hrvatsko novinarsko društvo croatian journalists' association
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Arhiva priopćenja

Odaberite godinu i mjesec

Ukupno: 2347

ZAGREB - Jednostrani i tendenciozni medijski napisi da nitko od 360 novinara Informativnog programa ne želi voditi emisiju »Otvoreno« nemaju nikakve veze s istinom, navelo je u juèerašnjem priopæenju Programsko vijeæe HRT-a. Javna televizija osudila je novinske komentare o sluèaju »Ladišiæ«, objasnivši da je voditelj smijenjen zbog nedopustivih propusta struke. Takav je stav, priznaju na HRT-u, donesen neformalno, jer je nedostajao jedan glas za apsolutnu veæinu, buduæi da je od sedam nazoènih pet èlanova potvrdilo izvješæe o Ladišiæevoj smjeni.
- U razgovoru užeg programskog vodstva razgovaralo se samo s dvojicom novinara koji su ušli u najuži programski izbor - Draganom Nikoliæem i Petrom Štefaniæem. Dakle, njih dvojica nisu 359. i 360. kandidat, nego jedina dvojica s kojima se razgovaralo i èije obrazovanje, profesionalnost i osobnost zadovoljavaju izuzetno visoke kriterije za voðenje te emisije, ironièno navode s HRT-a, uz objašnjenje da æe o konaènoj odluci javnost biti pravovremeno informirana.

B. Z.

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OPATIJA - Iako je još u rujnu na sastanku stuène skupine ministrice pravosuða Vesne Škare Ožbolt izgledalo da sadašnja rješenja Kaznenog zakona jamèe dovoljno sigurnosti novinarima u sluèajevima optužbe za klevetu te da nema potrebe za njegovim izmjenama, dvije aktualne sudaèke presude s uvjetnim kaznama za književnika Matvejeviæa i novinarku Novog lista u nekoliko su dana potpuno promjenile situaciju - izvjestila je na Skupštini Hrvatskog novinarskog Vijeæa èasti sudjelovalau radu te skupine. Burna reakcija javnosti dovela je do toga da promjene zakona, koji se po hitnom postupku šalje u Sabor, izgledaju èak radikalnije od novinarskog zahteva da se zbog klevete ne ide u zatvor. Naime, novinarska kleveta ne bi uopæe postojala u Kaznenom zakonu, osim ako se dokaže da je netko klevetao, a sankcionirala bi se globama. No, s naknadama štete i preseljavanjem takvih sluèajeva u graðansku oblast zakonodavstva izgledalo je da bi se novinari ubuduæe suoèavali s drakonskim globama koje bi plaæali oni sami, a ne izdavaèke novinske kuæe, rekla je Grbiæeva. - Kako æe novinar platiti 100 000 kuna kaznu? Hoæe li mu se ovrhom plijeniti imovina? Ne znamo što æe donjeti saborska rasprava, ali ne bismo trebali zakon mijenjati svake godine, kad vidimo da smo pogriješili, rekao je Ivan Zvonimir Èièak. Jasenka Leskur Stanèiæ

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WPPh poziva fotografe i fotoreportere cijelog svijeta da svoja ostvarenja prijave na 49. godišnji natjeèaj svjetske fotografije. Prijaviti se mogu fotografije kojima je svrha bila objavljivanje, nastale 2005. godine. Krajnji rok za predaju prijava je 12. sijeèanj 2006. godine.


Sve prijave moraju biti popunjene na Prijavnici (skinuti s Sve æe fotografije ocjenjivati meðunarodni žiri od 13 priznatih struènjaka s podruèja novinske fotografije, predvoðen James Coltonom (SAD), urednikom fotografije u Sports Illustrated. Ocjenjivat æe se u razdoblju od 28. sijeènja do 9. veljaèe 2006. godine u uredu WPPh u Amsterdamu.


Pojedinaène fotografije i portfilije mogu se odnositi na ove kategorije: spor, novosti, ljudi i novosti, sportske akcije, sportske prièe, suvremene teme, život, portreti, umjetnost i zabava, priroda.


WPPh je najveæi godišnji natjeèaj za novinsku fotografiju u svijetu. Godine 2005. sudjelovalo je na njemu 4266 fotografa iz 123 zemlje.


WPPh podržava Nizozemska lutrija , a sponzori su Canon i TNT

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OPATIJA - U sklopu Dana hrvatskog novinarstva u Opatiji juèer je održana rasprava o statusu novinara honoraraca, zbog kojih inspekcije posljednjih dana obilaze brojne redakcije, a što rezultira time da su uprave praktièki prisiljene zabraniti ulazak tim mladim novinarima u njihove redakcije.
Uz nastojanje da pomognu mladim kolegama da ostvare pravo upisa u registar poreznih obveznika (RPO) i objasne im tu kompliciranu proceduru, neki od èelnih ljudi HND-a konstatirali su da je akcija inspektorata oblik oèiglednog pritiska na medije. Naime, inspekcije u praksi meðu ostalim zabranjuju suradnju umirovljenika s redakcijama na honorarnoj osnovi, iako u HND-u tvrde da za to sigurno nema zakonskog osnova. Uz to, u nekim poreznim upravama, kao što su Split i Rijeka, èinovnici odbijaju odobriti status RPO-a slobodnim novinarima do 1. sijeènja iduæe godine, a u Virovitici i Opatiji se to bez problema omoguæuje, jednako kao što u nekim redakcijama inspekcija rada omoguæuje dnevni angažman honoraraca na RPO-u, a druge za to kažnjava.
- Ono što mi tražimo jest da se državni organi prema svim redakcijama odnose ravnopravno, a ne da su jedni uvijek žrtve, a druge se zaobilazi, rekla je Nela Vlašiæ, pomoænica glavnog urednika Novog lista. Ona je ukazala i da æe biti oèito potrebne izmjene zakona jer ne samo da su tri zakona vezana uz ovu problematiku u koliziji jedan s drugim, nego uopæe ni ne postoji moguænost da redakcije iskušaju nove, mlade suradnike. Oni odmah moraju biti zaposleni, a jasno je da je to u specifiènoj novinarskoj profesiji u praksi nemoguæe, kazala je.
Skup je zakljuèen obeæanjem predsjednika HND-a Dragutina Luèiæa da æe se veæ ovoga tjedna sastati s nadležnima iz Ministarstva financija i pokušati omoguæiti normalan nastavak rada svim kategorijama honoraraca koji imaju zakonsku osnovu za to.
Èelnici HND-a istaknuli su da je potvrðivanje presude novinaru Novog lista Robertu Franku na zatvorsku kaznu od tri mjeseca uz rok kušnje od godinu dana za klevetu i uvredu Ksenije Liniæ još jedan sluèaj koji upozorava da hitno treba izmijeniti odgovarajuæe zakonske odredbe o kriminalizaciji klevete.  Tihana TOMIÈIÆ

