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Odaberite godinu i mjesec

Ukupno: 2347

ZAGREB - Dok se brojni europski novinari solidariziraju s danskim kolegama i navodno promièu slobodu govora objavljujuæi karikature u kojima se, izmeðu ostalog, prorok Muhamed portretira kao terorist, islamske zajednice širom svijeta ustaju na protest zbog vrijeðanja islama. Izuzetak nije niti islamska zajednica u Hrvatskoj. Njezini lideri jednoglasno su osudili objavljivanje spornih sadržaja, upozoravajuæi da je tu rijeè o nedopustivom vrijeðanju vjerskih osjeæaja svakog muslimana. Da na dnevnom redu imamo pitanje koje preko noæi može rezultirati ružnim posljedicama u bilo kojem dijelu svijeta, najbolje govori èinjenica da je i u maloj Hrvatskoj zbog »danskih karikatura« pala prva prijetnja smræu. Zaprimio ju je autor bloga koji se potpisuje kao T-zombix, nakon što je na svom blogu objavio nekoliko spornih karikatura. Dok æe najveæi broj ljudi na informaciju o ovakvim prijetnjama pomisliti da je njihov autor revoltirani islamski vjernik, predsjednik Medžlisa islamske zajednice u Zagrebu Mirsad Sreberenikoviæ postavlja logièno pitanje: »Kako znate da je autor tih prijetnji musliman?«.

Antiislamska histerija

Svjesni aktualne »zapadne histerije«, koju se bez krzmanja može nazvati antiislamskom, èelni ljudi islamske zajednice u Hrvatskoj oprezno važu svaku rijeè kad odgovaraju na pitanja o sve brojnijim nesporazumima Istoka i Zapada.
- Objavljivanje karikatura o kojima govorite svakako me uvrijedilo kao vjernika, ali i kao pripadnika zapadne civilizacije. Zar je normalno da društvo koje se dièi napretkom, humanizmom, tolerancijom i razumijevanjem meðu ljudima na taj naèin prezentira osobu proroka Muhameda? Smatram da u pitanju nije neznanje. Ili neæemo znati ili namjerno stvaramo jazove meðu civilizacijama, kaže Srebrenikoviæ, s kojim smo razgovarali prije podnevne molitve u zagrebaèkoj džamiji.
Reakciju islamskih vjernika širom svijeta predsjednik Medžlisa smatra oèekivanom, ali istièe da sam ne bi pristao na, primjerice, bojkot danskih proizvoda.
Glavni zagrebaèki imam Aziz Alili, hafiz Kurana i profesor islamskih znanosti, pak, objašnjava zbog èega se u islamskom svijetu ne smije slikati lik proroka. Istièuæi da objavu »danskih karikatura« smatra nedopustivim incidentom, Alili kaže da »islamska pobožnost u cjelini nastoji pred vjernike ne staviti bilo kakve likove koji bi mogli postati idolima ili bi mogli negativno utjecati na imaginativno svojstvo vjere«.

Zabranjeno slikanje Boga

- Strogo je zabranjeno slikanje Boga i njegovih poslanika. Mada se zna da je bio crn, srednjeg rasta, nezapamæeno je da je neki islamski umjetnik pokušao naslikati proroka Muhameda ili Alaha, pa zbog toga u Šerijatu niti nema odredbe koja bi sankcionirala takav èin. Ovo što se dogodilo s karikaturama može biti nerazumijevanje Istoka i Zapada, ali Europa mora biti obazrivija prema islamu, kao što je obazriva, primjerice, prema Židovima i holokaustu. Takve stvari jednostavno nisu dopustive, kaže Alili. Glavni zagrebaèki imam danas ne bi kupio danske proizvode, ali upozorava da se niti jedan musliman ne smije osjetiti pozvan uzeti pravdu u svoje ruke.
Pri posjetu zagrebaèkoj džamiji saznali smo da su svi èuli za karikature uvredljivog sadržaja, od polaznika vjerske srednje škole, preko konobara u restoranu islamske zajednice, do obiènih vjernika, koji su se juèer okupili na zajednièkoj molitvi. Nešto malo oštrijim od duhovnika pokazali su se obièni vjernici, ljudi koji ne obnašaju nikakve dužnosti u islamskoj zajednici.

Više razumijevanja i poštovanja

- Pa što ako su zapalili dansku zastavu, i ja bih je zapalio, bez krzmanja kaže vjernik Sami Ališa, napominjuæi da je uvredljivo prikazivanje proroka Muhameda duboko dirnulo i hrvatske muslimane. Nezadovoljan postupanjem »zapadnog svijeta« s islamom, Ališa se pita zašto danski mediji nisu objavili da æe »Muhamed sudnjeg dana zagovarati sve ljude«.
- Mi znamo da smak svijeta dolazi sa zapadne strane, kad æe sunce potamnjeti i izgubiti sjaj. Sva vjerska znanost nastala je na istoku, na zapad su otišli kriminalci i ubojice, koji i sad ubijaju. Zar od vjerovjesnika stvarati terorista i bombaša? To boli u duši, govori Ališa, pri èemu dolazi do ruba plaèa, što dovoljno govori koliko islamski vjernici emotivnu doživljavaju ovu temu. Na koncu æe povuæi koènicu i podsjetiti da cijeli život živi okružen svim vjerama. Za islam, kaže, želi samo malo više razumijevanja i poštovanja. Danske proizvode Sami Ališa ne bi kupio ni za živu glavu, kako kaže.

Danci bi se trebali isprièati

Sveta knjiga islama Kuran, uostalom, muslimanima zabranjuje nasilje, a i prorok Muhamed kaže, podsjeæa Alili, ako ubijete jednog èovjeka, ubili ste cijeli svijet. Predsjednik Medžlisa Srebrenikoviæ i glavni zagrebaèki imam smatraju da bi se oni koji su objavili nepriliène karikature morali isprièati vjernicima, te ne razumiju zbog èega danska vlada ne pristaje na ispriku. Teških rijeèi od èelnika islamske zajednice nismo èuli. Oni pozivaju na glas razuma, toleranciju i razumijevanje.

U franjevaèkoj crkvi na Poljudu Muhamed je naslikan meðu svecima

Objavljivanje Muhamedovih karikatura komentirao je katolièki teolog i povjesnièar dr. fra Emanuel Hoško.

- Teško je reæi što je karikaturist htio. Ne vjerujem da mu je išta drugo bilo na pameti osim kritike islamske militantnosti, no ako i nije želio izvrgnuti ruglu Muhameda i islam kao religiju, takve karikature nisu u redu, veli Hoško. Kaže da æe to teško biti shvatljivo liberalno-sekularnom društvu kakvo je dansko, u kojem su religijske vrednote na dnu ljestvice.

- Pripadnik takvog društva cijeni mir, bori se za mir i boji se islamskog militarizma, a zna da islamske zemlje funkcioniraju po jasnom ili manje jasnom teokratskom principu koji naglašava i islamski fundamentalizam koji je osnova militarizma. Ipak, mi smo društvo tolerancije, tj. poštovanja drugih i njihovih stavova, ali i obazrivosti prema drugima i njihovim pogledima, napose vjerskim izborima. To su znali i naši stari franjevci - u njihovoj crkvi u Splitu na Poljudu Muhamed je naslikan meðu svecima. Bio je to izraz onodobne praktiène, a ne idejne tolerancije. Danas, mislim da trebaju postojati i jedna i druga, poruèuje Hoško. (M. G.)

