
educational and nationalistic rhetoric and the need for objective
information. Unfortunately, all these arguments are just the "emperor's
clothes". For 300 dinars an average consumer can buy more than 50 channels
offering all kinds of content: information, entertainment, culture, science
and education, even the channels dedicated to most specific areas. Out of
these 50 channels, more than 30 are broadcast or subtitled in Serbian or
Croatian. Most of them have a news programme, sometimes with positions not
encountered on the national television. Since it is obvious that
informational argument is not convincing enough, education and culture come
into play: in other words, someone must enlighten Serbia, and it is supposed
to be done by the government famous for its persecution of the media,
physical attacks on journalists and defiance towards the international

It remains to be seen how the Broadcasting Agency intends to enforce this
kind of enlightenment upon the population - unless it intends to close all
TV stations which are "ruining" the people, or force citizens of Serbia to
watch RTS. This affair leaves a sour taste -- Serbian citizens are being
treated as retarded because they don't want to consume things offered to
them by the quasi-elite. If the RTS programme has really improved that much,
it would be best to scramble it and make people pay for it on voluntary
basis. If the programme is so good, most of the people would like to watch
it. Of course, this means an end to any kind of financing from the budget
and paying for excess expenses.

The end result would be that poor citizens who were most supportive of the
populist ideas would pay the biggest price. In just one year, by means of
subscription, at least 120 million euros will be confiscated from citizens
for purposes of something that is freely offered to them by other TV
stations. For less than 50 euros a year it is possible to connect to cable
TV networks anywhere in urban areas, buy quality antennas and amplifiers or
pay instalments for purchase of a satellite dish.

Citizens of Serbia will decide whether they will remain silent or protest
against this, because it is not only a stealing of money, but also a
negation of the common sense of the majority. Refusing to pay obligatory
subscription is a good way to awake from the apathy of a country heading for
an economic disaster.


NOVI SAD, August 30, 2005 (Danas) - There are serious indications that the
editor in chief of the Pancevac newspaper Nenad Zivkovic has not been
dismissed from his position for professional reasons, but because of a
political attack against the "disobedient" editor, warns the Independent
Journalists' Society of Vojvodina.

There are also clear indications that Zivkovic has been dismissed to remove
an obstacle for takeover of Pancevac by certain interest groups during the
paper's forthcoming privatization. Zivkovic has been doing his job with
integrity, completely insusceptible to political influence of any kind. He
was certainly not a good choice for the persons who are behind his
dismissal. Zivkovic's dismissal has not been justified by professional, but
utterly bizarre reasons like disagreements with the editorial office, it is
pointed out in the announcement of the Independent Journalists' Association
of Vojvodina.

The Association reminds that "the last two years were very successful for
Pancevac newspaper under Zivkovic's leadership. The circulation has
increased and it has become one of the best and most professional local
newspapers in Serbia, with a quality far exceeding its municipal
boundaries." The announcement says that "because of his courage, not only as
an editor, but as a citizen, Zivkovic has made enemies among the
'nationalistically aware' local and not just local politicians: let us just
mention that during the March 2004 demonstrations, when Serbia reverberated
with hatred towards everything nonserbian, when mosques were burned and
Albanian, Roma, Hungarian and Slovakian houses were stoned, Zivkovic painted
graffiti which called to peace and tolerance for which he has even been

The Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina points out that the
"case of Nenad Zivkovic should not be regarded as a single, isolated
incident, but as a serious warning that local power brokers will do anything
to take or keep control over local media and that they will attack anyone
who stands in their way".

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 Europska unija prepoznaje slobodu izražavanja kao temeljno ljudsko pravo. Ta sloboda pretpostavlja i pravo javnosti na informaciju, što jedino može pomoæi razvoju demokracije.

 Stoga je utemeljenja nagrada «Lorenzo Natali» kojom se želi potaknuti novinare da pišu o ljudskim pravima. Nagrada se dodjeljuje za tekstove objavljene u tiskanim i on-line medijima izmeðu 1. sijeènja 2004. i 31. kolovoza 2005. godine. Krajnji rok za predaju prijavnica je 31. listopad 2005.

Više informacija na

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 New Media Killing Calls to UN for Special Investigation into Role of US Military

 The International Federation of Journalists today said that the shooting of a Reuters sound technician by United States troops in Iraqat the weekend brings to18 the number of journalists and media staff killed by US troops since theinvasion of Iraq.