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1. Skupština HND-a podupire inicijativu Ministarstva pravosuða za dekriminalizaciju klevete. Zalaže se da izmjene i dopune Kaznenog zakona u vezi dekriminalizacije klevete idu po redovitom zakonodavnom postupku, a da se prije samih izmjena provede struèna i javna rasprava.

2. Skupština Hrvatskog novinarskog društva podržava stajalište Izvršnog odbora po kojem su principi slobode medija i vladavine prava temeljne odrednice novinarskog djelovanja. U vezi s tim Skupština smatra da novinari protiv kojih se vode sudski postupci moraju i trebaju braniti svoje stavove pred sudskim instancama i koristiti sva pravna
sredstva koja im stoje na raspolaganju, u èemu æe im HND kao i do sada pružati pomoæ.
HND se protivi suðenjima  za javnu rijeè, smatrajuæi da svaki novinar ima pravo i na priziv savjesti i na graðanski neposluh, no pritom mora biti svjestan da to može za sobom povlaèiti i nepopularne zakonske konzekvence.

3. Skupština HND-a zahtijeva od svih svojih èlanova, ali ne samo njih, kao i od svih novinara i urednika u medijima da se pridržavaju etièkog kodeksa HND-a i pozitivnih zakona RH, meðunarodnih konvencija i preporuka,  a vezano uz zaštitu prava djece u medijima.
Skupština smatra da su u posljednje vrijeme napisima i objavljivanjem fotografija ozbiljno prekršena prava djece èime se od njih stvara dvostruka žrtva, te stoga nalaže Vijeæu èasti HND-a da se prema prekršiteljima rigorozno postupa, ukljuèujuæi i primjenu mjere iskljuèenja iz HND-a.
Skupština HND-a poziva nadležne pravosudne organe, a osobito državno odvjetništvo da konaèno poène postupati u skladu sa zakonom i kazneno goni osobe koje krše propise o zaštiti djece u medijima.
Najkasnije do 31. sijeènja Izvršni odbor HND-a organizirat æe sastanak sa predstavnicima državnih institucija, nevladinih organizacija i urednicima kako bi od njih zahtijevalo promjenu medijske prakse vezane uz zloupotrebu prava djece.

4. Skupština HND-a donijela je odluku kojom se inicira izmjena Kodeksa èasti novinarskog društva, posebno vezan uz sukob interesa. U sklopu te inicijative o izmjeni Kodeksa èasti  razmotrit æe se inicijativa za uvoðenje obdusmana za medije HND-a.

5. Skupština HND-a smatra nužnim da Izvršni odbor HND-a i rukovodstvo Sindikata novinara Hrvatske zajednièkom akcijom iznaðu najbolja rješenja vezano uz probleme nastale sa honorarnim suradnicima u medijima i nastave suradnju na donošenju nacionalnog
kolektivnog ugovora za novinare.

6. Skupština obvezuje nadležna tijela HND-a na pomoæ u ostvarivanju zakonskih i profesionalnih prava èlanovima HND-a koji su uslijed obavljanja svojih profesionalnih dužnosti tijekom Domovinskog rata pretrpjeli posljedice po bilo kojoj osnovi (zdravstvenoj, socijalnoj i materijalnoj i drugoj).

7. Podržavajuæi uzaludne napore i aktivnosti Ilije Maršiæa za utvrðivanje istine oko pretvorbe Slobodne Dalmacije, Skupština HND-a predlaže Fondu Solidarnosti HND-a da umirovljenom novinaru Iliji Maršiæu plati novèanu kaznu u visini 6.600 kuna iz sredstava Fonda solidarnosti HND-a.

Za Skupštinu HND-a

Komisija za zakljuèke:

Ivan Zvonimir Èièak
Gordana Grbiæ
Dušan Miljuš

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RIJEKA - Na Danima hrvatskog novinarstva, koji se održavaju u Opatiji, je istaknuto da je potvrðivanje presude novinaru Novog lista Robertu Franku na zatvorsku kaznu od tri mjeseca uz rok kušnje od godinu dana za klevetu i uvredu još jedan sluèaj koji upozorava da hitno treba izmijeniti odgovarajuæe zakonske odredbe o kriminalizaciji klevete.

Robertu Franku uruèena je odluka o odbijanju žalbe Vijeæa Županijskog suda u Rijeci, donesena u svibnju ove godine. On je odlukom Opæinskog suda u Rijeci osuðen na tri mjeseca uvjetno na temelju privatne tužbe Ksenije Liniæ, proèelnice rijeèkoga Gradskog ureda i supruge bivšeg potpredsjednika Vlade i saborskog zastupnika Slavka Liniæa.

Ona je tužila Franka zbog teksta u Profilu, prilogu Novog lista, pod naslovom "Rijeèka gradonaèelnica u sjeni od koje strahuju svi njeni politièki protivnici".

Vijeæe Županijskog suda u Rijeci pod predsjedanjem sutkinje Naste Mijatoviæ utvrdilo je da se žalba na presudu Opæinskog suda Robertu Franku odbija jer je u tekstu ciljano težio naškoditi èasti i ugledu, te da je rijeè o zloporabi profesije. Frankova žalba se temeljila na tvrdnjama o bitnim povredama Kaznenog zakona u postupku i prijedlogu ukidanja presude te vraæanju predmeta prvostupanjskome sudu na ponovni postupak.