Piše Ladislav TOMIÈIÆ

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ZAGREB - Neprihvatljivo je da televizijska ekipa ide na službeni put a da se potom s toga puta ne objavi izvješæe«, kazao je Vjesniku predsjednik Programskoga vijeæa HRT-a Zdenko Ljevak, reagirajuæi na neobjavljivanje izvješæa novinara Mislava Bage koje je slao iz Ukrajine, gdje je pratio posjet saborskog izaslanstva predvoðenog predsjednikom Vladimirom Šeksom Ukrajini.
Reagirajuæi na pismo saborske služba za odnose s javnošæu kojim ga se upozorava na kršenje i nepoštivanje odredbi Zakona o HRT-u zbog neobjavljivanja vijesti o posjetu saborskog izaslanstva predvoðenog predsjednikom Vladimirom Šeksom Ukrajini, Ljevak je ustvrdio kako je nedopustivo da se ne objavi vijest o aktivnosti predsjednika parlamenta.
Hrvatska javnost, tvrdi Ljevak, ima pravo na informaciju, »a još bi veæa vijest bila objavljivanje tema i rezultata razgovora, jer se tièu naèina nabave i isporuke plina, što je od krucijalne važnosti za našu javnost. Zbog svega toga nisam siguran da se taj propust dogodio sluèajno, a o svemu æemo razgovarati na sjednici Vijeæa«, kazao je Ljevak Vjesniku.

... više ...

Pod naslovom »Da, imamo pravo objaviti karikaturu Boga«, pariški list France Soir objavio je u srijedu karikaturu »svetih likova èetiriju velikih religija - kršæanstva, islama, židovstva i budizma«, te prenio 12 spornih karikatura proroka Muhameda iz danskoga dnevnika Jyllands-Posten. Glavni urednik France Soira Jacques Lefranc objasnio je kako je njegov list htio još jedanput »svjedoèiti o slobodi medija« te izraziti solidarnost s danskim kolegama, no - dobio je otkaz.
Vlasnik lista, francusko-egipatski poslovni èovjek Raymond Lakah oglasio se s objašnjenjem da je »odluèio smijeniti urednika u znak dubokog poštivanja religije i uvjerenja svakoga pojedinca«, isprièavši se muslimanskoj zajednici.
Od 30. rujna prošle godine, kad je najtiražniji danski list Jyllands-Posten objavio seriju karikatura proroka Muhameda, širi se gnjev muslimanskog svijeta zbog uvrede nanesene proroku.
Muslimani smatraju da nitko nema pravo crtati proroka Muhameda, a »pogotovo ne prikazivati ga kao fanatiènog fundamentalista ili terorista«, tumaèe neki europski mediji bijes koje su karikature izazvale meðu muslimanima, koji traže ispriku ne samo lista nego i danske vlade.
K tomu, pozivaju muslimane širom svijeta da bojkotiraju danske proizvode, ali i norveške, jer je u meðuvremenu karikature prenio i norveški list. Premda je uredništvo danskog lista pojasnilo da nije imalo nikakvih rasistièkih namjera niti ikakvih želja poniziti neku zajednicu, isprièavši se svima koji su se našli uvrijeðeni, ipak ne jenjavaju prosvjedi graðana i vlada islamskih zemalja te zahtjevi za isprikom muslimanima.
Danski premijer Anders Fogh Rasmussen pozdravio je ispriku lista, naglasivši kako su mediji slobodni i vlada ih ne može cenzurirati. Istodobno, danske su vlasti pozvale predstavnike muslimanske zajednice u toj zemlji da pomognu u smirivanju atmosfere, a danski imam Fatih Alev izjavio je: »Od nas je zatraženo da razjasnimo kako vlada nema utjecaja na medije te da te novine nisu bile svjesne koliko je to pitanje važno muslimanima«.
No, prosvjedi, prijetnje i bojkot proizvoda skandinavskih zemalja se nastavljaju, pa je Danska upozorila svoje graðane da ne putuju u neke arapske zemlje. Libija je zatvorila svoju ambasadu u Kopenhagenu, a Sirija i Saudijska Arabija povukle su svoje veleposlanike iz glavnog grada Danske. Agencije javljaju da su ministri vanjskih poslova 22 arapske zemlje u utorak u Tunisu osudili objavljivanje karikatura i zatražili sankcije za medije.
No, europski listovi, pozivajuæi se na slobodu medija, odluèili su se solidarizirati s danskim novinama, pa su u utorak sporne karikature prenijeli neki njemaèki, talijanski i španjolski listovi, meðu kojima i Die Welt, Berliner Zeitung La Stampa i El Mundo.
Dok povjerenstvo Ujedinjenih naroda za ljudska prava najavljuje istragu karikatura kako bi utvrdilo ima li u njima rasizma i vrijeðaju li vjerske osjeæaje, Reporteri bez granica poruèuju da »reakcije u arapskom svijetu pokazuju nedostatak razumijevanja medijskih sloboda kao temeljnog dosega demokracije«.

Lov na Europljane u Nablusu
Palestinski naoružani napadaèi u gradu Nablusu na Zapadnoj obali izjavili su u èetvrtak da pretražuju stanove u potrazi za strancima iz nekoliko europskih zemalja kako bi ih oteli u znak prosvjeda zbog objavljivanja karikatura proroka Muhameda u zapadnim novinama. Izjava napadaèa nije potvrðena.
U telefonskom pozivu agenciji AP jedan pripadnik Brigada muèenika Al Aqse rekao je da èlanovi njegove skupine takoðer traže od vlasnika hotela u Nablusu da ne izdaju sobe graðanima pet europskih zemalja, ukljuèujuæi Francusku i Dansku.

Gordana Tintor/AP/Hina

... više ...


January 24-31, 2006




BELGRADE, January 25, 2006 (Beta) - The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) noted that high payment rates for broadcast licenses would seriously threaten to block commercial broadcasting.


The Association points out that the competition for the allocation of licenses has been inadequately prepared, despite the fact that there has been more than adequate time. Of particular concern is the level of fees approved by the Serbian Government. 


Information obtained by ANEM indicates that the broadcasting fees are as much as ten times the fees for commercial networks with national coverage in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania and Croatia.


Setting broadcasting fees at such a high level, together with the large number of channels planned, will result in a scramble for ratings at the expense of quality, problems maintaining professional standards already achieved or, at best, stagnation and the collapse of independent positions even of those broadcasters which have managed to preserve their independence in the past, said in the statement of the Association.


ANEM urged the Government and the Broadcast Council to reconsider the decisions and acts adopted in recent days.





BELGRADE, January 26, 2006 (Beta) - The call for the broadcast licenses competition has been announced in Belgrade daily Politika.


The broadcasting system in Serbia should thus be regulated by the beginning of July at the latest, while the competition called by the Broadcast Agency envisages five networks for radio and TV program broadcasting on the territory of Serbia, one radio and TV network for program broadcasting on the territory of Vojvodina and six networks for TV and 14 for radio program broadcasting in Belgrade region.


The stations have 60 days for sending applications and requested documentation for the competition.


The Broadcast Agency will announce the list of all applicants within 7 days after the envisaged date for applications, that is, by the beginning of April. The Agency will decide on the applications within 90 days (beginning of July).


The application form for the competition can be issued at the offices of the Broadcast Agency or downloaded from the Agency's official website.





BELGRADE, January 26, 2006 (Blic) - The competition for the use of licenses for radio and TV program broadcasting, announced yesterday, envisages five networks for national coverage.


The list of candidates for the national frequencies (it is expected that the number of the stations applying would be bigger than 5), will surely include the Belgrade-based TV stations RTV Pink, RTV BK, RTV B92 as well as the TV 5 from Nis.


It is still uncertain what license will Belgrade TV station Studio B apply for. TV Panonija, more and more popular and viewed station in Vojvodina, have not yet decided on the competition saying there is still enough time, given that the competition has just been announced.