 “The number of unexplained media killings by US military personnel is intolerable,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Media organisations and journalists’ families face a wall of silence and an unfeeling bureaucracy that refuses to give clear and credible answers toquestions.”

 In a letter to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, today, the IFJ called upon UN leaders to establishan independent inquiry into the killings of media staff at the hands of US andcoalition forces.

 “The United Nations has, in theory, a responsibility to ensure that international law and the rights ofvictims in this conflict are properly protected,” writes the IFJ. “The time hascome for the UN itself to step in and demand that there is justice and respectfor basic humanitarian rights on the part of democratic countries involved inthis conflict.” 

 The IFJ accuses theUS army of incompetence,reckless soldiering, and “cynical disregard” for the lives of journalists –particularly Iraqi – who are covering events inIraq.

 The shooting of Waleed Khaledin the Hay al-Adil district of west Baghdad, an incident in which cameraman Haider Kadhem was wounded, brings to 70 the numberof Iraqi media staff killed since theUS invasion in March 2003.Altogether, and counting all essential media staff including drivers and translators, the IFJ says 95 journalists and media staff have died in the Iraq conflict.

 “The toll is appalling, but the fact that 18 of these deaths are at the hands of US soldiers and that there arestill questions to be answered more than two years after some of the incidentsis particularly shocking,” said White.

 The IFJ is backing Reuters in their demands for the immediate release of Kadhem who is still being held by USforces more than 24 hours after the killing of his colleague. TheUS military said it was still investigating and refused to say what questions it was putting toKadhem. It would not say where inBaghdadhe was held nor identify the uni tholding him.

 "The fact that Iraqi police say that the news team was shot byUSsoldiers raises serious suspicions of a cover-up by theUS military which must be answeredimmediately,” said White.

 The IFJ is asking the United Nations Security Council to take up their concerns. “We believe that a full, independent and inclusive inquiry into all of these cases is urgently needed in order to ensure that media have confidence that governments are honouring their obligations.”

 The IFJ acknowledges that many of the incidents may have been unavoidable in the context of the war, but in a number of cases there are serious questions still to be dealt with that have given rise to suggestions of deliberate targeting of media staff. “We need toclear the air, but we also recognise that in a period of transition to Iraqi authority it is necessary to set the highest standards possible for their nvestigation and reporting of all incidents in which journalists and media staff are killed,” said White.

Forfurther information contact: +32 2 235 2207

The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries


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SPLIT - Netom nakon formalnog preuzimanja "Slobodne Dalmacije" od Europapress holdinga (EPH), predsjednik Uprave EPH Ninoslav Paviæ i èlan Uprave WAZ-a Bodo Hombach susreli su se s radnicima naše tvrtke i potvrdili da æe poštovati sve obveze iz ponude za kupnju SD-a.
— Nadam se da je ovo konaèni kraj trauma koje su pratile "Slobodnu", ona sada postaje dio EPH i naš cilj je vratiti je na vrh medijskog prostora u Hrvatskoj — kazao je Paviæ. Najavio je vrlo skoro uvoðenje novih tehnologija koje æe osigurati punu zaposlenost, kupnju novinske rotacije u boji u roku od osam do devet mjeseci te otvaranje šansi za napredovanje svima koji to zasluže.
— EPH, kao ni WAZ, nije tvrtka koja otpušta ljude ili gasi novine, zadatak naših direktora i menadžera jest razvijati posao i otvarati nova radna mjesta. To æemo napraviti i ovdje, a vrlo skoro svi æete biti ponosni èinjenicom da radite u "Slobodnoj Dalmaciji" — kazao je Paviæ, inaèe novi direktor SD-a, okupljenim radnicima.
Zajamèio je zadržavanje istog broja zaposlenih u iduæih pet godina, godišnje usklaðivanje plaæa i poštovanje svih odredaba Kolektivnog ugovora. Zaposlenike je, takoðer, pozvao na dogovor: — Zaradimo novac kako bi plaæe postupno rasle!
U ime WAZ-a, jednog od najveæih medijskih koncerna u Europi, Hombach je izrazio zadovoljstvo ulaskom EPH u "Slobodnu Dalmaciju" i potvrdio da je upoznat s njezinom važnošæu za Split i Dalmaciju.
— Ona je simbol koji æemo èuvati i razvijati, jednako kao što æemo ulagati u cijelu regiju. Mi kao tvrtka dokazali smo da èuvamo slobodu redakcije i novinara te da im osiguravamo osnovni uvjet za to, ekonomsku podlogu i sigurnost. To planiramo napraviti ozbiljnim ojaèavanjem "Slobodne Dalmacije" — najavio je Hombach, zakljuèivši da je ovim poslovnim potezom EPH konaèno popunio i posljednju medijsku rupu na zemljovidu Hrvatske i svojim izdanjima pokrio "prekrasnu Dalmaciju".