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OPATIJA – Novinarska kleveta i honorarci dvije su vrele teme koje su zagospodarile višesatnom raspravom koja je obilježila prvi dan rada 46. godišnje skupštine Hrvatskog novinarskog društva što je juèer zapoèela u prostorima ICEJ-a u Opatiji.
    – Iz kaznenog æe se zakona brisati èlanak po kojem je kleveta u medijima kvalificirano kazneno djelo koje se može kazniti zatvorom do godine dana te æe se uvesti odrednica po kojoj se kleveta može kažnjavati samo novèano, izvijestila je juèer èlanove Skupštine Gordana Grbiæ, predsjednica Vijeæa èasti i èlanica grupe za izmjenu kaznenog zakona, nakon èega se razvila rasprava iz koje je bilo jasno da novinari neæe lako preživjeti ni to da ih se po liniji profesije »odere po vlastitom džepu«. Na juèerašnjem skupu novinara predloženo je da se Iliji Maršiæu, novinaru što je osuðen za klevetu iznos od 6.600 kuna koliko iznosi kazna plati iz fonda solidarsnosti HND-a te da na taj naèin izbjegne da ide na izdržavanje zatvorske kazne. D. J. B.

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Što ste u izvješæu istaknuli kao osobit napredak u Hrvatskoj?

Da je stanje zadovoljavajuæe na trima podruèjima, a da na trima dodatnim podruèjima treba još raditi. Postignut je zamjetan napredak. U demokratizaciji policije, medija, i civilnog društva napredak je gotovo dovršen. Što se vladavine prava tièe, postoji teško pitanje poput Haaškog suda. Meðutim,, Carla del Ponte je odobrila prebaciti sudski proces "Ademi - Norac" na hrvatsko pravosuðe što znaèi da vjeruju u pravosudni sustav. U reformi pravosuða, pak, Hrvatska se suoèava s problemima s kojima se suoèavaju i druge europske države. Što se politièke reforme tièe, tu je kljuèna  reforma izbornoga zakona. Hrvatska  je vlada to predvidjela, a o OESS æe je u tome poduprijeti. Održat æemo niz okruglih stolova o toj temi. Prvi slijedi 13. prosinca, a otvorit æe ga premijer. Novi izborni zakon nam treba do proljeæa jer to želimo navesti kao postignuæe u našem sljedeæem izvješæu. Politièka reforma podrazumjeva i pripreme u sustavu obrazovanja i prema manjinama. Za reformu obrazovanja trebat æe generacije.  Vinka Drezga

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Media release                                                           23 November 2005

IFJ AccusesUS Over Killing of Al-Jazeera Journalist in Baghdad: “It Could be Murder.”

Reports that President Bush and British Prime Minister discussed a plan to bomb the Arab TV station Al-Jazeera add to concerns among journalists world-wide that the United States attack on the station’s Baghdad office on 8 April 2003 in which a reporter was killed was deliberate targeting of media.

“If that is the case, then the US is guilty of the murder of an innocent journalist,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It is time for the United States to tell the truth about this attack and to take responsibility for its actions which appear to be gross violation of international humanitarian law.”

According to the IFJ, which has been campaigning for justice in some 16 cases where journalists and media staff have died at the hands of US troops in the Iraq conflict, there was no US investigation or proper report of why the attack in which journalist Tareq Ayyoub was killed took place.

“It now looks that more and more this was a vindictive and deliberate attack on a media outlet and one that should not go unpunished,” said White. The aircraft missile strike on the Al-Jazeera office took place despite the fact that US officials were informed in advance of the exact location of the office because Al-Jazeera feared a repeat of an earlier US army strike in Kabul during the Afghanistan conflict in 2001 in which the Al-Jazeera offices was destroyed. No-one was hurt in that attack.

The controversy over the Tareq Ayyoub case erupted again this week following reports in the British newspaper the Daily Mirror that a secret memo from the Prime Minister’s office in London reveals how US President George Bush was talked out of a military strike on the headquarters of Al-Jazeera in Qatar last year by Tony Blair who feared a worldwide backlash. Yesterday British parliamentarians called for the publication of the five-page transcript of the two leaders' conversation.

The IFJ supports full disclosure of this conversation as well as the re-opening of an investigation into the attack in Baghdad in April 2003.

The network Al-Jazeera has angered the Bush administration by its frank reporting of the Iraq conflict and its broadcasting of pictures of the victims of violence. The station has also been used regularly as a drop-off point for video messages by the terrorist group al-Qaeda. Some of these have been broadcast by Al-Jazeera and most have been rebroadcast by western media outlets.

“The staff of Al-Jazeera are not a bunch of terrorists who can be regarded as legitimate targets,” said White. “They are respected and highly trained technicians and journalists. One look at the professional names who have signed up to work on the new English-language version of Al-Jazeera reveals that this is a media outlet that is taken seriously by serious journalists. To consider bombing them would be as appalling as any similar action by terrorists against the BBC or CNN.”

The IFJ says that the British media should not be intimidated by officials attempts to prevent full disclosure of the memo because a civil servant connected with the case is being prosecuted under the UK’s notorious Official Secrets Act.

“The public have a right to know whether politicians would seriously consider killing journalists to stifle independent and critical voices,” said White. “And the family, friends and colleagues of the victims have a right to justice for their loved ones.”

The IFJ is supporting a global inquiry into impunity in the killing of journalists by the International News Safety Institute.


Last week the IFJ General Secretary presented to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan a draft resolution against impunity in the killing of journalists in conflict zones. Under that resolution governments that fail to hunt down the killers of journalists could end up before the International Criminal Court.


TheUnited States is already accused of covering up the facts about attacks on journalists after another attack on 8 April in Baghdad within hours of the Al-Jazeera attack when a US tank fired on the journalists’ hotel in Baghdad killing two journalists, Taras Protsyiuk of Reuters and Jose Cuoso of Telecinco, the Spanish TV network.


In September a Spanish judge issued arrest warrants for three US soldiers involved in the attack because the US has ignored appeals to co-operate in an inquiry over the circumstances.