The competition envisages two months period for submitting applications, after which the Broadcast Agency would have three months to decide on received applications.


The stations that have already confirmed their participation in the competition, Pink, BK and TV 5, claim they have met all technical and other requirements and expect to be successful, if the competition is fair.


Current director of the RTV BK Telecom Bojana Lekic however says the license fees for national broadcasting (sixty million dinars) are too high.

According to her, the payment rates are more applicable to the most developed, Scandinavian countries.


The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) also warned of the astronomical fees. In its statement, the Association noted they were several times higher than in the countries from the region.


According to the information obtained by ANEM, the fees for commercial stations with national coverage in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania or Croatia are even ten times lower, said in the statement of the professional association.


However, Aleksandar Vasic from the Broadcast Agency claims it is not exactly the case. For example, in Croatia and Macedonia, the stations also pay concession beside the license, so it all adds up to the approximately same amount as the proposed fee in Serbia, says Vasic.


Vasic also said Radio Television Serbia had the license as the public service broadcaster and did not need to compete for the license or to pay the fee.





BELGRADE, January 26, 2006 (Dnevnik) - The call for public competition for frequency licenses has been announced yesterday.


The competition was prepared in line with the Broadcast Act, brought on July 18, 2002 by the Serbian Parliament.


The competition envisages five national frequencies for five TV and radio stations on the territory of Serbia, one TV and radio station for broadcasting on the territory of Vojvodina, and 6 TV and 14 radio stations on the territory of Belgrade region.


All interested to apply for the national frequency license will have 60 days to submit their applications, after which the Broadcast Agency will decide on the successful candidates within 90 days.


According to the competition requirements, the applicants must submit their technical, organizational and program documentation, together with 15 million dinars of deposit for TV stations or 300.000 dinars for radio stations for program broadcasting in Belgrade region.


There are currently more than a few private TV and radio stations that cover the territory of the Province - RTV Delta, TV Most, TV Super, TV Panonija, TV Melos, TV Metropolis, TV Santos, TV Bap, TV Pancevo, Sremska TV, TV Spektar, TV Kosava, TV Art and others. The number of radio stations covering Vojvodina is much higher, given the fact that over 50 radio programs can be heard on the frequency scale from 88 to 108 MHz, even though the majority of them broadcast program outside Novi Sad.


As the director of TV Most Dusan Bajatovic told the Belgrade daily, this station will compete for program broadcasting in Vojvodina as well as Belgrade region.


"I was surprised with the offer for the frequency in Vojvodina; however, I still think the fee is too high for any commercial television station that currently broadcasts in this region. According to my latest information, 23 million dinars a year need to be secluded for the working permit, but, beside this, a station also needs to establish the network of transmitters within 60 days in order to meet all the requirements for the competition.


Naturally, this is an additional investment. I believe that currently none of the commercial stations currently broadcasting on the territory of Vojvodina can compete under such conditions. TV Most will also run for the territory of Vojvodina and Belgrade. We have engaged an expert team to rapidly produce a detailed analysis of the actual costs. Then we will see if the competition for this coverage is worthwhile and what frequency we will compete for", said Bajatovic.


TV Panonija director Zoran Andric claims it is too early to decide what frequency this station will apply for.


"The only good thing is that, three and a half years after the adoption of the Broadcast Act, the competition for the frequency licenses has been finally announced, and I truly believe it will bring some order into this media chaos at last. We could not function in unregulated conditions such as these. I also think the fee for the use of frequencies is more or less realistic, but, on the other hand, we have only 60 days to decide if its worth our while or not", Andric said.


Even the director of TV Super Velimir Kostadinov could not give more precise details of whether this station from Subotica would compete for the frequency.


"We have enough time to make the thorough analysis and estimation of what it would mean to our TV station. One thing is sure - we are currently the most equipped and technically the most modern station, with the ratings that put us among the top ten TV stations. We have thus met all the requirements of the competition so we won't rush with our decision", said Kostadinov, adding however that the payment rate for the frequency license was not at all low.


The frequency competition also foresees one frequency for the radio station on the territory of Vojvodina, for which the station would need to pay

4.555.035 dinars.


Radio Sajam will, most likely, decide to "skip" this round of the competition for frequencies.


Chief-editor Marijeta Lazor said this radio station had all aspirations for the regional coverage, but it first needed to produce a business plan and analysis of all options, possibilities and costs, in order to decide which frequency the station would apply for.


"Of course, the competition will finally regulate the broadcasting sphere, which is really a good thing, by giving the broadcast licenses only to those outlets which comply with all the technical and technological conditions for program broadcasting. After the analysis which would give us the real picture of necessary expenses and taxes, we will make our decision; however, it is less likely that we will compete in the first round. The station will probably apply for the second round of the competition, when licenses will be issued for regional and local frequencies", said Lazor.


According to the director of the Novi Sad-based Radio 021 Slobodan Stojsic, the payment rates will certainly create problems for many of the competing stations.


"There is no such thing as luck in the radio broadcasting business. The market is rather small, where one radio station can get only 4 percent from advertising, in comparison to TV stations which earn 80 percent. It is very hard to survive in cruel conditions such as these, particularly for the socially responsible radio stations, like Radio 021. It is even harder with fees so high. The conduct expenses are enormous, especially for the informative programs, so the station must turn to the total commercialization in order to survive. It's needless to say how essential the informative programs and stations are to this society", Stojsic noted.


The call for the applications will last 60 days, after which the applications will be assessed. The time envisaged for this is 90 days, and the whole procedure is expected to end by the end of April. The licenses will be issued for the period of eight years.


The Broadcast Agency Council deputy chairman Aleksandar Vasic denied the claims that the fees in other countries in the region were lower, saying that they rather had two types of fees for the broadcast licenses.


"One fee includes the regulation, while the other is a direct concession for the national goods, set by the state. Our legislation has not foreseen this, so the fee for broadcast licenses incorporates the concession", Vasic explained.





BELGRADE, January 26, 2006 (Pregled) - The stations that intend to compete for the national frequencies at the recently announced competition for the use of licenses for radio and TV program broadcasting in Serbia, are required to meet technical, organizational and program criteria and to submit all necessary documentation within 60 days.


The technical criteria include the inventory of the studio equipment and their technical parameters that guarantee the program quality.


The competitors are also required to submit the constructional documentation, that is, blueprints of the business premises, all obtained licenses, contracts for program broadcasting if any, as well as all other relevant documentation.


These conditions are applicable for all stations that broadcast their program in the time of the competition announcement, published in Belgrade daily Politika. The general organizational criteria envisage, among other things, the Founding Act of the legal entity, the official document of the taxation office on the classification of the legal entity, station's status, collective agreement or Work Regulations, company's work systematization, detailed structure of staff members or persons engaged only as external associates, and name of the authorized representative of the applicant.


Furthermore, the applicants must comply with the legal criteria, which envisage the submission of the evidence of the applicant's registration extract from the Register, details about all identified owners or co-owners of the applying company, as well as the certified statement of the applicant declaring that the illegal media concentration will not be created by eventual license issuing.


The financial conditions envisage that the applicants that currently broadcast their program must submit all financial reports with the total balance and annual financial report, proof of having settled all duties associated with the copyright and related rights and contracts made with the bearers of those rights, as well as the valid commercial contracts for buying and selling advertising space, sponsorship etc.


It is also necessary to provide the statement from the authorized bank on the deposit payment, (15 million dinars for TV program broadcast on national level and 1.5 million dinars for the radio stations that will compete for program broadcasting on national frequency). For program broadcasting in Vojvodina region, TV stations are required to pay 5.5 million, while the deposit for radio stations is 500.000 dinars. The deposit for broadcasting TV program in the Belgrade region is 3 million, and for radio program 300.000 dinars.