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BAGDAD- Amerièka televiziska kuæa CNN javila je da je u Iraku u dvogodišnjem ratu ubijeno više novinara nego u dvadest godina vijetnamskog rata.

Od poèetka ratnih opreacja u Iraku, 20. ožujka 2003. godine, ubijeno je u Iraku 66 novinara, a toj je skupini pribrojana i posljednja žrtva, tonski snimatelj televizije Reuters koji je ubijen u nedjelju, prenosi CNN. Ta  amerièka telvizija javlja, pozivajuæi se na informaciju organizacije Novinari bez granic sa sjedištem u Parizu, da su od 1955. do 1975., koliko je trajajo rat u Vijetnamu, bila ubijena 63 novinara.

Novinari su bili brojne žrtve tijekom rata na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, te je od 1991. do 1995. ubijeno njih 49, a u Alžiru u ratu protvi islamskih ekstremista od 1993. do 1996. ubijeno je 57 novinara. Irak je tako najpogubinije podruèæje za novinarsku djelatnost, a novinari su bili i žrtve otmica: bilo ih je oteto ukupno dvadeset dvoje. (H)

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Nakon godinu i pol dana od odluke HFP-a da meðu tri ponude EPH odabere kao kupca Slobodne Dalmacije, taj posao, uza silne peripetije, napokon je dovršen i u utorak se sprema potpisivanje ugovora s EPH. Prema upuæenim izvorima, EPH zajedno s WAZ-om potpisuje ugovor prema kojem stjeèe 34,68 posto dionica i plaæa ih ih s oko 24 milijuna kuna. Dokapitalizacijom više od 80 milijuna kuna EPH stjeèe dodatne dionice sve do 70 posto.
Zaposleni i prije zaposleni u SD-u odlukom Vlade dobili su pravo na 25 posto dionica, a pet posto dionica ostaje HFP-u. EPH æe, prema sporazumu, dodatnih 270 milijuna kuna investirati u modernizaciju i razvoj SD-a. Oko 2000 radnika SD-a dobit æe dionice po kriterijima koje su sami izradili i HFP se neæe miješati u njihovu internu distribuciju. Prema prvoj ponudi, na osnovi koje je EPH dobio ekskluzivno pravo daljnjeg pregovaranja, ako su toèni ovi neslužbeni podaci, odstupanja od te inicijalne ponude su znatna jer je EPH tada ponudio, što za dionice što za dokapitalizaciju i ulaganja, više od 500 milijuna kuna. Gdje su pregovaraèi "uštedjeli" i jesu li oko 130 milijuna kuna te je li Vlada u meðuvermenu pristala na mijenjanje uvjeta, znat æe se vjerojatno u utorak. Upravni odbor, iako se zbog SD-a održava danas umjesto u utorak, neæe dodatno odluèivati o finalnom ugovoru jer je cijela transakcija iz koje se EPH htio nekoliko puta povuæi prošla svu nužnu proceduru. (S. Ml.)