Further Information:
Proposed resolution to the US Security Council (PDF Download):


Link to IFJ Report on Justice Denied on the Road to Baghdad:

For further information contact: +32 2 235 22 00
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries



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ZAGREB - Iako Programsko vijeæe HRT-a nije donijelo nikakav zakljuèak vezano za "sluèaj Ladišiæ", na sjednici su se èuli novi argumenti s "obje" strane. Urednik Informativnog programa Vladimir Ronèeviæ je analiziriao sve Ladišiæeve propuste, prije svega onaj u emisiji "Otvoreno" o Ivici Rajiæu: zamjerio mu je pogrešan uvod, pogrešno postavljenu tezu, te neetièno referendumsko pitanje: "Vjerujete li da su hrvatske i srpske snage granatirale Sarajevo?" Zamjerio mu je nedogovornost, nepripremljenost, neprofesionalnost, pobrojavši kako je 12 puta u 50 minuta ponovio da su hrvatske i srpske snage zajedno granatirale Sarajevo, a da nije predoèio nijedan dokument. Ladišiæ je svoju obranu temeljio na dokumentima u kojima se kaže da su snage HVO-a i Ivice Rajiæa napadali Sarajevo.  Èlanovima Vijeæa je podijelio amerièke vojne studije o opsadi Sarajeva. Sve ih je, tvrdi, provjerio prije emisije, a nije ih mogao predoèiti jer su u domeni vojne tajne te su dokazni materijal u Haagu. Zanimljivo, Ronèeviæ, ravnateljica HTV-a Marija Nemèiæ te direktorica programa Tanja Šimiæ su Ladišiæu zamjerili što im dokumente nije pokazao prije emisije, ali su od njega zahtjevali odgovor kako je dokumente koji su vojna tajna uopæe nabavio! Paèe, ocjenili su kako je posjedovanjem materijala s oznakom vojne tajne Ladišiæ uèinio još ozbiljniji profesionalni propust, na što ih je potpredsjednik Vijeæa Danko Bljajiæ morao podsjetiti kako je posao novinara da istražuje i štiti svoje izvore. Èlanovi Vijeæa mahom su u Ladišiæevoj emisiji o granatiranju Sarajeva, kao i o Petraèu, nalazili dokaze neprofesionalnosti. No, poteglo se i pitanje (ne)dosljednosti sankcioniranja neprofesionalnosti na HRT-u, pri èemu je Darinka Janjanjin zatražila da se ubuduæe Vijeæe pozabavi svim sluèajevima neprofesionalnosti. Sjednici su nazoèili i predstavnici OESS-a te HND-a i Sindikata novinara HND-a.          S. Paviæ

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Ladišiæ, novinar HTV-a veæ desetak godina, smijenjen je 8. listopada zbog glasnog protesta vladajuæe stranke HDZ-a i HSP-a, koji su imali primjedbe na sadržaj emisije i ureðivaèku politiku HRT-a.


«To je neèuven primjer miješanja politike u javni medij», kaže Aidan White, glavni tajnik IFJ-a. «To podsjeæa na Tuðmanovu eru, kad su novinari bili prozivani i zastrašivani da bi se mogla provesti cenzura i kontrola informacija koje nisu odgovarale vlastima.»


Ladišiæ, urednik i voditelj emisije HTV-a «Otvoreno», vodio je diskusiju o svjedoèenju bosanskog Hrvata Ivice Rajiæa pred Haaškim sudom. Rajiæ je, kao dio dogovora sa Sudom, potvrdio da je hrvatska vojska bila umiješana u granatiranje Sarajeva u vrijeme rata u Bosni i Hercegovini.


U skladu s prosvjedom koji je na odluku o smjeni Ladišiæa uložio HND, èlan IFJ-a, sluèaj je stigao pred Programsko vijeæe HRT-a. IFJ poziva Vijeæe da èvrsto stane u obranu svog novinara i prava na provoðenje urednièke politike bez pritisaka i miješanja politièara. Sastanak Programskog vijeæa održat æe se 23. studenoga.


«HRT mora oštrim odbacivanjem politièkih pritisaka i pokušaja ušutkivanja svojih novinara uvjeriti hrvatsku javnost da je neovisan i javnosti odgovoran novinarski servis», dodaje White.






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The International Federation of Journalists today protested against political pressure that led to the dismissal of Tihomir Ladišiæ, an editor for Croatian Public Broadcaster HRT, for leading a discussion on the role of the Croatian Army in shelling Sarajevo.

Ladišiæ, an HRT journalist for ten years, was dismissed on 8 October following public protests by the ruling Croatian Democratic Party, HDZ, and the Croatian Legal Party about the content of the show and HRT’s editorial policy.

“This is a shocking example of political interference with the public broadcaster” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “This act is reminiscent of the Tudjman era when journalists were singled out for intimidation in order to censor and control information uncomfortable to the government.”

Ladišiæ, editor and presenter of the Otvoreno (Open) show on HRT, had led a discussion on the testimony given to the Hague Tribunal by Bosnian Croat Military Commander Ivica Rajic. As part of a plea agreement with the tribunal, Rajic confirmed that the Croatian military had been involved in shelling Sarajevo during the Bosnian war.

Following protests by the Croatian Journalists’ Association, an IFJ affiliate, the case has been referred to HRT’s Programme Council. The IFJ calls on the Programme Council to issue a robust defence of its journalist and the right to implement its editorial policy without pressure and interference by politicians. The meeting is due to take place tomorrow, 23rd November.

“HRT needs to reassure the Croatian public of its independence and commitment to public service journalism by forcefully rejecting the political pressure and attempts to silence its journalists,” added White. 


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Media release                                              22 November 2005

End Uncertainty over Release of Detained Journalist Says IFJ After Eritrea Breakthrough

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Eritrean Government to end uncertainty over the release of Dawit Isaac, reporter from the former weekly Setit, who had been locked away without trial and without access to his family and colleagues since the crackdown on the private media by Eritrean authorities in September 2001.

Dawit Isaac was released from Karcheli Prison in the Eritrean capital of Asmara on last weekend after more than four years in prison. However, he has not yet received permission to leave the country. Concerns have grown since Agence France Presse reported that Dawit had only been released to undergo medical examinations and that he could be returned to prison.

“After over four years of silence and torment we are relieved at the news that finally Dawit has been released,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “He should be allowed to leave the country without further delay in order to end confusion over the government intentions. Then we want to see that our 12 other colleagues are set free”.

Isaac was arrested on 23 September 2001 in a major police sweep five days after the suspension of all civil liberties in the country. He was one of thirteen newspaper owners, editors and journalists accused without proof by the government of being traitors and spies from Ethiopia.