The deposit is paid on the nominated account of the Broadcast Agency's in the Atlas bank (125-1920-62).


The applicants that do not broadcast their program in the moment of competition announcement should provide the report on the projected revenues and expenses with the detailed specification, details of their financial potentials, financial warranty totaling the annual fee for the use of the right for program broadcasting (for television stations) or the minimal six months fee for the use of right to broadcast program on the radio.


The applicants must also comply with the program criteria which envisage the submission of the detailed concept of program scheme, respecting the minimal program standards foreseen by the Broadcast Act. The applicants that currently broadcast their program must also provide the agreement on the respect and protection of copyright and related rights, signed with the relevant organisation. It is necessary to state the full name of the program chief editor, or the list of all editors in charge.


The conditions for obtaining the broadcast license are also envisaged by the Telecommunications Act and regulations, which include the agreement with the appropriate design organisation or authorized designer in line with the valid national rules for procreation of technical documentation.





BELGRADE, January 27, 2006 (Danas) - The announcement of the public competition for the issuing of national frequencies and program broadcasting in Belgrade and Vojvodina region was accompanied with the reactions of the professional associations objecting to the payment rates proposed for the program broadcasting.


While the Association of Professional Broadcasters of Serbia (APRES) claimed the "television rates were more or less realistic", the Association of Independent Electronic Media expressed concern over the destiny of commercial radio and television stations due to extremely high fees.


Although the members of the Broadcast Agency Council claimed they would not issue any comment during the competition which might upset the procedure, the Council Deputy Chairman Aleksandar Vasic said the objections to the payment rates were not entirely reasonable.


ANEM recently stated that "the competition for broadcast license issuing had not been adequately prepared, although there was enough time for that", emphasizing the problem which could be created by the set high rates, approved by the Serbian Government. The association also stated the rates were even ten times higher than those in other countries in the region.


"Representatives of all media associations had a chance to object at the meetings held in the Broadcast Agency, when the price list for program broadcasting was proposed. What ANEM is claiming now is only partly true, since we talk about two different models of payment. For example, according to the model in Croatia, the fee is indeed lower than in Serbia, but Croatian broadcasters pay another type of VAT, that is, 0.54 percent of their total gross income paid to the state as concession. According to Croatian laws, the frequency is regarded as state's concession. The similar case is in Macedonia as well", said Vasic.


Vasic also said the Broadcast Act in Serbia provided that the broadcasting fee included technical costs and costs of the regulatory body, i.e. the Broadcast Agency, while the surplus went directly to the national budget.


"Article 34 of the Broadcast Act provides these funds to be used for the cultural development, education and health", Vasic added.


Vasic noted that, under the Act, Radio Television Serbia was not required to pay the use of frequency as a public service broadcaster, which was financed by the TV subscription paid by the citizens. In light of this, Vasic concluded, the public service broadcaster also had a limited advertising space.


One day after the official announcement of the public competition, the Chairman of the Broadcast Council Nenad Cekic revealed the possibility that the broadcasting fees might have been lower than those envisaged by the Agency and adopted by the Serbian Government last week.


According to Cekic, the initiative would be launched to amend the provisions of the Broadcast Act, which envisaged that the broadcasters pay one fifth of the price proposed for TV stations for the license for broadcasting, and technical licenses for transmitters. Cekic confirmed that the fees were too high, "since the radio stations participate only 4 percent in the total turnover of advertising revenues".


However, according to the chief editor of the magazine Satelit TV Dragutin Markovic, TV stations that did not get the broadcast license in the competition, or, on the other hand, thought the license was too expensive, they would have the option of airing their program via satellite instead of using the frequency. This way, all users of cable system or satellite dishes would become potential viewers of those television stations' programs, and all current terrestrial channels will practically become satellite-cable channels.


"Every owner of the cable system will be obliged to have a valid contract with the owner of the program or TV station whose program he re-broadcasts, regardless of whether those programs are free of charge or are paid for. The Broadcast Agency will have to request from all cable operators a list of all TV stations in their offer, as well as the copies of the contracts made with those media outlets", said Markovic.


Markovic also noted that the biggest cable operators in Serbia relied on this option of broadcasting program of so-called "small television stations".


"Serbian Broadband" and Telecom will soon launch their digital packages via satellite which will, among other things, enable them to offer to TV stations their already rented transponder on the satellite. This will give those stations a chance to get in the package with the option to broadcast on eight to ten channels. This way, small TV stations will be viewed by all users of satellite antennas or cable TV subscribers. Hypothetically speaking, this way, TV Galaksija could get hundreds of thousand viewers", Markovic said.


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Studija francuskog instituta za istraživanje tržišta Precepta pokazala je da su se besplatne novine razvile u najdinamièniji sektor francuskih medija. Dok su 2004. besplatni tiskani mediji u Francuskoj ostvarili ukupan promet od 850 milijuna eura, u rezultatima za 2005. se oèekuje promet od 910 milijuna, a u 2006. godini trebao bi porasti veæ na 960 milijuna eura, navode autori
studije. Najsnažniji rast zabilježile su besplatne novine koje objavljuju
politièke i ostale vijesti, ostvarivši u 2004. promet od oko 70 milijuna eura. Ove godine njihov promet trebao bi dosegnuti vrijednost od èak 130 milijuna eura. Tematski usko definirani, besplatni listovi koji žive u prvom redu od prodaje oglasa o nekretninama dosegnuli su u 2004. promet od gotovo 100 milijuna eura a u 2006. ta bi brojka trebala porasti na 125 milijuna eura. Opstanak besplatnih listova u Francuskoj snažno ovisi o izdvajanjima privatnog sektora za marketing, konstatiraju autori, napominjuæi da æe pouzdano opstati samo besplatni listovi koji raspolažu s dovoljno vlastitih sredstava. Najžešæi konkurenti na francuskoj medijskoj sceni su besplatni dnevni list "Metro" istoimenog švedskog koncerna te "20 Minutes" norveške grupe Schibsted.

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ŠIBENIK - Èetverosatnom emisijom na UHF 69-om kanalu juèer je poèelo eksperimentalno emitiranje Televizije Šibenik u veèernjem terminu.

Podsjetimo, TV Šibenik nastao je pod koncesijom Nikole Badžima, trgovaèkog poduzetnika iz Šibenika, dok je funkciju izvršnog producenta preuzeo Mišo Bijeliæ, ujedno direktor gradske radiopostaje Radio Ritam. Dužnost mentora petorice novinara u redakciji povjerena je Gradimiru Agbabi, bivšem uredniku HTV-ova Dnevnika, a glavnom urednicom imenovana je Ana Biliæ. Mjesto direktora Televizije Šibenik pripalo je Frani Bobanu.

- Prvu emisiju eksperimentalnog programa koji æe trajati mjesec dana odradili smo bez ikakvih problema. Tehnièki i programski prvu je emisiju odradilo pet novinara, tri montažera-snimatelja i tri voditeljice, što je u ovom trenutku optimalan broj zaposlenih - rekao je direktor Frane Boban.

Kako doznajemo od direktora TV Šibenik, osim priloga koji æe se baviti pretežno lokalnom tematikom, u tijeku je razrada pokretanja politièkog talk-showa, kao i razmjena emisija s drugim televizijskim kuæama. Jedna od njih je i OTV, s èijeg programa æe kroz razmjenu iæi “Opasne veze” novinara Tihomira Dujmoviæa. Drugi dio programa rezerviran je za animirane i igrane filmove te glazbene spotove najnovije produkcije.