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ZAGREB - Upravni sud morat æe se uskoro pozabaviti još jednom tužbom zbog uskraæivanja informacija. Naime, predsjednik Transparency Internationala Hrvatska (TIH) Zorislav Antun Petroviæ kazao nam je juèer da æe u sljedeæih nekoliko dana podiæi tužbu protiv HRT-a zbog uskraæivanja zatraženih informacija. Hrvatska radiotelevizija se nalazi na službenom popisu ustanova javne vlasti koje su, prema Zakonu o pravu na pristup informacijama, dužne graðanima davati zatražene podatke. A upravo æe se na taj zakon pozvati predsjednik TIH-a Petroviæ u svojoj tužbi jer im HRT ni nakon nekoliko zahtjeva nije dostavio podatke o promidžbenim troškovima kandidata na posljednjim lokalnim izborima.
- HRT-u smo poslali više zahtjeva za uvid u rashode stranaka i neovisnih lista tijekom lokalnih izbora, no nismo dobili nikakav odgovor. Sada se pripremamo podnijeti tužbu Upravnom sudu kao konaèno rješenje, jer oèigledno na HRT-u ne smatraju da su dužni predoèiti takve informacije javnosti - kaže Petroviæ. Na zahtjeve su dosad s HRT-a stizali odgovori jedino putem medija, pa je tako glavni ravnatelj HRT-a Mirko Galiæ nedavno poruèio da æe rezultate objaviti, ali ne na pritisak, veæ kada sami to odluèe. Ako to doista uskoro sami ne odluèe, mogao bi ih ipak Upravni sud na to prisiliti.
Iako je u Hrvatskoj podneseno samo nekoliko sudskih tužbi zbog nedavanja informacija (toèan broj može se doznati tek u rujnu kada se nadležni na Upravnom sudu vrate s odmora), iluzija je da su to tek iznimke od pravila. Istina je zapravo da se do informacija vrlo teško može doæi pa èak i od onih najodgovornijih.  Autor: S.VEJNOVIÆ

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Vijeæe za elektronièke medije objavilo je odluku o dodjeli sredstava iz Fonda za poticanje pluralizma i raznovrsnosti elektronièkih medija, koja su dobila 93 radijske i 17 televizijskih postaja u iznosu nešto manjem od deevet milijuna kuna.

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ZAGREB -  Radi kršenja prava na pristup informacijama Upravni sud Republike Hrvatske presudio je protiv predsjednika Vlade Ive Sanadera, a u korist novinarke Jelene Berkoviæ koja ga je tužila jer Vlada nije odgovorila na njezin zahtjev za uvid u sve mjeseène i kvartalne izvještaje, zakljuèni izvještaj Vladinog Ureda za unutarnji nadzor za 2003. godinu te sve izvještaje iz prošle godine.
- Tužba se uvažava. Predsjedniku Vlade nalaže se da u roku od 30 dana donese odluku o žalbi tužiteljice, stoji u presudi Upravnog suda. Drugim rijeèima, sud je premijeru naložio da novinarki mora omoguæiti uvid u tražene spise. Unatoè svemu, novinarka Berkoviæ nije zadovoljna presudom Upravnoga suda jer joj niti nakon godinu i pol dana, od kad je prvi put zatražila uvid u izvještaje, još uvijek nije omoguæen uvid u dokumente.
- Prema zakonu, informacije bi morale biti dostavljene pravodobno. Nadam se da æe nakon ovakve presude Vlada preispitati naèin na koji se odnosi s javnošæu, ustvrdila je novinarka.
Presuda Upravnoga suda prva je ovakve vrste kad se radi o tako visokim državnim institucijama kao što su Vlada i njezin predsjednik. Podsjetimo, prema zakonu državne institucije javnosti su pravodobno dužne ispostaviti sve tražene informacije koje ne nose oznaku državne tajne. U Upravnom sudu pokušali smo provjeriti koliko je tužbi temeljeno na Zakonu o pravu na pristup informacijama te koliko je takvih presuda doneseno, no nismo imali uspjeha. Naime, svi koji su na to pitanje mogli odgovoriti navodno su na godišnjem odmoru, pa se prvi odgovori mogu oèekivati u rujnu.
Prema saznanjima profesora sa zagrebaèkog Pravnoga fakulteta Josipa Kregara, do prije nekoliko mjeseci bile su èetiri prijave protiv državnih institucija koje nisu pravodobno dale informacije, a dosad bi mogle biti riješene eventualno dvije - ona novinarke Berkoviæ te jednog èovjeka koji nije dobio informacije o odlukama sa zatvorene sjednice Vlade. Iako su presude malobrojne, Kregar smatra da upravo ova, u korist novinarke, oznaèava prekretnicu u hrvatskom pravosuðu.
- To je vrlo važna presuda jer pokazuje da se zakon primjenjuje, a implikacije su dalekosežne. Pokazalo se da Vlada nije poštovala zakon i da se oglušila pozivima da odgovori na tužbu, kaže Kregar, no naglašava i manjkavost presude koja ništa ne kaže o odgovornosti onih koji su uskratili informacije. Profesor Kregar smatra i da je presudom novinarki otvorena moguænost da traži naknadu štete i svega onoga što je izgubila èekajuæi Vladin odgovor na koji ima pravo.
Berkoviæ, meðutim, ne razmišlja o financijskom obešteæenju, nego napominje da joj je cilj bio upozoriti na problem (ne)dostupnosti službenih informacija.
Sudsku odluku pozdravio je juèer i Transparency International Hrvatska koji kaže da svaka odgovorna javna vlast mora omoguæiti svim svojim graðanima pristup svim informacijama o svom radu, a sudovi su dužni zaštititi graðane ako im to pravo nije omoguæeno. Iako kažu da je sudska presuda protiv prvog èovjeka izvršne vlasti ohrabrujuæa, èinjenica da je netko u Hrvatskoj morao posegnuti za tužbom kako bi dokazao svoje pravo na informaciju zapravo obeshrabruje. Transparency International se nada da æe Vlada odgovoriti tužiteljici i tako pokazati dobru volju za unapreðivanje komunikacija s graðanima.            S. VEJNOVIÆ, L. TOMIÈIÆ