Dawit was first held at the No. 1 police station in Asmara before being transferred in March 2002 to the Halibet hospital where he was treated for the effects of abuse suffered in his cell. Since his arrest the Swedish authorities have on several occasions tried to visit him, but the Asmara government always refused to allow it.

The Swedish Union of Journalists, backed by the International Federation of Journalists, had been campaigning vigorously for Dawit´s release in a barrage of letters and protests. On Dawit´s fourth anniversary in September this year, the IFJ organised meetings to protest over the ongoing crackdown against the Eritrean media in Brussels, Rome, London, Stockholm, Washington, Djibouti, Nairobi and South Africa.

"We are very happy at the release of our colleague Dawit and hope that the government will now release his twelve colleagues that remain imprisoned without charge for the last four years,” said Arne König, Vice President of the Swedish Journalists’ Union and Chair of the European Federation of Journalists. “Their continued incarceration is a gross violation of human rights and we expect them to be released immediately.

 Isaac went to Sweden in 1987 as a war refugee, but returned to the eastern African country in the 1990s to become a reporter at the independent newspaper, Setit. 

Eritrea, which gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year guerrilla war, has previously ignored Swedish requests for Isaac's release, and it was unclear why authorities decided to set him free.

For further information contact: +32 2 235 22 04

The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries



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November 15-22, 2005


LESKOVAC, November 16, 2005 (Beta) - Journalist and Leskovac correspondent of Belgrade daily "Vecernje Novosti" Daliborka Miljkovic received a phone threat by an unidentified person.
Miljkovic was able to record the caller's number and immediately reported the case to the police.
"Someone was obviously bothered with my last week's reporting on the affairs of granting postgraduate studies scholarships to the municipal high officials and their relatives, social security welfare frauds, building of a new bus station, budget inspection control and few other cases of abuse of office in the municipality", Miljkovic reasoned.


BELGRADE, November 17, 2005 (Danas) - The Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) started with distribution of announcements for the RTS subscription fee that would be collected together with the electricity bill as of December.
The distribution of announcements started after the EPS and RTS had signed the agreement on charge of the TV subscription with the electricity bills.
The subscription fee will be a separate heading specified on the electricity bill. The joint bill will also specify the total amount owing, the amount for the number of kilowatt-hours spent and the tax applied.
 The bills will be issued to all owners of electricity meters. However, only those citizens who do not have a TV or radio receiver in their homes and weekend house owners may apply for the exemption from payment of the subscription.
Households, whose members own two or more apartments or weekend houses, will pay the subscription for only one receiver. Legal entities will be charged depending on the number of staff members - 300 dinars per every 20 employees.

Social services and institutions, schools, hospitals and diplomatic and consular missions will also be exempt from the subscription charge.
The consumers will receive their electricity bills with the TV subscription heading during next month.
Although the Electric Power Industry of Serbia was reluctant to agree to such method of subscription charge, it finally decided to accept the government's recommendation. EPS maintained earlier that tying the two bills would result in 7-8 percent collection drop, or around 280 million dinars a month.


BELGRADE, November 17, 2005 (Danas) - Persons with disabilities will be exempt from the TV subscription charge, under the Article 82, Paragraph 1 of the Broadcast Act.
This applies to the households having at least one member with 100 percent invalidity, a member with less then 100 percent of disability with provided day care allowance under the provisions of the specific regulations, or a person with permanent loss of sight or hearing.
To be granted the exemption, a citizen must provide full documentation of the relevant institutions and bodies together with the electricity bill and TV subscription fee.
Beside the required documentation, a citizen must fill out the exemption claim form available at the EPS counters and lodge it to the following address: Radio Television Serbia - RTV subscription, Kneza Viseslava 88, 11030 Belgrade. The form can also be lodged at the local EPS branch office.
RTS assesses the claims and notifies the applicant.


BELGRADE, November 17, 2005 (Glas javnosti) - Although the charge of the subscription has been announced to start in December, one Belgrade company reported to have received a phantom TV subscription bill.
 The bill was printed on high quality color paper, with RTS logo and due date November 21.
The subscription is announced to be charged together with the electricity bill, not separately; however this odd bill does not contain the heading for the electricity expenditure nor any information on the Electric Distribution Belgrade or Electric Power Industry of Serbia, a public company in charge of collection of TV subscription.

RTS General Director Aleksandar Tijanic told the Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti that the mysterious "bill" was forged and ought to be taken to the police immediately.
"How is it possible that you, out of all people, get this bill, when you
were the ones writing against the subscription the most", Tijanic wondered.
President of the Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS) Nino Brajovic said the appearance of the mysterious bill only proved the great interest in TV subscription, and it could create a solid ground for politicization and manipulation. According to Brajovic, this should be regarded as a serious problem, not just a prank.
The bill delivered to the daily Glas javnosti contained the RTS bank account details, Tax Identification Number, P.O. Box for RTV subscription in 88 Kneza Viseslava Street in Belgrade and company's identification number. The daily checked the details on the official website of the National Bank of Serbia and confirmed that the account and VAT number indeed belonged to Radio Television Serbia.
No other cases of fake bills being delivered to other companies' addresses were reported, which could mean that the forger might belong to an organized group.
One thing is sure - the fake bills and dispersing of false information must not be regarded as innocent criminal acts, and requires a prompt reaction of the police.


ZAGREB, November 18, 2005 (Beta) - Serbia-Montenegro journalist Ilija Males was fined with 3.000 Croatian kunas (450 Euros) for the nationalistic outburst at the soccer game between the two young national selections in Zagreb.
The Croatian police reported yesterday that Males was taken into custody for offensive behavior during the strike up of the Croatian national anthem.
Males, under strong influence of alcohol, was waving with Serbian symbol of three raised fingers and issuing a series of verbal offences from the journalists' box at the football stadium "Radnik" in Velika Gorica.
 The police in Zagreb arrested him and issued him with the "preventive measure of cancellation of visit".
Males was appeared before the judge in Velika Gorica, who ordered him to pay the fine of 3.000 kunas for the violation of the Law on prevention of disorder at sports events. The judge ordered another 560 kunas fine for public disturbance and dishonoring and insulting of a public officer. The overall fine was reduced by 300 kunas for spending the night in jail. Males was also inflicted with the preventive measure of cancellation of stay, with the right to appeal, said the spokesperson of the Zagreb police, Davor Tor.
Males was accredited as the journalist of TV Duga and RTV Melos. After the arrest, Males was tested 2.82 per mill of alcohol concentration in blood stream. The amount of alcohol taken on the way to Velika Gorica was most probably the reason why Males was not in control of his actions.
Males told the judge he could remember raising three fingers, but denied all accusations of having nationalistic outburst and offending a police officer, since, as he stated, did not hate Croatian people, in fact, he was cooperating with many of them rather successfully.