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Zbor istraživaèkih novinara Hrvatskog novinarskog društva daje punu podršku postupku kolege Inoslava Beškera koji je dao otkaz na mjesto profesora kolegija istraživaèkog novinarstva Fakulteta politièkih znanosti. To je jedini ispravni i osobni èin protesta protiv vrijeðanja, zastrašivanja i prijetnji studentima što su ih doživjeli kada su od struènih službi Sabora u najvišem državnom domu pokušavali doæi do informacija iz imovinskih kartica saborskih zastupnika, a prema zadatku svog profesora Inoslava Beškera.
Èlanovi Zbora svojim buduæim kolegama, studentima novinarstva, na ovaj naèin takoðer daju podršku kao znak solidarnosti, jer su se našli u situaciji u kojoj se istraživaèki novinari gotovo svakodnevno nalaze tijekom prikupljanja relevantnih informacija u èemu im taj posao na razne naèine onemoguæava bahata državna administracija i državni službenici i dužnosnici kršeæi pritom Zakon o pravu na pristup informacijama.
Zbor sramotnim smatra postupak Smiljane Leinert-Novosel, koja kao dekanica FPZ nije stala u obranu svojih šikaniranih studenata veæ je isprikom Saboru, što su studenti uopæe prešli njegov prag, atakirala na studente novinarstva kao slobodno misleæe ljude i buduæe novinare!
Dekanica Leinert-Novosel je s visokoškolske funkcije obezvrijedila i profesora Beškera nazivajuæi mu zadatak neprimjerenim i smatramo da je njezin postupak ne samo za osudu veæ i za sankciju, a što bi znanstvena zajednica trebala prepoznati i reagirati.

Za Zbor istraživaèkih novinara HND,
Renata Ivanoviæ
Dragutin Luèiæ Luce, predsjednik



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     N A T J E È A J

za najbolje novinarske radove èlanova HND
u razdoblju od 1. sijeènja 31. prosinca 2005.godine

1. Temeljem Statuta HND i Pravilnika o novinarskim nagradama,
   dodijelit æe se sljedeæe nagrade:

   A. Nagrada za životno djelo OTOKAR KERŠOVANI
   C. Nagrade za najzapaženije novinarske radove

     1) nagrada za VIJEST - IZVJEŠTAJ za tisak, agencijsko
     novinarstvo, radio, televiziju i internet
     2) nagrada za REPORTAŽU za sve medije
     3) nagrada za INTERVJU/RAZGOVOR za sve medije
     4) nagrada za KOMENTAR/KOLUMNU za sve medije
     5) nagrada za ISTRAŽIVAÈKO NOVINARSTVO za sve medije
     7) nagrada za novinarsku KARIKATURU, ILUSTRACIJU, FOTO-
   D. Nagrada za unapreðivanje novinarskog izraza
   E. Nagrada za snimateljski prilog na televiziji ŽARKO KAIÆ
   F. Nagrada za novinsku fotografiju NIKŠA ANTONINI

2. Pravo kandidiranja za novinarske nagrade imaju svi
   profesionalni novinari, zatim ogranci, zborovi i županijska
   vijeæa HND, te sva izborna i radna tijela HND.

3. Rok za prijavu kandidata, predaju radova je

                     28. veljaèe 2006. godine
4. Kandidati i predlagaèi dužni su priložiti radove objavljene u novinama, odnosno kasete snimljenih i objavljenih radijskih i televizijskih priloga i emisija, a fotoreporteri osim dokaza o objavljenoj fotografiji i fotografiju velièine 18x24 cm ili  kolor dijapozitive.

5. Radovi i prijave šalju se na adresu:

   Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo
   Natjeèaj za 2005. godinu
   10000 Zagreb, Perkovèeva 2

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Tek je iz drugog pokušaja Vijeæe HRT-a juèer na svojoj sjednici prihvatilo izvješæe ravnatelja Mirka Galiæa o sluèaju Latinice na temu Tuðmanove ostavštine. Iako su neki vijeænici išèitali da Galiæ sam više nije zadovoljan direktoricom programa HTV-a Tanjom Šimiæ, ali da odgovornost i pitanje njezine eventualne smjene želi prebaciti na Vijeæe, njegovo je izvješæe na kraju prihvaæeno uz preporuke da se programsko vodstvo odluèi hoæe li se Latinica ubuduæe emitirati uživo ili snimati te da èelnici programa HTV-a od ravnateljice Marije Nemèiæ zatraže potvrdu povjerenja, a ona potvrdu povjerenja najprije od Galiæa.

Nakon prvotnog odbijanja izvješæa, Galiæ je èak javno zapitao znaèi li to da on treba svoj mandat dati na raspolaganje ili sam podnijeti ostavku. Doraðeno izvješæe o vanjskoj produkciji, pak, ponovno nije prihvaæeno, nego je uz mnoge primjedbe zatraženo da se opet doradi i o njemu raspravlja na zatvorenoj sjednici, i to zbog nekih podataka koji se ubrajaju u poslovnu tajnu.

Tražilo se da se objasni razlika izmeðu vanjske produkcije i zajednièke suradnje, a postavljeno je i pitanje o sukobu interesa, o snimanju dokumentarca o Andriji Hebrangu starijem, za koji su i Ministarstvo kulture i HTV dali po milijun i pol kuna, o emisiji Kontraplan, producentskoj kuæi "Media spot"... (B. Ma.)

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To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)

From: Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM),



(Greek original:


24th of January 2006


The Board of Directors of ESIEA joins its voice with every other democratic voice in order to express its support for Professor Taki Alexiou, who has been given a 25-month sentence by the court of First Instance in Rhodes, in spite of the Court Prosecutor's own request for his acquittal. His trial at the Court of Appeal is pending.


Professor Alexiou, founder of the Greek Rumi Committee, is condemned because this Committee is considered to be a "heresy" which poses a threat to the religion and national identity of the country. However, it is well known that the Greek Rumi Committee's goal is solely the study of the works of the great poet and philosopher Rumi.


The Board of Directors believes that the free articulation of one's ideas and thoughts is secured by the Constitution and by no means represents any kind of threat. On the contrary, it is an element that characterizes every democratic form of government.


The restriction of the freedom of expression and information can only lead to trouble for both democracy and civilians.




**The information contained in this autolist item is the sole responsibility of GHM**



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ZAGREB - Dr. Inoslav Bešker, kolumnist Jutarnjeg lista, više neæe predavati na Fakultetu politièkih znanosti zbog toga što su njegovi studenti “bili šikanirani u struènim službama Hrvatskog sabora”, a dekanica Fakulteta “nije zatražila ispriku Sabora nego se - ona isprièala”.

Studentima èetvrte godine studija novinarstva, kojima je predavao, Bešker je dao zadatak istražiti imovinu saborskih zastupnika i moguæi sukob interesa.

U sklopu tog zadatka studenti su otišli u Hrvatski sabor kako bi podatke iz imovinskih kartica objavljene na portalu Jutarnjeg lista usporedili s izvornima koji se nalaze u saborskom Povjerenstvu za spreèavanje sukoba interesa. Tada se, meðutim, dogodio problem: studenti, koji su došli pogledati imovinske kartice, bili su, prema vlastitom svjedoèenju, izloženi uvredama i prijetnjama.

- Saborski službenici zahtijevali su da se studenti kvalificiraju dopisom Fakulteta, na što sam pristao iako sam to smatrao nepotrebnim šikaniranjem. Nekoliko skupina studenata koji su otišli u Sabor bili su izloženi vulgarnim verbalnim ispadima saborskih službenika. Vrijeðalo ih se da su ‘glupe plavuše’.

Jednoj kolegici je sugerirano da se radije posveti oralnom seksu nego novinarstvu. Bilo je elemenata zastrašivanja, netoènih navoda i politièkog pritiska jer su studentima rekli da ‘oni znaju koja je politièka orijentacija nastavnika’. Tvrdilo se i to da bi se objavljivanjem tih podataka ugrozila sigurnost zastupnika - isprièao je Bešker.