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 U ime Hrvatskog novinarskog društva i Zbora fotoreportera najoštrije prosvjedujemo zbog fizièkog nasrtaja na Davora Pongraèiæa, fotoreportera “Jutarnjeg lista” 26. kolovoza oko 1 sat u Gornjoj Gredi. Kolega Pongraèiæ je onemoguæen u obavljanju dužnosti na mjestu udesa u kojem je pregažen policajac PU zagrebaèke Dejan Kapetanoviæ, zbog èega njegovoj obitelji i kolegama izražavamo suæut.

 Fotoreportera je šakom udario u potiljak i leða, pritom ga grubo odgurnuvši, neidentificirani pripadnik Interventne jedinice policije. Od udarca su mu pale naoèale, na koje je zatim netko nagazio, te su uništene. Sve je to uèinjeno kako bi se kolegu fotoreportera onemoguæilo u snimanju uhiæenja osoba osumnjièenih za izazivanje teške prometne nesreæe. Kolega Davor Pongraèiæ naglasio je policajcu da je fotoreporter «Jutarnjeg lista».

 Napominjemo da je u trenutku nasrtaja fotoreporter Pongraèiæ bio dvadesetak metara udaljen od trake STOP policija, na javnoj površini, izvan obilježenog mjesta dogaðaja, a pripadnik Interventne policije nije ga usmeno ili na bilo koji drugi naèin upozorio da ne smije snimati.

O fizièkom nasrtaju policija je od Davora Pongraèiæa uzela izjavu. Oèekujemo da æe Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova istražiti okolnosti nasrtaja na fotoreportera “Jutarnjeg lista” te zahtijevamo da se utvrde sve okolnosti dogaðaja, kao i je li bilo zlouporabe ovlasti policijskog službenika. Utvrdi li se da je do zlouporabe došlo, tražimo da se pokrene stegovni postupak.

Dragutin Luèiæ, predsjednik HND

 Nenad Reberšak, predsjednik Zbora fotoreportera HND





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U ime djelatnika Televizije Slavonije i Baranje (STV), predsjednik Uprave Damir Junušiæ zatražio je od Hrvatskog helsinškog odbora za ljudska prava (HHO) i Hrvatskog novinarskog društva (HND) zaštitu zbog, kako stoji u pismu, "krajnje zabrinjavajuæeg postupanja naèelnika PU Osjeèko- baranjske Vladimira Fabera".
Naime, naèelnik Faber je pozvao predstavnike udruga iz Domovinskog rata da doðu na sastanak u prostorije policije uz objašnjenje kako se javnost Osjeèko- baranjske županije "sustavno dezinformira èime se želi stvoriti atmosfera nepovjerenja".
U pozivu na sastanak Faber je optužio Televiziju Slavonije i Baranje za dezinformiranje javnosti zbog objavljivanja izjave hrvatskog branitelja Adonisa Hodžiæa o protupravnom privoðenju te njegove izjave kako su u policiji od njega zatražili da potpiše prazan papir vezano za optužbe protiv Glavaša.
Junušiæ je u svom pismu upuæenom HHO-u i HND-u napomenuo kako je Televizija Slavonije i Baranje bez ikakvih komentara objavila sporne izvještaje s konferencije za novinare, te smatra kako je rijeè o nedopustivom pritisku na medije.  Ivana Prgomet/Hina

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