BELGRADE, November 18, 2005 (Glas javnosti) - The Belgrade daily Glas javnosti received yesterday a great number of copies of TV subscription bills delivered to numerous legal entities in Serbia, and as many complaints over the telephone.

RTS general director Aleksandar Tijanic confirmed yesterday to the daily that the bills were indeed genuine, not forges. He also said that, under the provisions of the law, the state television had started to charge TV subscription from the legal entities in Serbia.
Just two days ago, when the daily asked Tijanic about the bill which was delivered to a Belgrade company, with RTS logo and VAT number and specified date of payment, November 21, he said it was forged.
However, Tijanic said he had misunderstood the question, thinking he was asked about the subscription bill for the households, and politely referred to the acting director of TV Belgrade Aleksandar Avramovic for further and more precise information.
Avramovic said the TV subscription was envisaged by the Broadcast Act in 2002, and should have started on January 31, 2003. However, the collection of subscription was postponed due to the fact that the Broadcast Agency or the Council had not yet been formed. The real conditions for subscription charge were created with the adoption of the amendments to the Broadcast
Act, enforced on September 3, 2005.
Avramovic explained that there were three categories envisaged to pay TV subscription - households, legal entities with the exception of hotels and motels as specific category, and car owners that have TV receivers in their cars.
The technical conditions for collection of TV subscription from the
companies were met earlier, so we started charging them first", said
According to Avramovic, the law provides that the national television charges the private entities while the Electric Power Industry of Serbia is authorized to collect the subscription from the households, by the agreement signed with RTS.
TV Smederevo was also delivered a bill which charged them for three TV subscriptions. This television station, which employs 51 people, claims there was no prior notice of the commencement of TV subscription charge.
The daily received claims from several hundred people from Serbia
complaining they had never been informed that the subscription would start earlier than December. They said they expected the subscription would be charged together with the electricity bills.
Some companies, which employ only few people, also received their TV subscription bills. The Belgrade Association of Contractors was charged for the subscription even though there was no TV receiver on the premises.
These unclear provisions thus created a real chaos, which would be onlyintensified with the complaints coming from a large number of companies. Itis still uncertain how the subscription would be collected from the big enterprises and companies such as Oil Company of Serbia and how much they would have to pay.

RTS has already secured funds for this year from the budget, but has also already started to collect TV subscription despite not being transformed into a public service broadcaster. The transformation has been postponed until March, but, as it seems, the subscription has not.
The citizens rightly demand to know what they would be paying - the public service broadcaster of service to them or the television of service to the Government of Serbia.
According to the lawyer Tihomir Konstantinovic, there would be a number of appeals to the Serbian Constitutional Court questioning the legality of the unclear provisions.


NIS, November 18, 2005 (Glas javnosti) - Some companies in Nis also received TV subscription bills.
Private company "Ekopromet" received two identical bills for TV subscription for October, while the same document reached the address of their neighbors, "Najstrejt" company.

"The bill came as a regular mail on November 15. When I opened the envelope and saw the bill, I was surprised at first because I've heard the subscription will be charged together with the electricity bill starting from December 1. It however crossed my mind that some different method of collection would be applied to companies and other legal entities, and I was going to pay the bill. But not before I saw the article in the daily Glas javnosti did I realize that it was all a scam", said Dragana Albijanic, company owner.
Albijanic also mentioned that her neighbor, owner of "Najstrejd" company Stojmen Nasic, also received the same bill.
The TV subscription bill delivered to "Ekopromet" seems like a genuine bill, because it contains all information on RTS account number, logo and VAT number. The obligation is for October, with the payment due date, November 21.
The bill clearly provides information that TV subscription was envisaged by the Article 81, Paragraph 5 of the Broadcast Act. The article stipulates that "hotels and motels pay one subscription for every 10 rooms with TV and radio receivers, while all other legal entities pay one subscription per every 20 members of the staff who are in position to watch TV program".
However, neither "Ekopromet" nor "Najstrejd" have this number of employees.
"We expect this case would be clarified and that the police would take necessary measures to stop these false bills. Who knows how many companies received a similar bill, but there will surely be the ones who would pay it", said Albijanic.


RUMA, November 19, 2005 (Danas) - Radio Srem from Ruma got back its frequency and resumed its program broadcasting after 12 days of silence.
Frequency of Radio Srem, 102.7 MHz, was usurped by the Belgrade radio station "Radio Three".
After the intervention of the Serbian Telecommunication Agency, Radio Three was ordered to halt the program broadcast within two days. Otherwise, the Agency would be forced to act in line with the provisions of the Telecommunication Act.
Radio Three did not have a regular license required under the provision of the Act, and has been illegally using the frequency of Radio Srem. The radio station was fined with 60.000 dinars for this offence.
"The examination of the license record at the Ministry for Capital
Investments - telecommunication department showed that the Radio Three was not registered and has been working without the proper licenses. Their program was blocking the signal of the Radio Srem from Ruma, so they have been ordered to halt the broadcast. Radio Srem received full support of numerous media, journalists' associations, the Agency, People's Office and others committed to help us resolve our problem. Otherwise, this would only mean solidarity with the banditry in the ether", said director of Radio Srem
Ruma, Zorica Borojevic. 