Nakon tog incidenta dekanica Smiljana Leinert-Novosel uputila je Saboru dopis u kojem ocjenjuje “da je zadatak bio neprimjeren” i “isprièava se Hrvatskom saboru”. Bešker je zbog toga otkazao ugovor s Fakultetom.

- Ocjena o primjerenosti zadatka je netoèna, a svakako me dezavuira kada je iznosi dekan Fakulteta. Studenti su uvrede otrpjeli dostojanstveno, ali Fakultet nije pokazao istu mjeru dostojanstva nego se za uvrede još i isprièao. Nasluæujem da se Fakultet kao proraèunska ustanova osjetio ucijenjenim - rekao je Bešker.

Dekanica, meðutim, iznosi drukèiju prièu. - Nazvao me èovjek iz Sabora, ne znam kako mu je ime, i uzrujano rekao da su kod njega u Povjerenstvu za spreèavanje sukoba interesa studenti koji su mu rekli da ažuriraju podatke iz imovinskih kartica za novinare Jutarnjeg lista.

Èovjek je bio jako ljut i ja sam htjela smiriti situaciju pa sam mu rekla da ja o tome ne znam ništa i da se možda dogodila greška u organizaciji odlaska studenata u Sabor. U tom smislu sam se isprièala. Samo sam smirila buru u èaši vode. Nitko nije dezavuirao gospodina Beškera - isprièala je dekanica Leinert-Novosel.

Dekanica je najavila da æe razgovarati s dr. Beškerom jer smatra da je bez razloga oštro reagirao. Bešker je, meðutim, nekoliko dana uzastopce putem tajnice pokušavao doæi u kontakt s dekanicom, ali nije ju mogao dobiti na telefon niti se ona odazvala na molbe da mu telefonira kad stigne.

- Imam vrlo dobre odnose s kolegom Beškerom i mislim da je trebao razgovarati sa mnom prije nego što je poslao dopis da otkazuje ugovor o radu na Fakultetu. Rijeè je o nesporazumu.

Ne smatram ovo skandalom, nego je možda samo trebalo bolje organizirati odlazak studenata u Sabor. No, ni za što ne krivim kolegu Beškera - rekla je dekanica.

Predsjednik saborskog Povjerenstva za spreèavanje sukoba interesa Josip Leko danas je prvi put èuo za incident u prostorijama Povjerenstva.

- Nemam pojma o tome. Znam da su studenti dolazili, jednom sam i ja bio ondje, ali tada je bilo sve u redu. Ispitat æu o èemu se tu radi - rekao je.

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Media Release                                                                          27January 2006

New Iraqi Killing Sparks Fresh Questions OverUS Actions


The International Federation of Journalists today called on theUnited Statesmilitary toimmediately investigate the killing of an Iraqi television correspondent duringclashes betweenU.S.forces and Sunni rebels inRamadi.


On 24 January, Mahmoud Za'al, 35, a cameraman and reporter for theIraqi television station Baghdad TV was shot in the insurgent stronghold ofRamadi, while working on a social documentary.According to local reports, Za’al was allegedlyshot in a cross-fire between US forces and insurgents and his dead body washurried to the forensic unit inBaghdadhospital by the securityservices.


“TheUSforces must confirm their role inour colleague’s killing and investigate immediately any possibility of themilitary’s responsibility in his death,” said Aidan White, IFJ GeneralSecretary. “If not allegations of recklessness and indifference on the part oftheUSmilitary will continue”.


According to Ahmad Rushdi, the director of theBaghdad TV news department, Mahmood had been detained by US forces earlier thisweek and the TV channel immediately called for theUSembassy toreact. The embassy contacted Rushdi and told him that Za’al would be released onWednesday, as they agreed a time and a venue for his release. Rushdi said thathe was subsequently “shocked to hear the news of Za’al’s death onTuesday.”


Mahmoud was the fifth Baghdad TV staff to bedetained by theUSforces. He was with a colleagueand they both went their separate ways in the Ramadi district, shooting imagesfor a social documentary covering the devastating impact of car bombs on thestate of the roads, shops, electricity and water supplies in Ramadi. Za’al wasin an area that was already circled with US soldiers. He had his press ID on himand was carrying his camera.


The IFJ is supporting an initiative fromBaghdad TV, which is campaigning for an end to impunity and the killings ofjournalists and media staff inIraq. The local campaign will beinitiated in an investigative report to be broadcast thisevening.


“With 19 journalists and media staff killed inIraq involving US forces and several more cases of illegal detentions, the USmilitary must now provide credible answers to the serious questions raised ineach of these cases,” said White. “Already two Iraqi journalists have beenkilled this year and the evidence is that 2006 is going to be another year ofmurder and sacrifice for media inIraq”.


TheIFJ plans to organise worldwide protests on 8 April this year to highlightdemands for more action against impunity. This day is the anniversary of theUSattack three years ago onthe Palestine Hotel, a media centre inBaghdad, in which two journalists, TarasProtsyuk of Reuters and José Couso of the Spanish network Telecinco, werekilled. Another reporter, Tareq Ayyoub, died on the same day when theUSbombed the offices of Al Jazeerain the city.


For further informationcontact: +32 2 235 22 07
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110countries


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BENKOVAC - Predsjednik benkovaèkog DC-a Dinko Ožakoviæ pretuèen je u subotu ujutro u kafiæu "Feniks", u centru Benkovca. Ožakoviæu je dvije pivske boce na glavi razbio 26-godišnji Marko Tepša iz Rašteviæa, mjesta u benkovaèkom zaleðu, i to nakon verbalnog sukoba Ožakoviæa i njegova oca, 50-godišnjeg Dragana Tepše. S posjeklinama zadobivenima od udaraca bocama, Ožakoviæ, inaèe suradnik Slobodne Dalmacije, otišao je u benkovaèku policija, odakle je upuæen u Dom zdravlja, a potom i na snimanje u zadarsku Opæu bolnicu zbog moguæih unutarnjih ozljeda glave.
Prema rijeèima Dinka Ožakoviæa, Tepša je u kafiæu bio u društvu dvojice poglavara, benkovaèkih HDZ-ovaca Stanka Klarice i Željka Katuše te HSP-ovca Petra Zriliæa. Nakon što su mu Katuša i Klarica poruèili da æe ga "izbaciti iz Gradskog vijeæa zato što nije dovoljno poslušan", tvrdi Ožakoviæ, u raspravu se ukljuèio i Dragan Tepša.
- Poèeo je s time da nisam Hrvat, a nastavio kako štitim Srbe, što mi pojedinci u Benkovcu veæ duže vrijeme pokušavaju prilijepiti. Psovao mi je stranku, a nakon toga obitelj i djecu. Kad sam se ustao od stola i rekao mu da ga može biti sram što mi spominje djecu, sa šanka je doletio konobar i udario me bocom pive po glavi. Nakon što se boca rasprsnula, udario me još jednom, a onda su još prijetili da æe mi razbiti glavu keramièkom pepeljarom - kaže Ožakoviæ, koji tvrdi kako nije znao da je 26-godišnji Marko zapravo Tepšin sin.
Prema njegovim rijeèima, u tuènjavi su sudjelovali samo otac i sin, a ostali HDZ-ovci su u tom trenutku izišli iz kafiæa i cijeli prizor gledali s ulice. Policiju nitko nije zvao dok sam Dinko Ožakoviæ nije prijavio cijeli sluèaj. Povod za sve je, smatra Ožakoviæ, njegova stranaèka pripadnost i tekstovi u "Slobodnoj". Tvrdi kako veæ duže vrijeme prima anonimne pozive u kojima mu nepoznati prijete da prestane pisati o radu gradske uprave. Uzrok zadnjem nezadovoljstvu navodno je bio tekst o tome kako je Grad Benkovac dao pola milijuna kuna nogometnom klubu "Velebit".
- Javno mi je reèeno da se ja u Benkovcu neæu zaposliti dok je HDZ na vlasti, a toga se strogo pridržavaju - kaže Ožakoviæ.