BELGRADE, November 20, 2005 (Glas javnosti) - TV subscription charge (300 dinars per household) should start next month.
The monthly obligations for power expenditure will be increased by that amount. Under the decision of the Serbian Government, the Electric Power Industry of Serbia is assigned to collect the subscription together with the electricity bill.
Lawyer Tihomir Konstantinovic said that the services provided by EPS and RTS were far from the European standards.
"People are loaded with costs and constant inflation. I think the provisions of the subscription charge are illegal and unconstitutional given the fact that RTS has already secured the funds from the budget. I am sure the Constitutional Court will receive many initiatives and requests for constitutionality assessment of the Broadcast Act. It seems everybody in this country wants to solve internal problems at the expense of the citizens", said Konstantinovic.
Union of Serbian pensioners "Nezavisnost" criticized the TV subscription charge, saying that RTS would get the funds for "ironing out" their internal organizational problems.
Pensioners noted that a vast majority of citizens had cable TV, and they would end up paying two TV subscriptions - one national and the other non-national. But they forgot that they had already paid a tax to RTS - as tax payers - through the budget for 2005.
Deadline for RTS transformation into a public service broadcaster has been postponed until March 2006, however, the subscription for the national television will start in December this year.

The Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS), together with the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM), criticized this method of problem solving and threatening citizens with sharp sanctions if they refused to pay the subscription. Both associations agreed that the subscription was a widespread method of financing, but warned of the introduction of the subscription before the RTS transformation into a public service broadcaster.


BELGRADE, November 22, 2005 (B92) - 14 state-owned print media companies will get new owners by April next year.
However, in experts' opinion, the obstructions in the process of
privatisation of media were mainly created by local authorities, unable to give up their control over the media.
141 state-owned local newspapers, radio and TV stations should be privatized in the period of the next two years.
OSCE representatives and the US Ambassador Michael Polt stated the process of privatisation should develop much faster, because that was the only way of ensuring objective information to the citizens.
"It is important to conclude the process in a short period of time. To be honest, even if the deadline for privatisation had been yesterday, it would not have been soon enough. Unfortunately, the implementation of the Act has been postponed until the end of 2007. That's not a good progress; the deadline should be much shorter."
Expert for media and lawyer Nebojsa Samardzic said all key legislations for privatisation of media have been adopted, but the process itself would not run so smoothly:
"Local media are under control of the local self-governments, which appoint and dismiss editors. That's how they get the power, which is appealing and hard to give up on. Journalists also have fear of changes. Until now, they were on the budget and had some income."
Dragan Bosiljkic from the Privatisation Agency said the print media were the first to get new owners.
"Those are regional newspapers, with high circulation, that attracted
foreign investors, like Niske newspapers, Pancevac, Suboticke, Somborske."
Privatisation of media should be overlooked by the Broadcast Agency Council in order to prevent the selective privatisation of media when they enter the competition for local or regional frequency allocation.
Citizens can get the news in 1500 ways, which is in fact the total number of newspapers, radio and TV stations in Serbia.

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Zagreb - Ministrica pravosuða Vesna Škare-Ožbolt predstavila je voditelju Misije OESS-a u Hrvatskoj Jorgeu Fuentesu i predstavnici HND-a Gordani Grbiæ prijedlog izmjena odredaba Kaznenog zakona kojima bi se ukinula zatvorska kazna za uvredu i klevetu. Prijedlog izmjene KZ-a u Vladu æe biti upuæen ovoga tjedna, a rijeè je o ukidanju kazne zatvora za kazneno djelo uvrede i klevete, te za još dvadeset kaznenih djela iz drugih glava KZ-a, priopæeno je iz Ministarstva pravosuða. Izmjene zakonskih odredbi o kleveti ministrica je najavila proteklog vikenda, nakon osuðujuæih presuda i uvjetnih zatvorskih kazni novinarki Novog lista Slavici Mrkiæ Modriæ i književniku Predragu Matvejeviæu. (Hina)

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Namjera Veleposlanstva je pozvati sve novinare hrvatskih medija da svoje izvještaje o Europskoj uniji pošalju na adresu Veleposlanstva do 30. studenoga 2005. i tako sudjeluju u natjeèaju.

Radovi se prijavljuju u dvije kategorije: elektronièki mediji, koji obuhvaæaju televiziju i radio, te tiskani mediji, koji obuhvaæaju novine, èasopise, agencijske izvještaje i Internetske stranice.

Pobjednici u obje kategorije nagraðuju se putovanjem u Veliku Britaniju i praksom u nekoj od britanskih medijskih kuæa sljedeæe godine.

Pravila natjecanja su sljedeæa:
Veleposlanstvo p
oziva novinare da dostave najmanje jedan, a najviše tri svoja rada. Izvještaji mogu pokrivati bilo koju od sljedeæih tema: opæenito o EU, odnos Hrvatske i EU, pristupni pregovori, iskustva novih država èlanica, život u Europskoj uniji ili odreðeni aspekti Unije, odnosno pregovora.

U skladu s uobièajenom praksom britanskih novinarskih nagrada novinari mogu prema potrebi priložiti kratko objašnjenje posebne važnosti ili aktualnosti èlanka te kakav je utjecaj on proizveo. Žiri æe o pobjedniku odluèivati na temelju nekoliko kriterija, kao što su važnost, toènost, utjecaj i zanimljivost izvještaja.

Novinari se mole da svoje materijale iz kategorije elektronièkih medija dostave na CD-u, DVD-u ili videokazeti, a one iz kategorije tiskani mediji poštom ili e-mailom.

Sve materijale treba dostaviti do 30. studenoga 2005. na adresu Britanskog veleposlanstva, Ivana Luèiæa 4, 10000 Zagreb, s naznakom za Tessu Fras, voditeljicu Odjela za odnose s javnošæu ili e-mail adresu

Dodjela nagrada održat æe se na tradicionalnom "Off the Record" božiænom domjenku Britanskog veleposlanstva 6. prosinca u hotelu Westin.

Sredstva za natjecanje osiguralo je Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Velike Britanije.







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ZAGREB - Godina 2004. bila je godina renesanse svjetskog novinarstva, rekao je na kongresu Svjetske udruge novinskih izdavaèa u Seulu (WAN) generalni direktor WAN-a Thimothy Balding, uz napomenu da svakog dana širom svijeta novine kupuje 395 milijuna, a èita više od milijardu èitatelja. Na osnovi ankete koja je obuhvatila 81 zemlju i 1300 novinskih izdavaèa zakljuèeno je da je prodaja novina porasla u razdoblju 1993.-2003. za 4,75 posto, dok je broj dnevnih novina koji se distribuiraju bez naknade samo u godinu dana porastao za 16 posto. Godine 1999. oglasi na internetu težili su pet milijardi dolara, a 2003. veæ 10. milijardi. Najzad, rekao je balding, prodaja novina 2004. u usporedbi s godinom ranije porasla je za 2.1 posto, što ruši predrasude o tomu da ljudi ništa ne èitaju, odnosno, da su robovi televizije. Renesansa tiskanih medija, zakljuèio je, poèiva na novim proizvodima, novim formatima, novim naslovima, novom stilu ureðivanja, novom tipu distribucije i novom tipu marketinga.

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Za klevetu više neæe biti zatvorskih kazni, najavljuju iz Banskih dvora. Vlada æe, naime, vrlo skoro u saborsku proceduru poslati izmjene Kaznenog zakona, odnosno onih odredaba koje se odnose na klevetu.
 Vlada æe predložiti izmjene na taj naèin da se zatvorska kazna za klevetu potpuno izbriše iz Kaznenog zakona, a da za taj delikt ostane samo novèana kazna  objasnio je glasnogovornik Vlade Ratko Maèek.

Èast i ugled
I sada su prema našem Kaznenom zakonu novinari, umjetnici, književnici u svom radu automatski osloboðeni krivnje ako iz naèina izražavanja i drugih okolnosti jasno proizlazi da nije rijeè o ponašanju kojemu je bio cilj naškoditi neèijoj èasti i ugledu. U Vladi, pak, zasad još ne mogu precizirati kolike æe biti novèane kazne, no budu li visoke, i to æe biti svojevrstan pritisak na slobodu javne rijeèi i moglo bi izazvati još gore posljedice jer bi onda preostala samo graðanska parnica za naknadu štete.

Kako znamo, u Hrvatskoj su suci godinama dosuðivali vrišteæe naknade štete politièarima za duševne boli. Promjenu Kaznenog zakona potaknuo je najnoviji incident, nastao kad je Predrag Matvejeviæ nepravomoæno osuðen na pet mjeseci zatvora i dvije godine uvjetne kazne. Jasno je da je takva presuda naštetila politici vladajuæih koja je pod dodatnim poveæalom EU otkako su odobreni pregovori o punopravnom èlanstvu. Zatvorske kazne za dvojbeno tumaèenje èina klevete u pravilu su imale politièki prizvuk.

Sporne presude
Prošli tjedan novinarka Novog lista Slavica Mrkiæ Modriæ osuðena je u drugostupanjskom postupku na dva mjeseca zatvora, uvjetno na godinu dana.Lani je na tri mjeseca zatvora, uvjetno na godinu dana, osuðen novinar istog lista Robert Frank. Prema istom "cjeniku" osuðen je i Feralov novinar Robert Matijaniæ. Novinarka  Ljubica Letiniæ dobila je pak dva mjeseca zatvorske kazne, takoðer godinu dana uvjetno.

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Media release                                                                                   18 November 2005


IFJ Welcomes End to Hunger Strike and Urges New Campaign For Press Rights In Tunisia


The International Federation of Journalists which yesterday called on the President of the Tunisian Journalists Syndicate Lotfi Haiji and others who have been on hunger strike in protest at violation of human rights to end their protest, today welcomed the news that the protest had been called off.


The IFJ says that a new campaign should be launched to defend independent journalism, free expression rights and civil liberties in Tunisia.


“This strike was an important statement by human rights defenders up to and during the World Summit on the Information Society,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary who visited the strikers with the head of the International News Safety Institute Rodney Pinder in central Tunis yesterday. “We salute the courage and commitment of those involved, but it is time to refocus the campaign for rights by building solidarity around a new initiative to bring about lasting change.”


In his meeting with Lotfi Haiji, White pledged the continuing support of journalists’ unions around the world for the syndicat, which has suffered from official obstruction in its efforts to hold a statutory meeting earlier this year.


“The journalists of Tunisia have been among those who have suffered most from intimidation by the authorities,” he said. “It is time to lift all restrictions on free expression rights and to allow journalists to report freely.”


The IFJ also met with representatives of the Association of Tunisian Journalists who welcomed international support and pluralism both in media and in the organisation of media professionals.


“The challenge facing all of us when the United Nations road show has left town,” said White, “is to maintain and invigorate the struggle for free journalism in Tunisia. “ He said this issue would be among the key questions being discussed by IFJ leaders when they meet in Australia early next month.   


Lotfi Haiji was one the hunger strikers. The others were Ahmed Néjib Chebbi, Hamma Hammami, Abderraouf Ayadi, Ayachi Hammami, Samir Dilou, Mokhtar Yahyaoui and Mohamed Nouri.


For further information contact: +32 2 235 22 06

The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries


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 Mediacentar Sarajevo u suradnji sa Centrom za istraživaèko novinarstvo iz Zagreba i E-Net Centrom iz Sarajeva objavljuje



   Rok za prijave je 31.12.2005. 

Specijalizirajte se u oblasti istraživaèkog novinarstva uz teoretski i praktièan rad na konkretnim istraživaèkim prièama

Unaprijedite proces istraživanja i pisanja prema najvišim profesionalnim standardima uz stalnu superviziju i mentorstvo najveæih struènjaka iz regiona

Unaprijedite pretraživanje interneta i najveæih baza podataka

Objavite vaše prièe o organiziranom kriminalu

Postanite dio velike mreže istraživaèkih novinara jugoistoène Evrope

Uèesnici koji uspješno završe program dobit æe certifikate

Organizatori stipendiraju uèesnike pokrivanjem svih troškova ukljuèujuæi troškove prijevoza i boravka uèesnika koji dolaze izvan Sarajeva

Program poèinje u februaru/veljaèi 2006. godine i traje pet mjeseci. Osmišljen je tako da se može pohaðati uz obavljanje redovnog posla u redakcijama zahvaljujuæi kombinovanju klasiènih treninga/radionica i rada putem interneta (software za uèenje na daljinu).

Program su finansijski omoguæili Fond otvoreno društvo BiH, UNESCO i Švedski helsinški komitet za ljudska prava.

Prijave i informacije o Programu istraživaèkog novinarstva možete pronaæi na stranici našeg Trening centra:

Naša adresa je:

Mediacentar Sarajevo

Kolodvorska 3

tel/fax: +387-33-715-840

Kontakt osoba: Maša Hilèišin Derviševiæ,


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