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RIJEKA – Nema novinarstva od osam do tri – rekao je u jednom novinskom razgovoru prije desetak godina Ivo Kirigin, novinar, urednik i komentator u »Novom listu«, podsjeæajuæi da novinari nemaju radno vrijeme. Dajuæi pred dvije i pol godine, kada ga je Opatija nagradila za životno djelo, intervju, izrekao je još jednu istinu, naglasivši kako je »novinarstvo stil života«. Juèer, nakon 40 godina profesionalne novinarske karijere provedene u »Novom listu« gdje je s puno stvaralaèkog žara iz dana u dan, bez odmora i predaha kreirao tekstove uvijek iznova na tragu dobre vijesti i uvijek sa željom da svojoj matiènoj kuæi donese »temu za naslovnicu«, njegovi su ga kolege i prijatelji iz redakcije, na prigodnoj sveèanosti, ispratili u mirovinu.
    U restoranu »Novog lista«, u atmosferi prožetoj poštovanjem mlaðih kolega, Kirigina je pozdravio Zoran Borèiæ, direktor »Novog lista«.

Kilometri èlanaka

Naglasio je kako je »domjenak za dragog kolegu i prijatelja organiziran u znak pažnje prema èovjeku koji je u svojih 40 godina novinarskog rada za sobom ostavio kilometre i kilometre èlanaka«.
    – Ovo je prilika i da našem cijenjenom Ivi Kiriginu zaželimo puno sreæe, zdravlja i uspjeha u životu »s one strane novinarstva« – istaknuo je Borèiæ, nakon èega je, u znak zahvalnosti za cijeli radni staž proveden u »Novom listu« dobio dvije uokvirene umjetnièke fotografije najdraže mu Opatije – one danas, autora Vedrana Karuze i one od prije 40 godina, kada je zapoèela Kiriginova novinarska karijera, Petra Æuæe Grabovca. Na poleðini fotografije, topla posveta od srca – Ivi Kiriginu, rasnom novinaru reporteru, èovjeku koji je èitav radni vijek ostao vjeran peru i novinarskom bloku – koju je proèitao Goran Kukiæ, glavni i odgovorni urednik »Novog lista«, naglasivši i kako je Kiriginova velièina svih ovih godina bila i u tome što je bio jedan i jedini kojega nikada i pod niti kojim uvjetima nisu uspjeli natjerati da iz pisaca prijeðe za urednièki stol i ostavi stvaralaèko pero. Dar od cijele redakcije, umjetnièku sliku Marijana Blažine, Ivi Kiriginu je uruèila Andrea Braliæ, njegova nasljednica koja je preuzela sektor turizma.
Druga životna epizoda

– Hvala svima što ste došli, na lijepim rijeèima i darovima. U 40 godina koliko sam bio profesionalni novinar, a u »Novom listu« se potpisujem još duže, od najranije mladosti i prve sam redove objavio sa 12 godina, prisustvovao sam mnogim ispraæajima kolega u mirovinu. S jedne strane, divio sam se tim ljudima što su uspjeli izdržati do kraja u ovom poslu, a s druge strane, doživljavao sam oproštaje i emotivno, s dosta tuge i sjete. Pitao sam se kako æu se ja u tom trenutku osjeæati, a onda sam, prije dvije godine pred tržnicom u Opatiji kupio knjigu »Dnevnik jednog penzionera« Miljenka Smoje u kojoj autor opisuje svoje prve dvije godine novinarskog umirovljenja. Shvatio sam da je to prirodan put i da s umirovljenjem zapoèinje nova epizoda života. Iako æu se još neko vrijeme osjeæati dužnim »uhvatiti vijest«, jer – jednom novinar – uvijek novinar, – rekao je na kraju sveèanosti Ivo Kirigin – Kiko.

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Iziritiran nedavnim istinitim napisima u "Slobodnoj Dalmaciji" o zaražavanju djece oboljele od leukemije hepatitisom C i prenošenjem njegove izjave-komentara o tom sluèaju "j... mi se za ministra Ljubièiæa", ravnatelj klinièke bolnice Split prof. dr. Dujomir Marasoviæ uveo je ogranièeni "silenzio stampa" za naše novinare. Prema novim pravilima KB-a Split, koja "potpisuje" dr. Marasoviæ, novinari "Slobodne Dalmacije" za bilo koju informaciju, poput onih o izdvajanju 13 milijuna kuna iz županijskoga proraèuna za bolnicu, ureðenje fasade i proširenje bolnièkoga parkirališta, više ne mogu dobiti izravni odgovor od dr. Marasoviæa ili nadležnih službenih osoba, veæ moraju poslati faksom službeni upit. "Pravila" se ne odnose na novinare ostalih medija, pa je tako jedan dnevni list "ekskluzivne" informacije o obnovi bolnièkog proèelja, kako nam je potvrðeno od kolege novinara, dobio izravno od dr. Marasoviæa - bez prethodnog slanja upita faksom! A nama je dr. Marasoviæ tek poruèio da "imamo razumjevanja i da to ne uzimamo osobno"!?. Potez dr. Marasoviæa èista je privatizacija ravnateljske fotelje, kao da je Klinièka bolnica njegova privatna klinika. Stoga æe "Slobodna Dalmacija" veæ danas o svemu službenim dopisom izvijestiti ministra zdravstva i socijalne skrbi dr. Nevena Ljubièiæa. Jer ravnatelju KB-a mora biti jasno da je bolnica javna ustanova, jednako kao što je javna i njegova funkcija, što podrazumijeva odreðene obveze prema graðanima. Oni moraju znati što se dogaða u ustanovi koja ih lijeèi ili bi ih barem trebala lijeèiti.

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Media release                          27January2006                                                   

 IFJ in Davos Condemns Media “Blockheads” for Failing to Back QualityJournalism

Mediamanagements who are making ruthless cuts in editorial budgets that underminequality in journalism contribute to an erosion of public trust in media andweaken the economic prospects of the industry, warned the InternationalFederation of Journalists at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Speaking at a panel session on the crisis facing mainstream media, which is being challengedby new and increasingly independent voices, many of them through the Internet,the General Secretary of the IFJ, Aidan White, said that business-drivenjournalism was increasingly incapable of upholding public interest.

“Blurringthe lines between commercial and editorial interests together with cuts inspending on jobs and journalistic work is killing public confidence intraditional media and creating low morale in journalism,” he said.

While someemployers were still committed to the proper balance between good journalism andeconomic imperatives, in much of the industry a form of paralysis had taken overin the face of future challenges. “But as recent scandals have shown, cuttingcorners is not working, we have to get back to quality journalism,” he said.

In a debatewith Arthur Sulzberger Jr. Chairman and Publisher of theNew York Times, James Kelly, ManagingEditor ofTime Magazine, and HuShuli, Editor ofCaijing MagazineinChina, White called for a restorationof values in journalism – “the communication of good, reliable information, asnear the truth as it can be and collected by principled people.”

Sulzbergersupported this view of journalism, but disagreed over the impact of the currenteconomic models of media organisation. “Capitalism is a self-correcting mechanism,” he said, rejecting White’scharge that the current business model was not working.

Whitewelcomed the commitment expressed by Sulzberger and Kelly to keep the faith withtop quality journalism as a key to success in an uncertain future, but he saidmore media owners and managers needed to change their ways. “We must convincethese industry blockheads that cuts which damage quality also accelerate thedecline of the traditional industry,” he said. “That will be disastrous foreveryone – for journalists, for people who invest in media, and for the publicat large.”   

                                                                                    For furtherinformation contact: +32 2 235 22 11
The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110countries


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ZAGREB - Prije gotovo tri mjeseca suspendiranom voditelju "Otvorenog" Tihomiru Ladišiæu glavni urednik informativnog programa HTV-a Vladimir Ronèeviæ juèer je priopæio odluku kojom potvrðuje njegovu smjenu s mjesta voditelja "Otvorenog".

- Na sastanku mi je Ronèeviæ priopæio da trenutno ne postoji emisija niti niti slobodno urednièko-voditeljsko mjesto u skladu s mojim ugovorom, kazao je Ladišiæ ironièno dodajuæi kako je barem nakon 77 dana uspio posjetiti sobu glavnog urednika informativnog programa. Prema Ronèeviæevoj odluci Ladišiæu, kao novinaru s ugovorom i statusom komentatora, preostaje predlaganje tema za HTV-ove informativne emisje poput "Brisanog prostora".

Iako nije htio komentirati Ronèeviæevu odluku, Ladišiæ je kazao da æe raditi svoj posao u skladu s potrebama HTV-a, ali i da æe svoj sluèaj predati odvjetnici te postupiti prema njezinom savjetu, odnosno daje otvorena i moguænost tužbe protiv HTV-a, ukoliko za nju u ugovoru i Ronèeviæevoj odluci bude temelja. Z.Mamiæ

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EFJ Denounces Government Search of RTL Emails

The European Federation of Journalists learned that the public prosecutor’s office of Luxembourg searched the premises of the Broadcasting Center Europe S.A., which manages computer resources for the RTL Group and the email system for RTL-Radio Lëtzebuerg and RTL Télé Luxembourg.

Journalists’ organisations in Luxembourg, the Association Luxembourgeoise des Journalistes(ALJ), the Union Luxembourgeoise des Journalistes (ULJ) and the Syndicat des Journalistes-Luxembourg (SJ-L), said the only aim of Monday’s search was to identify a journalistic source in the framework of an inquiry about the hacking of an email address belonging to the police.

“It is a flagrant violation of freedom of the press,” said Philippe Leruth, EFJ vice-President. “Protection of sources has been at the centre of discussions these days, both in Europe and in the United States. Journalists know that it is a fundamental principle for their profession. Nothing can justify a search in newsrooms, in journalists’ homes or on computers.” 

The EFJ supports the protests of the ALJ, the ULJ and the SJ-L. The EFJ emphasizes, as do the three other organisations, that journalists’ sources are protected in Luxembourg by the national law on Freedom of Expression in the Media and by Article 10 of the European Charter of Human Rights. The EFJ also says that the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled in favour of protecting the anonymity of journalistic sources, calling it a ”cornerstone of Press Freedom,” in its Goodwin judgement.

In the present case, according to a provisory legal analysis requested by the management of RTL, the search definitely breaks Luxembourg’s law protecting freedom of expression in the media. The offence of computer piracy is not among the exceptions provided for by the law.

For more information: + 32 2 235 22 00

The EFJ represents over 260 000 journalists in more than countries.

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BERLIN - Njemaèki ured za spreèavanje monopola zaustavio je planiranu fuziju najveæeg njemaèkog novinskog izdavaèa, kuæe Axel Springer, s najveæom njemaèkom grupom komercijalne televizije ProSiebenSAT1.

Odluka je obrazložena time što bi spajanje dovelo do prevelikog udjela u tržištu oglašavanja, a fuzija bi ojaèala postojeæi duopol TV kuæe ProSiebenSat1 i koncerna Bertelsmann, koji posjeduje TV kuæu RTL. Prije je spajanje izdavaèa najtiražnijeg europskog dnevnika Bild s TV grupacijom, kojoj pripadaju kanali ProSieben, Sat 1, Kabel 1 i N24, odbila i Komisija za kontrolu koncentracije u medijskom sektoru, koja smatra da bi Springer kupnjom dobio prevelik utjecaj na javno mišljenje u zemlji.

I dok su odluku pozdravili predstavnici saveza novinara, kritiziraju je medijski poduzetnici, koji smatraju da stroga njemaèka pravila otežavaju poslovanje u zemlji. Ona vuku korijene iz doba poslije Treæeg Reicha i državnog monopola na medije, kad je stvaranje nezavisnih javnopravnih medijskih ustanova bilo dio procesa denacifikacije.

U sluèaju da Springer nastavi borbu za preuzimanje TV grupe, preostaje mu još jedino sudski postupak ili posebna dozvola saveznog ministra gospodarstva Michaela Glosa.

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Stipe Mesic

President of the Republic of Croatia

Fax: +385 1 4565 191 / 299


Ivo Sanader,

Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia

Fax : +385 1 4569 210 / 316


CC José Manuel Barroso

President of the European Commission


Mr Galic, HRT Director


Zdenko Ljevak, HRT Programme Council President


Vladimir Roncevic, HTV News Programme Editor


                                                                                              20 January 2006


Dear President, Dear Sirs,


The European Federation of Journalists is deeply concerned by a number of events involving Croatian Journalists during the second half of 2005. In particular, the EFJ appeals for the immediate reinstatement of Tihomir Ladisic, who was suspended as presenter of the “Otvoreno” show in October 2005.


On 8 October, Ladisic, presenter of the “Otvoreno” show broadcast by the Croatian Public Broadcaster HRT, was suspended following heavy criticism by members of the ruling Croatian Democratic Party, HDZ, and the Croatian Legal Party. They questioned the editorial policy after the Ladisic hosted a debate on the role of the Croatian army in the Bosnian conflict.


Following public protests by the Croatian Journalists Association and the EFJ, the Programme Council of HRT reviewed his case but was unable to come to a conclusion and the suspension continued. A replacement for Ladisic was appointed on 30 November.


Ladisic has not been informed of his suspension in writing nor have any official reasons been provided. Despite assurances that Ladisic would be re-employed as a political commentator elsewhere, to date he has not been provided with information on his future assignments.


In December HRT came under further attack from members of the HDZ during a parliamentary debate on the broadcaster’s annual report. The most severe criticism was reserved for the Latinica programme and a recent show which had discussed the legacy of former President Tudjman, providing opportunities for both supporters and critics to air their views.


Denis Latin, the show’s presenter, was also suspended. However, he was later reinstated following an intense public campaign, including a nationwide petition “Tolerance and media freedom” protesting against political interference.


In another disturbing development Drago Hedl, Editor of the Feral Tribune, is now under police protection after receiving death threats for his investigations into crimes committed around Osijek during the war.


Following a review of the recent developments in Croatia by the Steering Committee of the European Federation of Journalists (18/19 January), the EFJ joins the protests of its affiliate, the Croatian Journalists Association, in condemning the dramatic increase in political pressure on the public broadcaster. 


The EFJ calls on HRT to take immediate measures to reassure the Croatian public of its independence and commitment to public service journalism by reinstating Ladisic to his former position and forcefully rejecting the political pressure and attempts to silence its journalists.


The EFJ and CJA further calls upon the government to issue a public statement that re-affirms HRT’s independence, condemns all forms of threats against journalists and respects the right of Croatian Journalists to work free and independent of all forms of pressure.


The EFJ Steering Committee will continue to monitor the situation and has asked the Croatian Journalists Association to provide a report to its annual meeting due to take place in Slovenia in April 2006.



Kind Regards


Aidan White, General Secretary European Federation of Journalists


Arne König, Chair, European Federation of Journalists




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